module PoolParty class GitResource virtual_resource(:git) do def loaded(*args) has_package(:name => "git-core") end end virtual_resource(:git_repos) do def loaded(opts={}, &block) raise("You must include a directory for the git repos set by :at")) if at?.nil? # opts.has_key?(:at) ? at(opts.delete(:at)) : raise("You must include a directory for the git repos set by :at")) # opts.has_key?(:source) ? git_repos(opts.delete(:source) || opts[:name]) : raise("You must include the git source set by :source")) has_package("git-core") has_git_repository end def has_git_repository has_directory(::File.dirname(working_dir)) has_directory(:name => "#{working_dir}", :requires => get_directory("#{::File.dirname(working_dir)}")) has_exec(:name => "git-#{name}", :requires => [get_directory("#{working_dir}"), get_package("git-core")] ) do # Cloud, GitRepos, Exec command parent.requires_user? ? "git clone #{requires_user}@#{source} #{working_dir}" : "cd #{working_dir} && git clone #{source}" cwd "#{working_dir if working_dir}" creates creates_dir end has_exec(:name => "update-#{name}", :cwd => ::File.dirname( creates_dir )) do command "git pull" end if owner? has_exec(:name => "chown-#{name}", :cwd => ::File.dirname( creates_dir )) do command "chown #{owner} * -R" end end if deploy_key? raise"Cannot find the git deploy key: #{deploy_key}") unless ::File.file?(::File.expand_path(deploy_key)) ::Suitcase::Zipper.add(::File.expand_path(deploy_key), "keys") PoolParty::Provision::DrConfigure.class_commands << "cp -f /var/poolparty/dr_configure/keys/* ~/.ssh" end end def git_repos(src) source src end def at(dir) working_dir dir end def to(dir) at(dir) end def creates_dir "#{::File.join( working_dir, ::File.basename(source, ::File.extname(source)) )}/.git" end end end end