module Formtastic
module Helpers
# {#input} is used to render all content (labels, form widgets, error messages, hints, etc) for
# a single form input (or field), usually representing a single method or attribute on the
# form's object or model.
# The content is wrapped in an `
` tag, so it's usually called inside an {Formtastic::Helpers::InputsHelper#inputs inputs} block
# (which renders an `` inside a ``), which should be inside a {Formtastic::Helpers::FormHelper#semantic_form_for `semantic_form_for`}
# block:
# <%= semantic_form_for @post do |f| %>
# <%= f.inputs do %>
# <%= f.input :title %>
# <%= f.input :body %>
# <% end %>
# <% end %>
# The HTML output will be something like:
# @see #input
# @see Formtastic::Helpers::InputsHelper#inputs
# @see Formtastic::Helpers::FormHelper#semantic_form_for
module InputHelper
include Formtastic::Helpers::Reflection
include Formtastic::Helpers::FileColumnDetection
# Returns a chunk of HTML markup for a given `method` on the form object, wrapped in
# an `` wrapper tag with appropriate `class` and `id` attribute hooks for CSS and JS.
# In many cases, the contents of the wrapper will be as simple as a `` and an ` `:
# <%= f.input :title, :as => :string, :required => true %>
# Title*
# In other cases (like a series of checkboxes for a `has_many` relationship), the wrapper may
# include more complex markup, like a nested `` with a `` and an `` of
# checkbox/label pairs for each choice:
# <%= f.input :categories, :as => :check_boxes, :collection => %>
# Categories
# Ruby
# Rails
# Awesome
# Sensible defaults for all options are guessed by looking at the method name, database column
# information, association information, validation information, etc. For example, a `:string`
# database column will map to a `:string` input, but if the method name contains 'email', will
# map to an `:email` input instead. `belongs_to` associations will have a `:select` input, etc.
# Formtastic supports many different styles of inputs, and you can/should override the default
# with the `:as` option. Internally, the symbol is used to map to a protected method
# responsible for the details. For example, `:as => :string` will map to `string_input`,
# defined in a module of the same name. Detailed documentation for each input style and it's
# supported options is available on the `*_input` method in each module (links provided below).
# Available input styles:
# * `:boolean` (see {Inputs::BooleanInput})
# * `:check_boxes` (see {Inputs::CheckBoxesInput})
# * `:country` (see {Inputs::CountryInput})
# * `:datetime` (see {Inputs::DatetimeInput})
# * `:date` (see {Inputs::DateInput})
# * `:email` (see {Inputs::EmailInput})
# * `:file` (see {Inputs::FileInput})
# * `:hidden` (see {Inputs::HiddenInput})
# * `:number` (see {Inputs::NumberInput})
# * `:password` (see {Inputs::PasswordInput})
# * `:phone` (see {Inputs::PhoneInput})
# * `:radio` (see {Inputs::RadioInput})
# * `:search` (see {Inputs::SearchInput})
# * `:select` (see {Inputs::SelectInput})
# * `:string` (see {Inputs::StringInput})
# * `:text` (see {Inputs::TextInput})
# * `:time_zone` (see {Inputs::TimeZoneInput})
# * `:time` (see {Inputs::TimeInput})
# * `:url` (see {Inputs::UrlInput})
# Calling `:as => :string` (for example) will call `#to_html` on a new instance of
# `Formtastic::Inputs::StringInput`. Before this, Formtastic will try to instantiate a top-level
# namespace StringInput, meaning you can subclass and modify `Formtastic::Inputs::StringInput`
# in `app/inputs/`. This also means you can create your own new input types in `app/inputs/`.
# @todo document the "guessing" of input style
# @param [Symbol] method
# The database column or method name on the form object that this input represents
# @option options :as [Symbol]
# Override the style of input should be rendered
# @option options :label [String, Symbol, false]
# Override the label text
# @option options :hint [String, Symbol, false]
# Override hint text
# @option options :required [Boolean]
# Override to mark the input as required (or not) — adds a required/optional class to the wrapper, and a HTML5 required attribute to the ` `
# @option options :input_html [Hash]
# Override or add to the HTML attributes to be passed down to the ` ` tag
# @option options :wrapper_html [Hash]
# Override or add to the HTML attributes to be passed down to the wrapping `` tag
