require 'uuidtools' require 'assembly-objectfile' module Assembly # The Image class contains methods to operate on an image. class Image # include common behaviors from assembly-objectfile gem include Assembly::ObjectFileable # stores the path to the tmp file generated during the JP2 creation process attr_accessor :tmp_path # Examines the input image for validity. Used to determine if image is correct and if JP2 generation is likely to succeed. # This method is automatically called before you create a jp2 but it can be called separately earlier as a sanity check. # # @return [boolean] true if image is valid, false if not. # # Example: #'/input/path_to_file.tif') # puts source_img.valid? # gives true def valid? valid_image? # behavior is defined in assembly-objectfile gem end # Get the image color profile # # @return [string] image color profile # Example: #'/input/path_to_file.tif') # puts source_img.profile # gives 'Adobe RGB 1998' def profile exif.nil? ? nil : exif['profiledescription'] end # Get the image height from exif data # # @return [integer] image height in pixels # Example: #'/input/path_to_file.tif') # puts source_img.height # gives 100 def height exif.imageheight end # Get the image width from exif data # # @return [integer] image height in pixels # Example: #'/input/path_to_file.tif') # puts source_img.width # gives 100 def width exif.imagewidth end # Add an exif color profile descriptions to the image. # This is useful if your source TIFFs do not have color profile descriptions in the EXIF data, but you know what it should be. # This will allow the images to pass the validaty check and have JP2s created successfully. # # Note you will need full read/write access to the source path so that new EXIF data can be saved. # # @param [String] profile_name profile name to be added, current options are 'Adobe RBG 1998','Dot Gain 20%','sRGB IEC61966-2.1' # # @param [String] force if set to true, force overwrite a color profile description even if it already exists (default: false) # # Example: #'/input/path_to_file.tif') # source_img.add_exif_profile_description('Adobe RGB 1998') def add_exif_profile_description(profile_name,force=false) begin if profile.nil? || force input_profile = profile_name.gsub(/[^[:alnum:]]/, '') # remove all non alpha-numeric characters, so we can get to a filename path_to_profiles = File.join(Assembly::PATH_TO_IMAGE_GEM,'profiles') input_profile_file = File.join(path_to_profiles,"#{input_profile}.icc") command="exiftool '-icc_profile<=#{input_profile_file}' #{path}" result=`#{command} 2>&1` raise "profile addition command failed: #{command} with result #{result}" unless $?.success? end rescue Exception => e puts "** Error for #{filename}: #{e.message}" end end # Returns the full default jp2 path and filename that will be created from the given image # # @return [string] full default jp2 path and filename that will be created from the given image # Example: #'/input/path_to_file.tif') # puts source_img.jp2_filename # gives /input/path_to_file.jp2 def jp2_filename File.extname(@path).empty? ? "#{@path}.jp2" : @path.gsub(File.extname(@path),'.jp2') end # Returns the full DPG equivalent jp2 path and filename that would match with the given image # # @return [string] full DPG equivalent jp2 path and filename # Example: #'/input/path_to_file.tif') # puts source_img.jp2_filename # gives /input/path_to_file.jp2 def dpg_jp2_filename jp2_filename.gsub('_00_','_05_') end # Create a JP2 file for the current image. # Important note: this will not work for multipage TIFFs. # # @return [Assembly::Image] object containing the generated JP2 file # # @param [Hash] params Optional parameters specified as a hash, using symbols for options: # * :output => path to the output JP2 file (default: mirrors the source file name and path, but with a .jp2 extension) # * :overwrite => if set to false, an existing JP2 file with the same name won't be overwritten (default: false) # * :tmp_folder => the temporary folder to use when creating the jp2 (default: '/tmp'); also used by imagemagick # * :preserve_tmp_source => if set to true, preserve the temporary file generated during the creation process and store path in 'tmp_path' attribute (default: false) # # Example: #'/input/path_to_file.tif') # derivative_img=source_img.create_jp2(:overwrite=>true) # puts derivative_img.mimetype # 'image/jp2' # puts derivative_image.path # '/input/path_to_file.jp2' def create_jp2(params = {}) check_for_file raise 'input file is not a valid image, or is the wrong mimetype' if !self.jp2able? output = params[:output] || jp2_filename overwrite = params[:overwrite] || false raise SecurityError,"output #{output} exists, cannot overwrite" if !overwrite && File.exists?