/** Address editable input. Internally value stored as {city: "Moscow", street: "Lenina", building: "15"} @class address @extends abstractinput @final @example awesome **/ (function ($) { var Address = function (options) { this.init('address', options, Address.defaults); }; //inherit from Abstract input $.fn.editableutils.inherit(Address, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput); $.extend(Address.prototype, { /** Renders input from tpl @method render() **/ render: function() { this.$input = this.$tpl.find('input'); }, /** Default method to show value in element. Can be overwritten by display option. @method value2html(value, element) **/ value2html: function(value, element) { if(!value) { $(element).empty(); return; } var html = $('
').text(value.city).html() + ', ' + $('
').text(value.street).html() + ' st., bld. ' + $('
').text(value.building).html(); $(element).html(html); }, /** Gets value from element's html @method html2value(html) **/ html2value: function(html) { /* you may write parsing method to get value by element's html e.g. "Moscow, st. Lenina, bld. 15" => {city: "Moscow", street: "Lenina", building: "15"} but for complex structures it's not recommended. Better set value directly via javascript, e.g. editable({ value: { city: "Moscow", street: "Lenina", building: "15" } }); */ return null; }, /** Converts value to string. It is used in internal comparing (not for sending to server). @method value2str(value) **/ value2str: function(value) { var str = ''; if(value) { for(var k in value) { str = str + k + ':' + value[k] + ';'; } } return str; }, /* Converts string to value. Used for reading value from 'data-value' attribute. @method str2value(str) */ str2value: function(str) { /* this is mainly for parsing value defined in data-value attribute. If you will always set value by javascript, no need to overwrite it */ return str; }, /** Sets value of input. @method value2input(value) @param {mixed} value **/ value2input: function(value) { if(!value) { return; } this.$input.filter('[name="city"]').val(value.city); this.$input.filter('[name="street"]').val(value.street); this.$input.filter('[name="building"]').val(value.building); }, /** Returns value of input. @method input2value() **/ input2value: function() { return { city: this.$input.filter('[name="city"]').val(), street: this.$input.filter('[name="street"]').val(), building: this.$input.filter('[name="building"]').val() }; }, /** Activates input: sets focus on the first field. @method activate() **/ activate: function() { this.$input.filter('[name="city"]').focus(); }, /** Attaches handler to submit form in case of 'showbuttons=false' mode @method autosubmit() **/ autosubmit: function() { this.$input.keydown(function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { $(this).closest('form').submit(); } }); } }); Address.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, { tpl: '
'+ '
'+ '
', inputclass: '' }); $.fn.editabletypes.address = Address; }(window.jQuery));