require 'optparse' module Tagomatic class OptionsParser def initialize(options) @options = options @parser = create_parser end def parse!(arguments) @parser.parse!(arguments) @options[:files].concat(arguments) end def show_help @parser.to_s end protected def create_parser do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options..] files.." opts.separator "" opts.separator "Specific options:" opts.on("-b", "--album [ALBUM]", "Set this album name.") do |album| @options[:album] = album end opts.on("-a", "--artist [ARTIST]", "Set this artist name.") do |artist| @options[:artist] = artist end opts.on("-d", "--discnum [DISCNUM]", "Set disc number of a disc set. Will be appended to album.") do |discnum| @options[:discnum] = discnum end opts.on("-g", "--genre [GENRE]", "Set this genre.") do |genre| @options[:genre] = genre end opts.on("-t", "--title [TITLE]", "Set this title.") do |title| @options[:title] = title end opts.on("-n", "--tracknum [TRACKNUMBER]", "Set this number.") do |tracknum| @options[:tracknum] = tracknum end opts.on("-y", "--year [YEAR]", "Set this year/date.") do |year| @options[:year] = year end opts.on("-f", "--format [FORMAT]", "Try applying this format string to determine tags. Multiple occurrences allowed.") do |format| @options[:formats] << format end opts.on("-k", "--cleartags", "Clear any existing v1 and v2 tags.") do |cleartags| @options[:cleartags ]= cleartags end opts.on("-e", "--errorstops", "Stop execution if an error occurs.") do |errorstops| @options[:errorstops ]= errorstops end opts.on("-s", "--guess", "Use format guessing. Can be combined with --format.") do |guess| @options[:guess] = guess end opts.on("-l", "--list", "List available formats for guessing.") do |list| @options[:list] = list end opts.on("-r", "--recurse", "Scan for files recursively.") do |recurse| @options[:recurse] = recurse end opts.on("-w", "--showtags", "Show the resulting tags.") do |showtags| @options[:showtags] = showtags end opts.on("-u", "--underscores", "Replace underscores with spaces before processing a file name.") do |underscores| @options[:underscores] = underscores end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Common options:" opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "Run verbosely.") do |verbose| @options[:verbose] = verbose end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end end end end