# == Basic overview # Based on ideas and code snippits from Cell plugin this library allows you # to embed a reusable component into view that is decoupled from the controller # and view it resides in. It can have its own MVC lifecycle independent of its parent # view. require 'abstract_controller' require 'action_controller' module ErpApp module Widgets class Base < ActionController::Metal abstract! include AbstractController include Rendering, Layouts, Helpers, Callbacks, Translation, Logger include ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection include ActionController::DataStreaming include ActionController::Streaming IGNORED_PARAMS = %w{action controller uuid widget_name widget_action dynamic_form_id dynamic_form_model_id model_name use_dynamic_form authenticity_token is_html_form commit utf8} delegate :redirect_to, :config, :params, :session, :request, :logger, :logged_in?, :current_user, :login, :flash, :update_div_id, :update_html, :current_theme_paths, :request, :to => :proxy_controller attr_reader :state_name attr_accessor :proxy_controller, :name, :div_id,:html, :view, :uuid, :widget_params cattr_accessor :view_resolver_cache def initialize(proxy_controller=nil, name=nil, view=nil, uuid=nil, widget_params=nil) ErpApp::Widgets::Base.view_resolver_cache = [] if ErpApp::Widgets::Base.view_resolver_cache.nil? self.name = name self.proxy_controller = proxy_controller self.view = view self.uuid = uuid self.widget_params = widget_params add_view_paths store_widget_params merge_params end #override default behavior of nesting views by controller namespace.... # The prefixes used in render "foo" shortcuts. def _prefixes @_prefixes ||= [] end def widget_result_id "#{self.uuid}_result" end def render(*args) render_view_for(self.action_name, *args) end protected #get location of this class that is being executed def locate File.dirname(__FILE__) end #get the full file path for a view file relative to the widgets view path def get_views_full_path(view) self.lookup_context.find_template(view).virtual_path end def send_file(path, options = {}) proxy_controller.send_file(path, options) {send_file: true} end def send_data(data, options = {}) proxy_controller.send_data(data, options) {send_data: true} end def redirect_to(options = {}, response_status = {}) proxy_controller.redirect_to(options, response_status) {redirect_to: true} end private def render_view_for(view, *args) opts = args.first.is_a?(::Hash) ? args.shift : {} return "" if opts[:nothing] if opts[:update] update_opts = opts[:update] if update_opts[:text] js = update_opts[:text] else opts = {:view => update_opts[:view]} process_opts_for(opts, view) js = render_to_string(opts).html_safe end return {:json => {:htmlId => update_opts[:id], :html => js}} elsif (opts.keys & [:text, :inline, :file]).blank? process_opts_for(opts, view) return render_to_string(opts).html_safe # ActionView::Template::Text doesn't do that for us. else return opts end end def process_opts_for(opts, view) opts[:action] = opts[:view] || view end def merge_params stored_widget_params = session[:widgets][self.uuid] unless stored_widget_params.nil? self.params.merge!(stored_widget_params) end end def store_widget_params session[:widgets] = {} if session[:widgets].nil? session[:widgets][self.uuid] = self.widget_params if (!self.widget_params.nil? and !self.widget_params.empty?) end def add_view_paths widget = Rails.application.config.erp_app.widgets.find{|item| item[:name] == self.name} widget[:view_paths].each do |view_path| cached_resolver = ErpApp::Widgets::Base.view_resolver_cache.find{|resolver| resolver.to_path == view_path} if cached_resolver.nil? resolver = ActionView::OptimizedFileSystemResolver.new(view_path) prepend_view_path(resolver) ErpApp::Widgets::Base.view_resolver_cache << resolver else prepend_view_path(cached_resolver) end end end class << self def render_template(view, locals={}) widget = Rails.application.config.erp_app.widgets.find{|item| item[:name] == self.widget_name} paths = widget[:view_paths] ActionView::Base.new(paths).render(:template => view, :locals => locals) end def widget_name File.basename(File.dirname(__FILE__)) end def installed_widgets self.locate_widgets end private def locate_widgets widgets = [] #get all widgets in root widget_path = File.join(Rails.root.to_s,"/app/widgets/") widgets = widgets | Dir.entries(widget_path) if File.exists? widget_path #get all widgets in engines Rails::Application::Railties.engines.each do |engine| #exclude widgets path in erp_app it defines are widgets next if engine.engine_name == "erp_app" widget_path = File.join(engine.root.to_s,"/app/widgets/") widgets = widgets | Dir.entries(widget_path) if File.exists? widget_path end #remove .svn .git etc files widgets.delete_if{|name| name =~ /^\./} widgets end end end#Base end#Widgets end#ErpApp