class Wco::Product include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps field :name field :product_id # stripe ## @TODO: remove, interval makes no sense on product! replace with Wco::Price . _vp_ 2023-09-07 # has_many :subscriptions, class_name: '::Wco::Subscription', inverse_of: :subscription has_many :prices, class_name: '::Wco::Price', inverse_of: :product def self.list [ [nil,nil] ] + self.all.order_by({ name: :asc }).map { |i| [,] } end end ## @TODO: remove, interval makes no sense on product! replace with Wco::Price . _vp_ 2023-09-07 # INTERVALS = [ nil, 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year' ] # field :interval, type: String ## @TODO: remove, interval makes no sense on product! replace with Wco::Price . _vp_ 2023-09-07 # field :price_id # stripe ## @TODO: remove, interval makes no sense on product! replace with Wco::Price . _vp_ 2023-09-07 # field :price_cents, type: Integer