require 'yaml' require 'highline' require 'tracker_api' module Geordi class Gitpt # This require-style is to prevent Ruby from loading files of a different # version of Geordi. require File.expand_path('settings', __dir__) def initialize self.highline = self.settings = self.client = build_client end def run_commit(git_args) Interaction.warn <<~WARNING unless Util.staged_changes? No staged changes. Will create an empty commit. WARNING story = choose_story if story create_commit "[##{}] #{}", "Story: #{story.url}", *git_args end end def run_branch(from_master: false) story = choose_story ||'No story selected.') normalized_story_name = normalize_string( branch_list_string = if Util.testing? ENV['GEORDI_TESTING_GIT_BRANCHES'] || '' else `git branch --format="%(refname:short)"` end if branch_list_string.nil? || branch_list_string.strip.empty? 'Could not determine local git branches.' end new_branch_name = "#{git_user_initials}/#{normalized_story_name}-#{}" local_branches = branch_list_string.split("\n") branch_name = local_branches.find { |branch_name| branch_name == new_branch_name } branch_name ||= local_branches.find { |branch_name| branch_name.include? } if branch_name.present? checkout_branch branch_name, new_branch: false else checkout_branch new_branch_name, new_branch: true, from_master: from_master end end private attr_accessor :highline, :client, :settings def build_client settings.pivotal_tracker_api_key) end def load_projects project_ids = settings.pivotal_tracker_project_ids project_ids.collect do |project_id| begin client.project(project_id) rescue TrackerApi::Errors::ClientError puts # Start a new line Geordi::Interaction.warn "Could not access project #{project_id}. Skipping." end end.compact end def applicable_stories if Util.testing? return ENV['GEORDI_TESTING_NO_PT_STORIES'] == 'true' ? [] : [ 12, name: 'Test Story', url: '')] end projects = load_projects projects.collect do |project| project.stories(filter: 'state:started,finished,rejected', fields: ':default,owners(id,name)') end.flatten end def choose_story loading_message = 'Connecting to Pivotal Tracker ...' print(loading_message) stories = applicable_stories reset_loading_message = "\r#{' ' * (loading_message.length + stories.length)}\r"'No stories to offer.') if stories.empty? if Util.testing? return stories[0] end my_id = highline.choose do |menu| menu.header = 'Choose a story' stories.each do |story| state = story.current_state owners = story.owners owner_is_me = owners.collect(&:id).include?(my_id) if state == 'started' state = HighLine::GREEN + state + HighLine::RESET elsif state != 'finished' state = HighLine::RED + state + HighLine::RESET end state += HighLine::BOLD if owner_is_me label = "(#{owners.collect(&:name).join(', ')}, #{state}) #{}" label = bold(label) if owner_is_me menu.choice(label) { return story } end menu.hidden '' print reset_loading_message # Once menu is build end nil # Return nothing end def create_commit(title, description, *git_args) extra = highline.ask("\nAdd an optional message").strip title << ' - ' << extra if extra != ''!(['git', 'commit', '--allow-empty', '-m', title, '-m', description, *git_args]) end def bold(string) HighLine::BOLD + string + HighLine::RESET end def checkout_branch(name, new_branch: false, from_master: false) if new_branch! ['git', 'checkout', 'master'] if from_master! ['git', 'checkout', '-b', name] else! ['git', 'checkout', name] end end def normalize_string(name) name.gsub!('ä', 'ae') name.gsub!('ö', 'oe') name.gsub!('ü', 'ue') name.gsub!('ß', 'ss')!('^A-Za-z0-9_ ', '') name.squeeze! ' ' name.gsub!(' ', '-') name.downcase! name end def git_user_initials if settings.git_initials Interaction.note "Using Git user initials from #{Settings::GLOBAL_SETTINGS_FILE_NAME}" return settings.git_initials end stdout_str = if Util.testing? ENV['GEORDI_TESTING_GIT_USERNAME'] else `git config` end git_user_initials = unless stdout_str.nil? stdout_str.strip.split(' ').map(&:chars).map(&:first).join.downcase end git_user_initials = Interaction.prompt 'Enter your initials:', git_user_initials if git_user_initials.nil?'Could not determine the git user\'s initials.') else settings.git_initials = git_user_initials git_user_initials end end end end