# @option options :collection [Array, Hash{String => String, Boolean}, OrderedHash{String => String, Boolean}]
# Override collection of objects in the association (`:select`, `:radio` & `:check_boxes` inputs only)
# @option options :label_method [Symbol, Proc]
# Override the method called on each object in the `:collection` for use as the `` content (`:check_boxes` & `:radio` inputs) or `` content (`:select` inputs)
# @option options :value_method [Symbol, Proc]
# Override the method called on each object in the `:collection` for use as the `value` attribute in the ` ` (`:check_boxes` & `:radio` inputs) or ` ` (`:select` inputs)
# @option options :hint_class [String]
# Override the `class` attribute applied to the `` tag used when a `:hint` is rendered for an input
# @option options :error_class [String]
# Override the `class` attribute applied to the `
` or `
` tag used when inline errors are rendered for an input
# @option options :multiple [Boolean]
# Specify if the `:select` input should allow multiple selections or not (defaults to `belongs_to` associations, and `true` for `has_many` and `has_and_belongs_to_many` associations)
# @option options :group_by [Symbol]
# TODO will probably be deprecated
# @option options :find_options [Symbol]
# TODO will probably be deprecated
# @option options :group_label_method [Symbol]
# TODO will probably be deprecated
# @option options :include_blank [Boolean]
# Specify if a `:select` input should include a blank option or not (defaults to `include_blank_for_select_by_default` configuration)
# @option options :prompt [String]
# Specify the text in the first ('blank') `:select` input `` to prompt a user to make a selection (implicitly sets `:include_blank` to `true`)
# @todo Can we kill `:hint_class` & `:error_class`? What's the use case for input-by-input? Shift to config or burn!
# @todo Can we kill `:group_by` & `:group_label_method`? Should be done with :collection => grouped_options_for_select(...)
# @todo Can we kill `:find_options`? Should be done with MyModel.some_scope.where(...).order(...).whatever_scope
# @todo Can we kill `:label`, `:hint` & `:prompt`? All strings could be shifted to i18n!
# @example Accept all default options
# <%= f.input :title %>
# @example Change the input type
# <%= f.input :title, :as => :string %>
# @example Changing the label with a String
# <%= f.input :title, :label => "Post title" %>
# @example Disabling the label with false, even if an i18n translation exists
# <%= f.input :title, :label => false %>
# @example Changing the hint with a String
# <%= f.input :title, :hint => "Every post needs a title!" %>
# @example Disabling the hint with false, even if an i18n translation exists
# <%= f.input :title, :hint => false %>
# @example Marking a field as required or not (even if validations do not enforce it)
# <%= f.input :title, :required => true %>
# <%= f.input :title, :required => false %>
# @example Changing or adding to HTML attributes in the main ` ` or `` tag
# <%= f.input :title, :input_html => { :onchange => "somethingAwesome();", :class => 'awesome' } %>
# @example Changing or adding to HTML attributes in the wrapper `` tag
# <%= f.input :title, :wrapper_html => { :class => "important-input" } %>
# @example Changing the association choices with `:collection`
# <%= f.input :author, :collection => %>
# <%= f.input :categories, :collection => Category.where(...).order(...) %>
# <%= f.input :status, :collection => ["Draft", "Published"] %>
# <%= f.input :status, :collection => [:draft, :published] %>
# <%= f.input :status, :collection => {"Draft" => 0, "Published" => 1} %>
# <%= f.input :status, :collection =>"Draft" => 0, "Published" => 1) %>
# <%= f.input :status, :collection => [["Draft", 0], ["Published", 1]] %>
# <%= f.input :status, :collection => grouped_options_for_select(...) %>
# <%= f.input :status, :collection => options_for_select(...) %>
# @example Specifying if a `:select` should allow multiple selections:
# <%= f.input :cateogies, :as => :select, :multiple => true %>
# <%= f.input :cateogies, :as => :select, :multiple => false %>
# @example Specifying if a `:select` should have a 'blank' first option to prompt selection:
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :select, :include_blank => true %>
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :select, :include_blank => false %>
