module ThecoreSettings module RailsAdminConfig def self.included(base) if base.respond_to?(:rails_admin) base.rails_admin do navigation_label I18n.t('admin.settings.label') list do if Object.const_defined?('RailsAdminToggleable') field :enabled, :toggle else field :enabled end field :kind field :ns field :name field :raw do pretty_value do if bindings[:object].file_kind? and !defined?(Shrine) and bindings[:object].to_path.present? if bindings[:object].file.url.blank? "-" else "#{CGI::escapeHTML(bindings[:object].to_path)}".html_safe end elsif bindings[:object].image_kind? and !defined?(Shrine) and !bindings[:object].file.nil? if bindings[:object].file.url.blank? "-" else "".html_safe end else value end end end if ::Settings.table_exists? nss = ::ThecoreSettings::Setting.pluck(:ns) { |c| "ns_#{c.gsub('-', '_')}".to_sym } scopes([nil] + nss) end end edit do field :enabled field :label do read_only true help false end field :kind do read_only true help false end field :raw do partial "setting_value" visible do !bindings[:object].upload_kind? end end if Settings.file_uploads_supported field :file, Settings.file_uploads_engine do visible do bindings[:object].upload_kind? end end end end end else puts "[thecore_settings] Problem: model does not respond to rails_admin: this should not happen" end end end end