module Optimacms module Appdata class Service def self.setup(_env, content_name) # content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) # storage setup_storage content end def, content_name) # content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) storage = content['storage'] # if storage['type']=='git' return save_by_git(_env, content_name) elsif storage['type']=='ssh' return save_by_ssh(_env, content_name) elsif storage['type']=='local' return save_by_local(_env, content_name) end return nil end def self.update(_env, content_name) # content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) storage = content['storage'] # if storage['type']=='git' return update_by_git(_env, content_name) elsif storage['type']=='ssh' return update_by_ssh(_env, content_name) elsif storage['type']=='local' return update_by_local(_env, content_name) end #Optimacms::Appdata::Service.run_rake_task("rake appdata:update 2>&1") end ### def self.setup_storage(content) # storage storage = content['storage'] if storage['type']=='git' return setup_git_storage(storage) elsif storage['type']=='ssh' elsif storage['type']=='local' end return nil end ### local storage def self.save_by_local(_env, content_name) # res_output = [] # content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) storage = content['storage'] # sync dirs content['dirs'].each do |d| d_remote = File.join(storage['path'], d) d_local = File.join(File.dirname(d), File.basename(d))+"/" d_local_full = File.join(Rails.root, d_local) # create remote dir %x[mkdir -p #{d_remote}] # rsync cmd = %Q(rsync -Lavrt #{d_local_full} #{d_remote} --delete) puts "#{cmd}" %x[#{cmd}] end # {res: true, output: res_output.join("; ")} rescue => e {res: false, output: "#{e.message}, #{e.backtrace.join(",")}"} end def self.update_by_local(_env, content_name) # res_output = [] # content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) storage = content['storage'] # sync dirs content['dirs'].each do |d| d_remote = File.join(storage['path'], d)+"/" d_local = File.join(File.dirname(d), File.basename(d))+"/" d_local_full = File.join(Rails.root, d_local) # %x[mkdir -p #{d_local_full}] # rsync cmd = %Q(rsync -Lavrt #{d_remote} #{d_local_full} --delete) puts "#{cmd}" %x[#{cmd}] end # {res: true, output: res_output.join("; ")} rescue => e {res: false, output: "#{e.message}, #{e.backtrace.join(",")}"} end ### ssh def self.save_by_ssh(_env, content_name) # res_output = [] # content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) storage = content['storage'] # cmd = ssh_options = { port: storage['ssh_port'], user: storage['ssh_user'], password: storage['ssh_password'], key: storage['ssh_key'] } #s_ssh = " #{storage['ssh_user']}@#{storage['host']}" #ssh_opts = "-p #{storage['ssh_port']||22} -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" #if storage['ssh_key'] && storage['ssh_key']!='' # ssh_opts << " -i #{storage['ssh_key']}" #end # sync dirs content['dirs'].each do |d| d_remote = File.join(storage['path'], d) d_local = File.join(File.dirname(d), File.basename(d))+"/" d_local_full = File.join(Rails.root, d_local) # create remote dir #%x[ssh -t #{ssh_opts} #{s_ssh} mkdir -p #{d_remote}] cmd_create = %Q(mkdir -p #{d_remote}) res_cmd_create = cmd.run_ssh_cmd(storage['host'], ssh_options, cmd_create) if res_cmd_create[:res]!=1 raise "Cannot create dir: #{res_cmd_create[:error]}" end # rsync cmd_rsync = RsyncCommand.build_cmd_with_ssh_save(storage, d_local_full, d_remote) #puts "#{cmd_rsync}" output = %x[#{cmd_rsync}] end # {res: true, output: res_output.join("; ")} rescue => e {res: false, output: "#{e.message}, #{e.backtrace.join(",")}"} end def self.update_by_ssh(_env, content_name) # res_output = [] # content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) storage = content['storage'] # #s_ssh = " #{storage['ssh_user']}@#{storage['host']}" #ssh_opts = "-p #{storage['ssh_port']||22} -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" #if storage['ssh_key'] && storage['ssh_key']!