# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Ably::Realtime::Channel, '#history', :event_machine do vary_by_protocol do let(:default_options) { options.merge(api_key: api_key, environment: environment, protocol: protocol) } let(:client) { Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options) } let(:channel) { client.channel(channel_name) } let(:client2) { Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options) } let(:channel2) { client2.channel(channel_name) } let(:channel_name) { "persisted:#{random_str(2)}" } let(:payload) { random_str } let(:messages) { [] } let(:options) { { :protocol => :json } } it 'returns a Deferrable' do channel.publish('event', payload) do |message| history = channel.history expect(history).to be_a(EventMachine::Deferrable) history.callback do |messages| expect(messages.count).to eql(1) expect(messages).to be_a(Ably::Models::PaginatedResource) stop_reactor end end end context 'with a single client publishing and receiving' do it 'retrieves real-time history' do channel.publish('event', payload) do |message| channel.history do |history| expect(history.length).to eql(1) expect(history[0].data).to eql(payload) stop_reactor end end end end context 'with two clients publishing messages on the same channel' do it 'retrieves real-time history on both channels' do channel.publish('event', payload) do |message| channel2.publish('event', payload) do |message| channel.history do |history| expect(history.length).to eql(2) expect(history.map(&:data).uniq).to eql([payload]) channel2.history do |history_2| expect(history_2.length).to eql(2) stop_reactor end end end end end end context 'with lots of messages published with a single client and channel' do let(:messages_sent) { 40 } let(:limit) { 20 } def ensure_message_history_direction_and_paging_is_correct(direction) channel.history(direction: direction, limit: limit) do |history| expect(history.length).to eql(limit) limit.times do |index| expect(history[index].data).to eql("history#{index}") end history.next_page do |history| expect(history.length).to eql(limit) limit.times do |index| expect(history[index].data).to eql("history#{index + limit}") end expect(history.last_page?).to eql(true) stop_reactor end end end context 'as one ProtocolMessage' do it 'retrieves history forwards with pagination through :limit option' do messages_sent.times do |index| channel.publish('event', "history#{index}") do next unless index == messages_sent - 1 ensure_message_history_direction_and_paging_is_correct :forwards end end end it 'retrieves history backwards with pagination through :limit option' do messages_sent.times.to_a.reverse.each do |index| channel.publish('event', "history#{index}") do next unless index == 0 ensure_message_history_direction_and_paging_is_correct :backwards end end end end context 'in multiple ProtocolMessages' do it 'retrieves limited history forwards with pagination' do messages_sent.times do |index| EventMachine.add_timer(index.to_f / 10) do channel.publish('event', "history#{index}") do next unless index == messages_sent - 1 ensure_message_history_direction_and_paging_is_correct :forwards end end end end it 'retrieves limited history backwards with pagination' do messages_sent.times.to_a.reverse.each do |index| EventMachine.add_timer((messages_sent - index).to_f / 10) do channel.publish('event', "history#{index}") do next unless index == 0 ensure_message_history_direction_and_paging_is_correct :backwards if index == 0 end end end end end context 'and REST history' do let(:batches) { 3 } let(:messages_per_batch) { 10 } it 'return the same results with unique matching message IDs' do batches.times do |batch| EventMachine.add_timer(batch.to_f / batches.to_f) do messages_per_batch.times { channel.publish('event', 'data') } end end channel.subscribe('event') do |message| messages << message if messages.count == batches * messages_per_batch channel.history do |history| expect(history.map(&:id).sort).to eql(messages.map(&:id).sort) stop_reactor end end end end end end end end