=Wagn: how pioneers roll ==Basics Wagn is an open web platform for building coherent web systems. Using simple wiki-inspired building blocks called cards, "Wagneers" construct sites ranging from simple content managers to custom project trackers to fully integrated web suites. ==System Requirements Ruby[http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/]:: version 1.8.7 or higher Bundler[http://gembundler.com/]:: version 1.0 or higher ImageMagick[http://www.imagemagick.org/]:: A database engine:: Either MySQL[http://www.mysql.com/] or PostgreSQL[http://www.postgresql.org/] ==Installation ===1. install the gem gem install wagn Watch carefully for errors! ===2. create a new wagn application wagn new mysite ===3. create / seed database Edit the config/database.yml file as necessary. More about database configuration at http://www.wagn.org/database_configuration. Then run cd mysite rake wagn:create ..to create and seed the database ===4. start your server To fire up the default, built-in WEBrick server, just run: wagn server ...and point your browser to http://localhost:3000 (unless otherwise configured). WEBrick is great for a quick test run. To run a production website, see http://www.wagn.org/wagn_in_production. ==Upgrading ===Standard Upgrades ====1. Backups Always back up your database and uploaded files. ====2. Update Libraries From your wagn root directory run: bundle update ====3. Update Database Run the following: rake wagn:migrate As with all rake commands, you can try prefacing with "bundle exec" if you encounter gem problems. ====4. Restart your server. ===Upgrading pre-gem Wagn sites First check the Wagn version of your existing site. ====Version 1.10 or newer 1. Create a new Wagn app using steps 1 and 2 from the installation section above. 2. Copy config/database.yml from the old site to the new one. 3. Copy the old local/files contents to the new files directory. 4. If you have edited wagn.yml in your old site, make the corresponding changes to the new config/application.rb file. 5. Follow the standard upgrade procedure above. ====Older than Version 1.10 First update your Wagn to version 1.10 via the old update mechanisms, and then follow the directions above. ==More Resources Find lots more info at http://wagn.org