# encoding: utf-8 require 'pathname' require 'fileutils' require 'find' require 'digest' require 'rubygems' require 'active_support' require 'rake' require 'progress' require 'colored' __DIR__ = File.dirname(__FILE__) $:.unshift(__DIR__) unless $:.include?(__DIR__) || $:.include?(File.expand_path(__DIR__)) class Array def sort_by!(&block) replace(sort_by(&block)) end end class Pathname def write(s) open('w') do |f| f.write(s) end end end class String def shrink(max_length) if length > max_length "#{self[0, max_length - 1]}…" else self end end end class SdocAll class << self def update? @update.nil? || @update end def title @title.present? ? @title : 'ruby related reference' end def last_build_sdoc_version_path Base.base_path + 'sdoc.version' end def last_build_sdoc_version last_build_sdoc_version_path.read rescue nil end def current_sdoc_version Gem.searcher.find('sdoc').version.to_s end def config_hash_path Base.public_path + 'config.hash' end def run(options = {}) Base.dry_run! if options[:dry_run] Base.verbose_level = options[:verbose_level] Progress.lines = true if Base.verbose_level >= 1 begin read_config tasks = Base.tasks(:update => update? || options[:update]) if last_build_sdoc_version.nil? || last_build_sdoc_version != current_sdoc_version puts "sdoc version changed - rebuilding all docs".red unless last_build_sdoc_version.nil? Base.remove_if_present(Base.docs_path) else Base.chdir(Base.docs_path) do to_delete = Dir.glob('*') tasks.each do |task| to_delete -= task.occupied_doc_pathes end to_delete.each do |path| Base.remove_if_present(path) end end end tasks.with_progress('sdoc').each do |task| Progress.start(task.title) do task.run(options) end end config_hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(tasks.map(&:config_hash).inspect + title.to_s) created_hash = config_hash_path.read rescue nil if config_hash != created_hash Base.chdir(Base.docs_path) do paths = [] titles = [] urls = [] tasks.each do |task| doc_path = Base.docs_path + task.doc_path if File.file?(doc_path + 'index.html') paths << task.doc_path titles << task.title urls << "docs/#{task.doc_path}" end end if paths.present? Base.remove_if_present(Base.public_path) cmd = %w(sdoc-merge) cmd << '-o' << Base.public_path cmd << '-t' << title cmd << '-n' << titles.join(',') cmd << '-u' << urls.join(' ') Base.system(*cmd + paths) if Base.public_path.directory? File.symlink(Base.docs_path, Base.public_path + 'docs') config_hash_path.open('w') do |f| f.write(config_hash) end last_build_sdoc_version_path.open('w') do |f| f.write(current_sdoc_version) end end end end end rescue ConfigError => e abort e.to_s.red.bold end end def read_config Base.clear config = YAML.load_file('config.yml').symbolize_keys rescue {} min_update_interval = if config[:min_update_interval].to_s[/(\d+)\s*(.*)/] $1.to_i.send({'d' => :days, 'h' => :hours, 'm' => :minutes}[$2[0, 1].downcase] || :seconds) else 1.hour end created = last_build_sdoc_version_path.mtime rescue nil @update = created.nil? || created < min_update_interval.ago @title = config[:title] if config[:sdoc] && config[:sdoc].is_a?(Array) && config[:sdoc].length > 0 errors = [] config[:sdoc].with_progress('reading config').each do |entry| begin if entry.is_a?(Hash) if entry.length == 1 Base.to_document(*entry.shift) else raise ConfigError.new("config entry #{entry.inspect} can not be understood - watch ident") end else Base.to_document(entry, {}) end rescue ConfigError => e errors << e end end if errors.present? raise ConfigError.new(errors.join("\n")) end else raise ConfigError.new("config did not specify what to document") end end end end require 'sdoc_all/base' require 'sdoc_all/task' require 'sdoc_all/config_error' require 'sdoc_all/file_list' Dir.entries("#{__DIR__}/sdoc_all/parts").grep(/\.rb$/).each do |file| require "sdoc_all/parts/#{file}" end