# frozen_string_literal: true module ActiveRecord module Encryption # This is a wrapper for a hash of encryption properties. It is used by # +Key+ (public tags) and +Message+ (headers). # # Since properties are serialized in messages, it is important for storage # efficiency to keep their keys as short as possible. It defines accessors # for common properties that will keep these keys very short while exposing # a readable name. # # message.headers.encrypted_data_key # instead of message.headers[:k] # # See +Properties::DEFAULT_PROPERTIES+, Key, Message class Properties ALLOWED_VALUE_CLASSES = [String, ActiveRecord::Encryption::Message, Numeric, TrueClass, FalseClass, Symbol, NilClass] delegate_missing_to :data delegate :==, to: :data # For each entry it generates an accessor exposing the full name DEFAULT_PROPERTIES = { encrypted_data_key: "k", encrypted_data_key_id: "i", compressed: "c", iv: "iv", auth_tag: "at", encoding: "e" } DEFAULT_PROPERTIES.each do |name, key| define_method name do self[key.to_sym] end define_method "#{name}=" do |value| self[key.to_sym] = value end end def initialize(initial_properties = {}) @data = {} add(initial_properties) end # Set a value for a given key # # It will raise an +EncryptedContentIntegrity+ if the value exists def []=(key, value) raise Errors::EncryptedContentIntegrity, "Properties can't be overridden: #{key}" if key?(key) validate_value_type(value) data[key] = value end def validate_value_type(value) unless ALLOWED_VALUE_CLASSES.find { |klass| value.is_a?(klass) } raise ActiveRecord::Encryption::Errors::ForbiddenClass, "Can't store a #{value.class}, only properties of type #{ALLOWED_VALUE_CLASSES.inspect} are allowed" end end def add(other_properties) other_properties.each do |key, value| self[key.to_sym] = value end end def to_h data end private attr_reader :data end end end