(output) raise SecurityError,'cannot recreate jp2 over itself' if overwrite && mimetype=='image/jp2' && output == @path tmp_folder = params[:tmp_folder] || '/tmp' raise "tmp_folder #{tmp_folder} does not exists" unless File.exists?(tmp_folder) output_profile = 'sRGBIEC6196621' # params[:output_profile] || 'sRGBIEC6196621' # eventually we may allow the user to specify the output_profile...when we do, you can just uncomment this code and update the tests that check for this preserve_tmp_source = params[:preserve_tmp_source] || false path_to_profiles = File.join(Assembly::PATH_TO_IMAGE_GEM,'profiles') output_profile_file = File.join(path_to_profiles,"#{output_profile}.icc") raise "output profile #{output_profile} invalid" if !File.exists?(output_profile_file) samples_per_pixel=exif['samplesperpixel'].to_s || '' bits_per_sample=exif['bitspersample'] || '' path_to_profiles = File.join(Assembly::PATH_TO_IMAGE_GEM,'profiles') if !profile.nil? # if the input color profile exists, contract paths to the profile and setup the command input_profile = profile.gsub(/[^[:alnum:]]/, '') # remove all non alpha-numeric characters, so we can get to a filename # construct a path to the input profile, which might exist either in the gem itself or in the tmp folder input_profile_file_gem = File.join(path_to_profiles,"#{input_profile}.icc") input_profile_file_tmp = File.join(tmp_folder,"#{input_profile}.icc") input_profile_file = File.exists?(input_profile_file_gem) ? input_profile_file_gem : input_profile_file_tmp # if input profile was extracted and does not matches an existing known profile either in the gem or in the tmp folder, # we'll issue an imagicmagick command to extract the profile to the tmp folder unless File.exists?(input_profile_file) input_profile_extraction_command = "MAGICK_TEMPORARY_PATH=#{tmp_folder} convert '#{@path}'[0] #{input_profile_file}" # extract profile from input image result=`#{input_profile_extraction_command} 2>&1` raise "input profile extraction command failed: #{input_profile_extraction_command} with result #{result}" unless $?.success? raise 'input profile is not a known profile and could not be extracted from input file' unless File.exists?(input_profile_file) # if extraction failed or we cannot write the file, throw exception end profile_conversion_switch = "-profile #{input_profile_file} -profile #{output_profile_file}" else profile_conversion_switch = '' # no conversion needed if input color profile does not exist end # make temp tiff filename @tmp_path = "#{tmp_folder}/#{UUIDTools::UUID.random_create.to_s}.tif" options = '' case samples_per_pixel when '3' options += '-type TrueColor' when '1' if bits_per_sample.to_i == 1 options += '-type Bilevel' elsif bits_per_sample.to_i > 1 options += '-type Grayscale' end end tiff_command = "MAGICK_TEMPORARY_PATH=#{tmp_folder} convert -quiet -compress none #{profile_conversion_switch} #{options} '#{@path}[0]' '#{@tmp_path}'" result=`#{tiff_command} 2>&1` raise "tiff convert command failed: #{tiff_command} with result #{result}" unless $?.success? pixdem = width > height ? width : height layers = (( Math.log(pixdem) / Math.log(2) ) - ( Math.log(96) / Math.log(2) )).ceil + 1 # jp2 creation command kdu_bin = 'kdu_compress ' options = '' options += ' -jp2_space sRGB ' if samples_per_pixel == '3' options += ' -precise -no_weights -quiet Creversible=no Cmodes=BYPASS Corder=RPCL ' + 'Cblk=\\{64,64\\} Cprecincts=\\{256,256\\},\\{256,256\\},\\{128,128\\} ' + 'ORGgen_plt=yes -rate 1.5 Clevels=5 ' jp2_command = "#{kdu_bin} #{options} Clayers=#{layers.to_s} -i '#{@tmp_path}' -o '#{output}'" result=`#{jp2_command} 2>&1` raise "JP2 creation command failed: #{jp2_command} with result #{result}" unless $?.success? File.delete(@tmp_path) unless preserve_tmp_source # create output response object, which is an Assembly::Image type object end end end