require 'rails_helper' describe Fe::Page, type: :model do it { expect belong_to :question_sheet } it { expect have_many :page_elements } it { expect have_many :elements } it { expect have_many :questions } it { expect have_many :question_grids } it { expect have_many :question_grid_with_totals } # it { expect validate_presence_of :label } # this isn't working # it { expect validate_presence_of :number } # this isn't working it { expect validate_length_of :label } # it { expect validate_numericality_of :number } it "should not require a hidden element" do question_sheet = FactoryBot.create(:question_sheet_with_pages) conditional_el = FactoryBot.create(:choice_field_element, label: "This is a test for a yes/no question that will show the next element if the answer is yes", conditional_type: "Fe::Element", conditional_answer: "yes") question_sheet.pages.reload question_sheet.pages[3].elements << conditional_el element = FactoryBot.create(:text_field_element, label: "This is a test of a short answer that is made visible by the previous element") question_sheet.pages[3].elements << element conditional_el.reload expect(conditional_el.conditional).to eq(element) # set up an answer sheet application = FactoryBot.create(:answer_sheet) application.answer_sheet_question_sheet = FactoryBot.create(:answer_sheet_question_sheet, answer_sheet: application, question_sheet: question_sheet) application.answer_sheet_question_sheets.first.update(question_sheet_id: application.reload # make the answer to the conditional question 'no' so that the next element does not show up and is not required conditional_el.set_response("no", application) conditional_el.save_response(application) # validate the page -- the next element after the conditional should not be required (because it's hidden) page = question_sheet.pages[3] question_sheet.pages.reload expect(page.complete?(application)).to eq(true) # make the answer to the conditional question 'yes' so that the next element shows up and is thus required conditional_el.set_response("yes", application) conditional_el.save_response(application) conditional_el.display_response(application) # validate the page -- the next element after the conditional be required now, making the page incomplete page = question_sheet.pages[3] expect(page.complete?(application)).to eq(false) end context '#all_elements' do it 'should return elements in the same order the ids were given' do p = create(:page, all_element_ids: '2,1') e1 = create(:text_field_element) e2 = create(:text_field_element) expect(p.all_elements).to eq([e2,e1]) end it 'should include elements in a grid' do p = create(:page) e = create(:question_grid) create(:page_element, page: p, element: e) tf1 = create(:text_field_element, question_grid: e) # add text field directly to page tf2 = create(:text_field_element) create(:page_element, page: p, element: tf2) # add section to grid section = create(:section, question_grid: e) p.reload # get the updated all_element_ids column expect(p.all_elements).to eq([e, tf1, section, tf2]) end it 'should return an empty active record result set when no elements are added' do p = create(:page) expect(p.all_elements).to eq([]) end it 'should rebuild_all_element_ids first when not set' do p = create(:page) p.all_elements p.reload expect(p.all_element_ids).to eq('') end end context '#has_questions?' do it 'should return true when there is a question directly on the page' do p = create(:page) e = create(:text_field_element) create(:page_element, page: p, element: e) expect(p.has_questions?).to be true end it 'should not count a non-question directly on the page' do p = create(:page) e = create(:section) create(:page_element, page: p, element: e) expect(p.has_questions?).to be false end it 'should return true when the only question is in a grid' do p = create(:page) e = create(:question_grid) create(:page_element, page: p, element: e) tf1 = create(:text_field_element, question_grid: e) section = create(:section, question_grid: e) p.reload # get the updated all_element_ids column expect(p.has_questions?).to be true end it 'should not count a non-question inside a grid as a question' do p = create(:page) e = create(:question_grid) create(:page_element, page: p, element: e) section = create(:section, question_grid: e) p.reload # get the updated all_element_ids column expect(p.has_questions?).to be false end end context '#all_questions' do it 'should include elements in a grid with total' do p = create(:page) grid = create(:question_grid_with_total) # shouldn't be included in all_questions because it's a not a question create(:page_element, page: p, element: grid, position: 1) tf1 = create(:text_field_element, question_grid: grid) tf2 = create(:text_field_element) # add directly to page create(:page_element, page: p, element: tf2, position: 2) section = create(:section, question_grid: grid) # shouldn't be included in all_questions because it's not a question p.reload # get the updated all_element_ids column expect(p.all_questions).to eq([tf1, tf2]) end end context '#rebuild_all_element_ids' do it 'should include elements in a grid' do p = create(:page) e = create(:question_grid) create(:page_element, page: p, element: e) tf1 = create(:text_field_element, question_grid: e) tf2 = create(:text_field_element) # add directly to page create(:page_element, page: p, element: tf2) section = create(:section, question_grid: e) p.update_column :all_element_ids, nil p.rebuild_all_element_ids expect(p.all_element_ids).to eq("#{},#{},#{},#{}") end end context '#all_element_ids' do it 'should rebuild_all_element_ids first when not set' do p = create(:page) p.all_element_ids p.reload expect(p.all_element_ids).to eq('') end it 'should rebuild_all_element_ids when an element is removed from a page' do p = create(:page) e = create(:text_field_element, question_grid: e) pe = create(:page_element, page: p, element: e) expect(p.all_element_ids).to eq( pe.destroy p.reload expect(p.all_element_ids).to eq('') end end context '#copy_to' do it 'should return the new page' do q = create(:question_sheet) p = create(:page) r = p.copy_to(q) expect(r.class).to be(Fe::Page) end end context '#complete' do it "is complete when there's a required element inside a hidden group" do q = create(:question_sheet) p = create(:page, question_sheet: q) g1 = create(:question_grid) c = create(:text_field_element, conditional_answer: 'asdf', conditional: g1) create(:page_element, page: p, element: c) create(:page_element, page: p, element: g1) g2 = create(:question_grid_with_total, question_grid: g1) e = create(:text_field_element, question_grid: g2) application = create(:answer_sheet) application.question_sheets << q c.set_response('asdf', application) c.save_response(application) expect(e.hidden?(application)).to be(false) expect(p.complete?(application)).to be(false) # change the answer to make sure it changes to not required c.set_response('something else', application) c.save_response(application) expect(c.display_response(application)).to eq('something else') expect(e.hidden?(application)).to be(true) p.clear_all_hidden_elements expect(p.complete?(application)).to be(true) end end context '#hidden' do it 'checks the hidden column' do q = create(:question_sheet) p = create(:page, question_sheet: q, hidden: true) expect(p.hidden).to be true end end end