module Spree class PaymentMethod::CieloCredit < PaymentMethod def payment_source_class Spree::CreditCard end # Purchases the payment to Cielo # # @author Isabella Santos # # @return [ActiveMerchant::Billing::Response] # def purchase(amount, source, gateway_options) if gateway_options[:portions].nil? return, Spree.t('cielo.messages.invalid_portions'), {}, {}) end total_value = update_payment_amount amount, gateway_options total_value.delete!('.') default_params = { parcelas: gateway_options[:portions], capturar: 'true' } if source.gateway_customer_profile_id? params = { token: CGI.escape(source.gateway_customer_profile_id) } else params = { cartao_numero: source.number, cartao_validade: "#{source.year}#{source.month}", cartao_seguranca: source.verification_value, cartao_portador: } if Spree::CieloConfig.generate_token params[:'gerar-token'] = 'true' end end transaction_params = mount_params(total_value, source, params.merge!(default_params)) transaction = response = transaction.create!(transaction_params, :store) if response[:transacao][:status] == '6' if Spree::CieloConfig.generate_token storage_token source, response[:transacao] end, Spree.t('cielo.messages.purchase_success'), {}, authorization: response[:transacao][:tid]) else, Spree.t('cielo.messages.purchase_fail'), {}, authorization: response[:transacao][:tid]) end rescue verify_error 'purchase', response end # Authorizes the payment to Cielo # # @author Isabella Santos # # @return [ActiveMerchant::Billing::Response] # def authorize(amount, source, gateway_options) if gateway_options[:portions].nil? return, Spree.t('cielo.messages.invalid_portions'), {}, {}) end total_value = update_payment_amount amount, gateway_options total_value.delete!('.') default_params = { parcelas: gateway_options[:portions], capturar: 'false' } if source.gateway_customer_profile_id? params = { token: CGI.escape(source.gateway_customer_profile_id) } else params = { cartao_numero: source.number, cartao_validade: "#{source.year}#{source.month}", cartao_seguranca: source.verification_value, cartao_portador: } if Spree::CieloConfig.generate_token params[:'gerar-token'] = 'true' end end transaction_params = mount_params(total_value, source, params.merge!(default_params)) transaction = response = transaction.create!(transaction_params, :store) if response[:transacao][:status] == '4' if Spree::CieloConfig.generate_token storage_token source, response[:transacao] end, Spree.t('cielo.messages.authorize_success'), {}, authorization: response[:transacao][:tid]) else, Spree.t('cielo.messages.authorize_fail'), {}, authorization: response[:transacao][:tid]) end rescue verify_error 'authorize', response end # Captures the payment # # @author Isabella Santos # # @return [ActiveMerchant::Billing::Response] # def capture(_amount, response_code, _gateway_options) transaction = ret = transaction.catch!(response_code), Spree.t('cielo.messages.capture_success'), {}, authorization: ret[:transacao][:tid]) rescue verify_error 'capture', ret end # Voids the payment # # @author Isabella Santos # # @return [ActiveMerchant::Billing::Response] # def void(response_code, _gateway_options) transaction = ret = transaction.cancel!(response_code), Spree.t('cielo.messages.void_success'), {}, authorization: ret[:transacao][:tid]) rescue verify_error 'void', ret end private # Returns the credit type formatted # Cielo and Spree accept different type for credit card # # @author Isabella Santos # # @param type [String] # # @return [String] # def format_cc_type type cc_type = type cc_type = 'mastercard' if cc_type == 'master' cc_type = 'amex' if cc_type == 'american_express' cc_type = 'diners' if cc_type == 'diners_club' cc_type end # Storage the token generated in request # # @author Isabella Santos # # @param credit_card [Spree::CreditCard] # @param response [Hash] # def storage_token credit_card, response if response[:token][:'dados-token'][:status] == '1' and response[:token][:'dados-token'][:'codigo-token'] token = response[:token][:'dados-token'][:'codigo-token'] credit_card.update_attributes(gateway_customer_profile_id: token) end rescue false end # Returns the params to Cielo::Transaction # # @author Isabella Santos # # @param amount [String] # value of the payment (with value in cents) # @param source [Spree::CreditCard] # source of the payment (object CreditCard) # @param params [Hash] # different attributes to params # # @return [Hash] # def mount_params(amount, source, params = {}) cc_type = format_cc_type source.cc_type if params[:parcelas] > 1 product_value = Spree::CieloConfig[:product_value] else product_value = '1' end if cc_type == 'visa' or cc_type == 'mastercard' params.merge!({:'soft-descriptor' => Spree::CieloConfig.soft_descriptor}) end { numero:, valor: amount, moeda: '986', bandeira: cc_type.downcase, :'url-retorno' => Spree::Store.current.url, autorizar: '3', produto: product_value }.merge!(params) end # Update the value of the payment with the tax of the portions # # @author Isabella Santos # # @param amount [Integer] # @param gateway_options [Hash] # # @return [Integer] # def update_payment_amount(amount, gateway_options) if gateway_options[:portions] > 1 order_number, payment_number = gateway_options[:order_id].split('-') order = Spree::Order.friendly.find order_number portion_value = Spree::CieloConfig.calculate_portion_value order, gateway_options[:portions] total_value = sprintf('%0.2f', portion_value * gateway_options[:portions]) payment = Spree::Payment.friendly.find payment_number payment.update_attributes(amount: total_value) total_value else amount.to_s end end # Verify the error returning the ActiveMerchant::Billing object # with the message # # @param action [String] # name of the action (purchase, capture, etc) # @param ret [Hash] # return of Cielo # # @return [ActiveMerchant::Billing] # def verify_error action, ret if !ret.nil? and ret.has_key? :erro if ret[:erro][:codigo] == '001', Spree.t('cielo.messages.invalid_message'), {}, {}) else, "Cielo: #{ret[:erro][:codigo]} - #{ret[:erro][:mensagem]}", {}, {}) end else, Spree.t("cielo.messages.#{action}_rescue"), {}, {}) end end end end