module LazyResource module Resource extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveModel::Conversion include Attributes, Mapping, Types, UrlGeneration included do extend ActiveModel::Callbacks define_model_callbacks :create, :update, :save, :destroy include ActiveModel::Validations end def @site = site end def @site end def self.default_headers=(headers) @default_headers = headers end def self.default_headers @default_headers || {} end def self.root_node_name=(node_name) LazyResource::Mapping.root_node_name = node_name end module ClassMethods # Gets the URI of the REST resources to map for this class. The site variable is required for # Active Async's mapping to work. def site if defined?(@site) @site else end end # Sets the URI of the REST resources to map for this class to the value in the +site+ argument. # The site variable is required for LazyResources's mapping to work. def site=(site) @site = site end def default_headers if defined?(@default_headers) @default_headers else LazyResource::Resource.default_headers end end def default_headers=(headers) @default_headers = headers end def from @from end def from=(from) @from = from end def request_queue Thread.current[:request_queue] ||= end def find(id, params={}, options={}) => id).tap do |resource| resource.fetched = false resource.persisted = true options[:headers] ||= {} options[:headers].reverse_merge!(default_headers) request =, resource, options) request_queue.queue(request) end end def where(where_values), :where_values => where_values) end def order(order_value), :order_value => order_value) end def limit(limit_value), :limit_value => limit_value) end def offset(offset_value), :offset_value => offset_value) end def page(page_value), :page_value => page_value) end def all end def create(attributes={}) new(attributes).tap do |resource| resource.create end end end def initialize(attributes={}) self.tap do |resource| resource.load(attributes, false) end end # Tests for equality. Returns true iff +other+ is the same object or # other is an instance of the same class and has the same attributes. def ==(other) return true if other.equal?(self) return false unless other.instance_of?(self.class) self.class.attributes.inject(true) do |memo, attribute| attribute_name = attribute.first attribute_type = attribute.last[:type] # Skip associations if attribute_type.include?(LazyResource::Resource) || (attribute_type.is_a?(::Array) && attribute_type.first.include?(LazyResource::Resource)) memo else memo && self.send(:"#{attribute_name}") == other.send(:"#{attribute_name}") end end end def eql?(other) self == other end def persisted? @persisted end def new_record? !persisted? end alias :new? :new_record? def save return true if !changed? run_callbacks :save do new_record? ? create : update self.persisted = true end end def create run_callbacks :create do request =, self, { :method => :post, :params => attribute_params }) self.class.request_queue.queue(request) self.class.fetch_all self.changed_attributes.clear end end def update run_callbacks :update do request =, self, { :method => :put, :params => attribute_params }) self.class.request_queue.queue(request) self.class.fetch_all self.changed_attributes.clear end end def destroy run_callbacks :destroy do request =, self, { :method => :delete }) self.class.request_queue.queue(request) self.class.fetch_all end end def update_attributes(attributes={}) attributes.each do |name, value| self.send("#{name}=", value) end self.update end def attribute_params { self.class.element_name.to_sym => changed_attributes.inject({}) do |hash, changed_attribute| hash.tap do |hash| hash[changed_attribute.first] = self.send(changed_attribute.first) end end } end def as_json(options={}) self.class.attributes.inject({}) do |hash, (attribute_name, attribute_options)| attribute_type = attribute_options[:type] # Skip nil attributes (need to use instance_variable_get to avoid the stub relations that get added for associations." unless self.instance_variable_get("@#{attribute_name}").nil? value = self.send(:"#{attribute_name}") if (attribute_type.is_a?(::Array) && attribute_type.first.include?(LazyResource::Resource)) value = { |v| v.as_json } elsif attribute_type.include?(LazyResource::Resource) value = value.as_json elsif attribute_type == DateTime if options[:include_time_ago_in_words] && defined?(TwitterCldr) hash[:"#{attribute_name}_in_words"] = ( - ( - value).to_f).localize.ago.to_s end if options[:strftime] value = self.send(attribute_name).strftime(options[:strftime]) end if options[attribute_name.to_sym] && options[attribute_name.to_sym][:strftime] value = self.send(attribute_name).strftime(options[attribute_name.to_sym][:strftime]) end value = value.to_s unless value.is_a?(String) end hash[attribute_name.to_sym] = value end hash end end end end