require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') def pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded(revision, session, options={}) content = options[:content] || "Example Content" metadata = options[:metadata] || { :size => (options[:size] || rand(1024*1024)), :path => (options[:path] || "/path/to/#{rand 100}"), :is_dir => options[:is_dir].to_bool, :mtime => (options[:mtime] || ( - rand(60*60*24*30))), :latest => options[:latest].to_bool } session.stub!(:event_content).and_return([ content, metadata ]) revision.load session return metadata end def pretend_error_occurred(revision, error=404) revision.process_metadata :error => error return error end describe Dropbox::Revision do before :each do @uid = rand(1000) @nid = rand(1000) @jid = rand(1000) @revision =, @nid, @jid) end describe ".new" do it "should set the user, namespace, and journal ID" do @revision.user_id.should eql(@uid) @revision.namespace_id.should eql(@nid) @revision.journal_id.should eql(@jid) end it "should not have an error" do @revision.should_not be_error @revision.error.should be_nil end it "should not have content loaded" do @revision.should_not be_content_loaded end it "should not have metadata loaded" do @revision.should_not be_metadata_loaded end end describe "#identifier" do it "should be the Dropbox event identifier for the revision" do @revision.identifier.should eql([ @uid, @nid, @jid ].map(&:to_s).join(':')) end end describe "#load" do before :each do @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should call Dropbox::API.event_content" do @session.should_receive(:event_content).once.with(@revision.identifier, {}).and_return([ "A", {} ]) @revision.load @session end it "should pass options to the session" do @session.should_receive(:event_content).once.with(@revision.identifier, { :root => 'dropbox' }).and_return([ "A", {} ]) @revision.load @session, :root => 'dropbox' end it "should set the content and metadata" do @session.stub!(:event_content).and_return([ "content", { :number => 123 } ]) @revision.load @session @revision.content.should eql("content") @revision.number.should eql(123) end it "should work with metadata string keys" do @session.stub!(:event_content).and_return([ "content", { :number => 123 } ]) @revision.load @session @revision.content.should eql("content") @revision.number.should eql(123) end it "should set the size attribute to nil if it's -1" do @session.stub!(:event_content).and_return([ "content", { :size => -1 } ]) @revision.load @session @revision.size.should be_nil end it "should set the mtime attribute to nil if it's -1" do @session.stub!(:event_content).and_return([ "content", { :mtime => -1 } ]) @revision.load @session @revision.mtime.should be_nil end it "should convert the mtime attribute to a Time" do time = @session.stub!(:event_content).and_return([ "content", { :mtime => time } ]) @revision.load @session @revision.mtime.should be_kind_of(Time) @revision.mtime.to_i.should eql(time) end it "should leave the mtime attribute nil if nil" do @session.stub!(:event_content).and_return([ "content", { :mtime => nil } ]) @revision.load @session @revision.mtime.should be_nil end it "should convert the ts attribute to a Time" do @session.stub!(:event_content).and_return([ "content", { :ts => "Thu, 21 Jan 2010 00:09:39 +0000" } ]) @revision.load @session @revision.ts.should be_kind_of(Time) @revision.ts.to_i.should eql(1264032579) end it "should leave the ts attribute nil if nil" do @session.stub!(:event_content).and_return([ "content", { :ts => nil } ]) @revision.load @session @revision.ts.should be_nil end end describe "#content_loaded?" do before :each do @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should return true if the content is loaded" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session @revision.should be_content_loaded end end describe "#metadata_loaded?" do before :each do @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should return true if the metadata is loaded" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session @revision.should be_metadata_loaded end end describe "#latest?" do before :each do @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should raise an exception if the metadata is not yet loaded" do lambda { @revision.latest? }.should raise_error(Dropbox::NotLoadedError) end it "should return the true if latest is true" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session, :latest => true @revision.should be_latest end it "should return the false if latest is false" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session, :latest => false @revision.should_not be_latest end end describe "#directory?" do before :each do @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should raise an exception if the metadata is not yet loaded" do lambda { }.should raise_error(Dropbox::NotLoadedError) end it "should return true if is_dir is true" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session, :is_dir => true @revision.should be_directory end it "should return false if is_dir is false" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session, :is_dir => false @revision.should_not be_directory end end describe "#modified" do before :each do @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should raise an exception if the metadata is not yet loaded" do lambda { @revision.modified }.should raise_error(Dropbox::NotLoadedError) end it "should return the mtime attribute" do md = pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded(@revision, @session) @revision.modified.should eql(md[:mtime]) end end describe "#error?" do before :each do @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should return true if there was an error" do pretend_error_occurred @revision @revision.should be_error end it "should return false if there was not an error" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session @revision.should_not be_error end end describe "#deleted?" do before :each do @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should raise an exception if the metadata is not yet loaded" do lambda { @revision.deleted? }.should raise_error(Dropbox::NotLoadedError) end it "should return true if mtime and size are nil" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded(@revision, @session) @revision.stub!(:mtime).and_return(nil) @revision.stub!(:size).and_return(nil) @revision.should be_deleted end it "should return false if mtime and size are not nil" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded(@revision, @session) @revision.stub!(:mtime).and_return( @revision.stub!(:size).and_return(123) @revision.should_not be_deleted end end describe "#content" do before :each do @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should raise an exception if the content is not yet loaded" do lambda { @revision.content }.should raise_error(Dropbox::NotLoadedError) end it "should return the file content" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session @revision.content.should eql("Example Content") end end describe "#method_missing" do before :each do @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session, :size => 123 end it "should return a metadata attribute by name" do @revision.size.should eql(123) end it "... unless arguments are provided" do lambda { @revision.size(123) }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "should raise NoMethodError for an unknown attribute" do lambda { @revision.foobar }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "#metadata_for_latest_revision" do before :each do @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should raise an error if metadata has not yet been loaded" do lambda { @revision.metadata_for_latest_revision @session }.should raise_error(Dropbox::NotLoadedError) end it "should call Dropbox::API.metadata with its path" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session @session.should_receive(:metadata).once.with(@revision.path, {}) @revision.metadata_for_latest_revision @session end it "should pass along options" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session @session.should_receive(:metadata).once.with(@revision.path, { :root => 'dropbox' }) @revision.metadata_for_latest_revision @session, :root => 'dropbox' end end describe "#process_metadata" do describe "with an error" do before :each do @metadata = { :error => 403 } @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should set the error attribute" do @revision.process_metadata @metadata @revision.error.should eql(403) end it "... unless the metadata has already been loaded" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session @revision.process_metadata @metadata @revision.error.should be_nil end it "should not change the metadata" do md = pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session @revision.process_metadata @metadata md.each { |key, val| @revision.send(key).should eql(val) } end end describe "with metadata" do before :each do @metadata = { :size => rand(1024*1024), :path => "/path/to/#{rand 100}", :is_dir => (rand(2) == 0), :mtime => ( - rand(60*60*24*30)), :latest => (rand(2) == 0) } @session = mock('Dropbox::Session') end it "should clear the error attribute" do pretend_error_occurred @revision @revision.process_metadata @metadata @revision.error.should be_nil end it "should assign metadata" do @revision.process_metadata @metadata @metadata.each { |key, val| @revision.send(key).should eql(val) unless key == :mtime } end it "should clear and overwrite old metadata" do pretend_content_and_metadata_is_loaded @revision, @session @revision.process_metadata @metadata @metadata.each { |key, val| @revision.send(key).should eql(val) unless key == :mtime } end it "should set the size attribute to nil if it's -1" do @metadata[:size] = -1 @revision.process_metadata @metadata @revision.size.should be_nil end it "should set the mtime attribute to nil if it's -1" do @metadata[:mtime] = -1 @revision.process_metadata @metadata @revision.mtime.should be_nil end it "should convert the mtime attribute to a Time" do time = @metadata[:mtime] = time @revision.process_metadata @metadata @revision.mtime.should be_kind_of(Time) @revision.mtime.to_i.should eql(time) end it "should leave the mtime attribute nil if nil" do @metadata[:mtime] = nil @revision.process_metadata @metadata @revision.mtime.should be_nil end it "should convert the ts attribute to a Time" do @metadata[:ts] = "Thu, 21 Jan 2010 00:09:39 +0000" @revision.process_metadata @metadata @revision.ts.should be_kind_of(Time) @revision.ts.to_i.should eql(1264032579) end it "should leave the ts attribute nil if nil" do @metadata[:ts] = nil @revision.process_metadata @metadata @revision.ts.should be_nil end end end end