require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Translation do before(:all) do @valid_attributes = { :locale => "en", :key => "test", :scope =>"TestScope", :default => "test", :translation => "test_transation", :zero => "non test", :one => "one test", :few => "few test", :many => "many test" } end describe "state assigment" do before do @state_test_attributes = [ {:locale => "en", :key => "state_test1", :default => "default1" }, {:locale => "en", :key => "state_test2", :translation => "translation2" }, {:key => "status_test3 {{count}}", :translation => "translation3", :one => "one_translation3" }, { :key => "state_test4 {{count}}", :translation => "translation4", :one => "one_translation4", :zero => "zero_translation4", :many => "many_translation4" } ] @state_test_results = ["new", "finished", "unfinished", "finished"] end it "should assign state to new created model" do for data in @state_test_attributes do model =! model.state.should == @state_test_results[@state_test_attributes.index(data)] end end end it "should lookup for new translations" do translation_new = Translation.lookup("en", "key", nil, "scope") translation_new.default.should == "key" translation_exists = Translation.lookup("en", "key", nil, "scope") translation_exists.should == translation_new end it "should be with count" do => "I have {{count}} plural forms").with_count?.should_not == nil end it "should not be with count" do => "I do not have count").with_count?.should == nil end it "should create translation with correct scope when translation is missing on lookup" do Translation.lookup(:en, :some_key, nil, [:scope, :subscope]) Translation.find_by_key_and_scope("some_key", "scope.subscope").should_not == nil end it "should not save translations with not properly attributes" do => nil)).save.should == false => "p")).save.should == false => "too long locale")).save.should == false Translation.create!(@valid_attributes) == false end it "should find translation by normalized keys" do translation = Translation.create(@valid_attributes.merge(:key => "Key", :scope => "Scope.With.Dots")) Translation.find_by_string_normalized_key("Scope.With.Dots.Key").should == translation end it "should find using find_by_string_normalized_key using simple key as attribute" do translation = Translation.create(@valid_attributes.merge(:key => "SimpleKey", :scope => nil )) Translation.find_by_string_normalized_key(translation.key).should == translation end describe "locales tools" do it "should return array of all locale values form db" do Translation.create!(:key => "key", :locale => "pl") Translation.create!(:key => "key", :locale => "en") Translation.create!(:key => "key", :locale => "nl") Translation.set_locales Translation.get_locales.should == ["en", "nl", "pl"] end end it "should return correct plural form (using count argument)" do Translation.create!(:key => "with_count", :translation => "translation", :zero => "none", :one => "one", :many => "many ({{count}})") I18n.t("with_count", :count => 0).should == "none" I18n.t("with_count", :count => 1).should == "one" I18n.t("with_count", :count => 2).should == "many (2)" end end