require 'spec_helper' require 'ronin/network/http' describe Network::HTTP do describe "proxy" do it "should be disabled by default" do subject.proxy.should_not be_enabled end end describe "expand_url" do let(:url) { URI('') } it "should accept URI objects" do options = subject.expand_url(url) options[:host].should == end it "should accept Hashes" do hash = { :host =>, :port => url.port, } options = subject.expand_url(hash) options[:host].should == options[:port].should == url.port end it "should accept Strings" do options = subject.expand_url(url.to_s) options[:host].should == options[:port].should == url.port end it "should default :path to '/'" do options = subject.expand_url(URI('')) options[:path].should == '/' end it "should append the query-string to the :path options" do options = subject.expand_url(url) options[:path].should == "#{url.path}?#{url.query}" end it "should set :ssl if the URI scheme is 'https'" do options = subject.expand_url(URI('')) options[:ssl].should == {} end end describe "expand_options" do it "should expand the :ssl option into a Hash" do options = {:ssl => true} expanded_options = subject.expand_options(options) expanded_options[:ssl].should == {} end it "should added a default port and path" do options = {:host => ''} expanded_options = subject.expand_options(options) expanded_options[:port].should == 80 expanded_options[:path].should == '/' end it "should add the default proxy settings" do options = {:host => ''} expanded_options = subject.expand_options(options) expanded_options[:proxy].should == subject.proxy end it "should disable the proxy settings if :proxy is nil" do options = {:host => '', :proxy => nil} expanded_options = subject.expand_options(options) expanded_options[:proxy][:host].should be_nil expanded_options[:proxy][:port].should be_nil end it "should not modify :proxy if it is a HTTP::Proxy object" do proxy = => '', :port => 8181) options = {:host => '', :proxy => proxy} expanded_options = subject.expand_options(options) expanded_options[:proxy].should == proxy end it "should parse the :proxy option" do options = {:host => '', :proxy => ''} expanded_options = subject.expand_options(options) expanded_options[:proxy][:host].should == '' expanded_options[:proxy][:port].should == 8181 end it "should expand the :url option" do options = {:url => ''} expanded_options = subject.expand_options(options) expanded_options[:url].should be_nil expanded_options[:host].should == '' expanded_options[:port].should == 8080 expanded_options[:user].should == 'joe' expanded_options[:password].should == 'secret' expanded_options[:path].should == '/bla?var' end end describe "headers" do it "should convert Symbol options to HTTP Headers" do options = {:user_agent => 'bla', :location => 'test'} subject.headers(options).should == { 'User-Agent' => 'bla', 'Location' => 'test' } end it "should convert String options to HTTP Headers" do options = {'user_agent' => 'bla', 'x-powered-by' => 'PHP'} subject.headers(options).should == { 'User-Agent' => 'bla', 'X-Powered-By' => 'PHP' } end it "should convert all values to Strings" do mtime = options = {:modified_by => mtime, :x_accept => :gzip} subject.headers(options).should == { 'Modified-By' => mtime.to_s, 'X-Accept' => 'gzip' } end end describe "request" do it "should handle Symbol names" do subject.request( :method => :get, :path => '/' ).class.should == Net::HTTP::Get end it "should handle String names" do subject.request( :method => 'GET', :path => '/' ).class.should == Net::HTTP::Get end it "should raise an UnknownRequest exception for invalid names" do lambda { subject.request(:method => :bla) }.should raise_error(subject::UnknownRequest) end it "should use a default path" do lambda { subject.request(:method => :get) }.should_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should accept the :user option for Basic-Auth" do req = subject.request(:method => :get, :user => 'joe') req['authorization'].should == "Basic am9lOg==" end it "should accept the :user and :password options for Basic-Auth" do req = subject.request( :method => :get, :user => 'joe', :password => 'secret' ) req['authorization'].should == "Basic am9lOnNlY3JldA==" end it "should create HTTP Copy requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :copy) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Copy end it "should create HTTP Delete requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :delete) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Delete end it "should create HTTP Get requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :get) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Get end it "should create HTTP Head requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :head) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Head end it "should create HTTP Lock requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :lock) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Lock end it "should create HTTP Mkcol requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :mkcol) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Mkcol end it "should create HTTP Move requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :move) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Move end it "should create HTTP Options requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :options) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Options end it "should create HTTP Post requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :post) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Post end it "should create HTTP Propfind requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :propfind) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Propfind end it "should create HTTP Proppatch requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :proppatch) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Proppatch end it "should create HTTP Trace requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :trace) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Trace end it "should create HTTP Unlock requests" do req = subject.request(:method => :unlock) req.class.should == Net::HTTP::Unlock end it "should raise an ArgumentError when :method is not specified" do lambda { subject.request() }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end