# @example Specifying the text for a `:select` input's 'blank' first option to prompt selection:
# <%= f.input :author, :as => :select, :prompt => "Select an Author" %>
# @example Modifying an input to suit your needs in `app/inputs`:
# class StringInput < Formtastic::Inputs::StringInput
# def to_html
# puts "this is my custom version of StringInput"
# super
# end
# end
# @example Creating your own input to suit your needs in `app/inputs`:
# class DatePickerInput
# include Formtastic::Inputs::Base
# def to_html
# # ...
# end
# end
# @example Providing HTML5 placeholder text through i18n:
# en:
# formtastic:
# placeholders:
# user:
# email: ""
# first_name: "Joe"
# last_name: "Smith"
# @todo Many many more examples. Some of the detail probably needs to be pushed out to the relevant methods too.
# @todo More i18n examples.
def input(method, options = {})
options = options.dup # Allow options to be shared without being tainted by Formtastic
options[:as] ||= default_input_type(method, options)
klass = input_class(options[:as]), template, @object, @object_name, method, options).to_html
# For methods that have a database column, take a best guess as to what the input method
# should be. In most cases, it will just return the column type (eg :string), but for special
# cases it will simplify (like the case of :integer, :float & :decimal to :number), or do
# something different (like :password and :select).
# If there is no column for the method (eg "virtual columns" with an attr_accessor), the
# default is a :string, a similar behaviour to Rails' scaffolding.
def default_input_type(method, options = {}) #:nodoc:
if column = column_for(method)
# Special cases where the column type doesn't map to an input method.
case column.type
when :string
return :password if method.to_s =~ /password/
return :country if method.to_s =~ /country$/
return :time_zone if method.to_s =~ /time_zone/
return :email if method.to_s =~ /email/
return :url if method.to_s =~ /^url$|^website$|_url$/
return :phone if method.to_s =~ /(phone|fax)/
return :search if method.to_s =~ /^search$/
when :integer
return :select if reflection_for(method)
return :number
when :float, :decimal
return :number
when :timestamp
return :datetime
# Try look for hints in options hash. Quite common senario: Enum keys stored as string in the database.
return :select if column.type == :string && options.key?(:collection)
# Try 3: Assume the input name will be the same as the column type (e.g. string_input).
return column.type
if @object
return :select if reflection_for(method)
return :file if is_file?(method, options)
return :select if options.key?(:collection)
return :password if method.to_s =~ /password/
return :string
# Get a column object for a specified attribute method - if possible.
def column_for(method) #:nodoc:
@object.column_for_attribute(method) if @object.respond_to?(:column_for_attribute)
# Takes the `:as` option and attempts to return the corresponding input class. In the case of
# `:as => :string` it will first attempt to find a top level `StringInput` class (to allow the
# application to subclass and modify to suit), falling back to `Formtastic::Inputs::StringInput`.
# This also means that the application can define it's own custom inputs in the top level
# namespace (eg `DatepickerInput`).
# @param [Symbol] as A symbol representing the type of input to render
# @raise [Formtastic::UnknownInputError] An appropriate input class could not be found
# @return [Class] An input class constant
# @example Normal use
# input_class(:string) #=> Formtastic::Inputs::StringInput
# input_class(:date) #=> Formtastic::Inputs::DateInput
# @example When a top-level class is found
# input_class(:string) #=> StringInput
# input_class(:awesome) #=> AwesomeInput
def input_class(as)
@input_classes_cache ||= {}
@input_classes_cache[as] ||= begin
rescue NameError
rescue NameError
raise Formtastic::UnknownInputError
# :as => :string # => StringInput
def custom_input_class_name(as)
# :as => :string # => Formtastic::Inputs::StringInput
def standard_input_class_name(as)