require 'genesis_ruby/utils/transactions/wpf_types' require 'genesis_ruby/api/constants/transactions/parameters/sca_exemptions' require 'genesis_ruby/api/constants/i18n' require 'genesis_ruby/api/mixins/requests/wpf_reminders_attributes' module GenesisRuby module Api module Requests module Wpf # Web-Payment Form Request class Create < Request # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength include Mixins::Requests::Financial::PaymentAttributes include Mixins::Requests::AddressInfoAttributes include Mixins::Requests::Financial::AsyncAttributes include Mixins::Requests::Financial::NotificationAttributes include Mixins::Requests::Financial::PendingPaymentAttributes include Mixins::Requests::Financial::Threeds::Version2::WpfAttributes include Mixins::Requests::Financial::Cards::AccountOwnerAttributes include Mixins::Requests::Financial::Cards::Recurring::RecurringCategoryAttributes include Mixins::Requests::Financial::DynamicDescriptorAttributes include Mixins::Requests::Financial::RiskAttributes include Mixins::Requests::Financial::Business::BusinessAttributes include Mixins::Requests::WpfRemindersAttributes attr_reader :locale, :sca_preference, :sca_exemption attr_accessor :transaction_id, :usage, :description, :consumer_id, :return_cancel_url, :remember_card, :web_payment_form_id MAX_LIFETIME = 131_487 DEFAULT_LIFETIME = 30 private_constant :MAX_LIFETIME private_constant :DEFAULT_LIFETIME # The transaction types that the merchant is willing to accept payments for def add_transaction_type(name, custom_attributes = {}) unless GenesisRuby::Utils::Transactions::WpfTypes.valid? name raise ParameterError, 'Invalid Transaction Type given.' end self.transaction_types = { transaction_type: { '@attributes': { name: name.to_s.downcase }, **custom_attributes } } end # Define ISO 639-1 language code to the URL def locale=(value) allowed_options attribute: __method__, allowed: Constants::I18n.all, value: value.to_s.downcase, allow_empty: true init_api_wpf_configuration(language: locale) end # Signifies whether to perform SCA on the transaction. At least one 3DS transaction type has to be submitted. def sca_preference=(value) allowed_options attribute: __method__, allowed: [true, false], value: value, allow_empty: true, error_message: 'Accepts only boolean values' end # Exemption for the Strong Customer Authentication. The allowed options are low_value, low_risk def sca_exemption=(value) sca_exemptions = GenesisRuby::Api::Constants::Transactions::Parameters::ScaExemptions allowed_options attribute: __method__, allowed: [sca_exemptions::LOW_VALUE, sca_exemptions::LOW_RISK], value: value.to_s.empty? ? nil : value.to_s.downcase, allow_empty: true end # Signifies whether the ’Pay Later’ feature would be enabled on the WPF def pay_later @pay_later ||= false return nil unless @pay_later @pay_later end # Signifies whether the ’Pay Later’ feature would be enabled on the WPF def pay_later=(value) allowed_options attribute: __method__, allowed: [true, false], value: value, allow_empty: true, error_message: 'Accepts only boolean values' end # A number of minutes determining how long the WPF will be valid. Will be set to 30 minutes by default. def lifetime @lifetime ||= DEFAULT_LIFETIME end # A number of minutes determining how long the WPF will be valid. Will be set to 30 minutes by default. def lifetime=(value) lifetime = value.to_i if lifetime < 1 || lifetime > MAX_LIFETIME raise InvalidArgumentError, "Valid value ranges between 1 minute and 3 months (#{MAX_LIFETIME} minutes) given in minutes" end @lifetime = lifetime end protected # Load base configuration def init_configuration init_xml_configuration init_api_wpf_configuration end def init_required_fields self.required_fields = %i[ transaction_id amount currency notification_url return_success_url return_failure_url return_cancel_url transaction_types ] end # Perform validation over the defined parameters upon request execution def check_requirements unless GenesisRuby::Api::Constants::Currencies::Iso4217.valid?(currency) raise ParameterError, "Invalid Currency given with value #{currency}" end validate_reminders super end # Define Web-Payment Form transaction request structure def populate_structure # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize self.tree_structure = { wpf_payment: { transaction_id: transaction_id, amount: transform_amount(amount, currency), currency: currency, usage: usage, description: description, consumer_id: consumer_id, customer_email: customer_email, customer_phone: customer_phone, notification_url: notification_url, return_success_url: return_success_url, return_failure_url: return_failure_url, return_cancel_url: return_cancel_url, return_pending_url: return_pending_url, billing_address: billing_address_parameters_structure, shipping_address: shipping_address_parameters_structure, transaction_types: transaction_types, business_attributes: business_attributes_structure, remember_card: remember_card, lifetime: lifetime, sca_preference: sca_preference, sca_params: { sca_exemption: sca_exemption }, threeds_v2_params: threeds_v2_wpf_attributes_structure, web_payment_form_id: web_payment_form_id, recurring_category: recurring_category, dynamic_descriptor_params: dynamic_descriptor_structure, risk_params: risk_parameters_structure, account_owner: account_owner_attributes_structure, pay_later: pay_later, reminders: pay_later ? reminders_structure : [] } } end private attr_reader :transaction_types # Add every transaction type to the transaction types structure def transaction_types=(value) @transaction_types ||= [] @transaction_types.push(value) end # Validate Reminders against the lifetime def validate_reminders return if lifetime.nil? reminders.each do |reminder| next unless reminder.after >= lifetime raise( ParameterError, "Reminder (#{reminder.after} min) could not be greater than or equal to lifetime (#{lifetime} min)." ) end end end end end end end