='' # ssh_opts << " -i #{storage['ssh_key']}" #end # sync dirs content['dirs'].each do |d| d_remote = File.join(storage['path'], d)+"/" d_local = File.join(File.dirname(d), File.basename(d))+"/" d_local_full = File.join(Rails.root, d_local) # create local dir %x[mkdir -p #{d_local_full}] # rsync cmd_rsync = RsyncCommand.build_cmd_with_ssh_update(storage, d_local_full, d_remote) #puts "#{cmd_rsync}" output = %x[#{cmd_rsync}] #cmd = %Q(rsync -Lavrt -e "ssh #{ssh_opts}" #{s_ssh}:#{d_remote} #{d_local_full} --delete) end # {res: true, output: res_output.join("; ")} rescue => e {res: false, output: "#{e.message}, #{e.backtrace.join(",")}"} end ### def self.save_by_git(_env, content_name) res_output =[] # input content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) storage = content['storage'] # setup setup_git_storage storage # update repo first git_pull(_env, content_name) # repo_local_path = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.storage_repo_local_path(storage) # rsync to repo-data #rsync -Lavrt --exclude-from '../{{server}}/files/rsync_exclude_list.txt' -e 'ssh -p {{ansible_ssh_port | default(22)}}' {{root_user}}@{{inventory_hostname | quote}}:{{remote_path | quote}} {{backup_dir | quote }} #rsync -Lavrt --exclude-from '../{{server}}/files/rsync_exclude_list.txt' {{root_user}}@{{inventory_hostname}}:{{remote_path}} {{backup_dir}} # ok #execute "rsync -Lavrt --exclude-from '#{release_path}/.rsync_ignore' #{release_path}/ #{p}" # ok - app #execute "rsync -Lavrt --exclude-from '#{release_path}/.rsync_ignore' #{release_path}/app/ #{p}/app" #%x[rsync -Lavrt --exclude-from '#{d}/.rsync_ignore' #{d}/ #{p}/ ] # check if rsync available output = %x(which rsync) res_rsync = output.strip.delete(" \t\r\n") content['dirs'].each do |d| d_from = File.join(Rails.root, d) d_to = File.join(repo_local_path, d) d_to_base = File.dirname(d_to) #puts "copy from #{d_from} to #{d_to}" FileUtils.mkdir_p d_to # rsync or copy if res_rsync!="" cmd = %Q(rsync -Lavrt #{d_from}/ #{d_to}/) #puts "#{cmd}" %x(#{cmd}) else # no rsync #puts "no rsync. copying..." FileUtils.cp_r d_from, d_to_base end end # repo git_commit_push(_env, content_name) # {res: true, output: res_output.join("; ")} rescue => e {res: false, output: "#{e.message}, #{e.backtrace.join(",")}"} end def self.update_by_git(_env, content_name) res_output = [] # input content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) storage = content['storage'] # update repo first git_pull _env, content_name # copy to project repo_local_path = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.storage_repo_local_path(storage) content['dirs'].each do |d| d_from = File.join(repo_local_path, d) d_to = File.join(Rails.root, d) d_to_base = File.dirname(d_to) puts "copy from #{d_from} to #{d_to}" #in #{d_to_parent} FileUtils.mkdir_p d_to # copy dir FileUtils.cp_r d_from, d_to_base #FileUtils.copy_entry d_from, d_to_parent #FileUtils.cp_r d_from, Rails.root end # {res: true, output: res_output.join("; ")} rescue => e {res: false, output: "#{e.message}, #{e.backtrace.join(",")}"} end ### git helpers def self.content_setup_git(_env, content_name) # input content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) storage = content['storage'] # setup_git_storage(storage) end def self.setup_git_storage(storage) repo_local_path = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.storage_repo_local_path(storage) # FileUtils.mkdir_p(repo_local_path) unless # init local git repo repo_url = storage['remote_repo'] # run commands %x[cd #{repo_local_path} && git init ] %x[cd #{repo_local_path} && git remote add origin #{repo_url} ] rescue nil %x[cd #{repo_local_path} && git remote set-url origin #{repo_url} ] end def self.git_pull(_env, content_name) # input content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) storage = content['storage'] # init repo #Rake::Task["appdata:repo:setup"].invoke # repo_local_path = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.storage_repo_local_path(storage) git_cmd = build_git_cmd(storage, 'git pull origin master') cmd = %Q(cd #{repo_local_path} && #{git_cmd}) puts "#{cmd}" %x[#{cmd}] end def self.git_commit_push(_env, content_name) # input content = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.get_content_info(_env, content_name) storage = content['storage'] # repo_local_path = Optimacms::Appdata::Settings.storage_repo_local_path(storage) # commit & push to remote repo %x[cd #{repo_local_path} && git add . && git commit -m "server changes #{}" ] rescue true # git_cmd = build_git_cmd(storage, 'git push origin master') %x[cd #{repo_local_path} && #{git_cmd}] rescue true #git add -A . end ### helpers def self.build_git_cmd(storage, cmd) key_path = storage['remote_repo_ssh_key'] #ssh if key_path && key_path!='' res= %Q(GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i #{key_path} -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' #{cmd}) else res = %Q(#{cmd}) end res end def self.run_rake_task(cmd) cmd = %Q(#{cmd}) puts "cmd: #{cmd}" res_output = %x[#{cmd}] exit_code = $?.exitstatus #output = "exit_code = #{exit_code}; message: #{res_output}" # res {res: (exit_code==0), output: res_output, exit_code: exit_code} end end end end