desc "Creates a test rails app for the specs to run against" task :setup do require 'rails/version' system("mkdir spec/rails") unless File.exists?("spec/rails") system "bundle exec rails new spec/rails/rails-#{Rails::VERSION::STRING} -m spec/support/rails_template.rb" end namespace :test do desc "Run against the important versions of rails" task :major_rails_versions do current_version = detect_rails_version if File.exists?("Gemfile.lock") ["3.0.10", "3.1.0"].each do |version| puts puts puts "== Using Rails #{version}" cmd "./script/use_rails #{version}" cmd "bundle exec rspec spec/unit" cmd "bundle exec rspec spec/integration" cmd "bundle exec cucumber features" end cmd "./script/use_rails #{current_version}" if current_version end end # Run specs and cukes task :test do cmd "bundle exec rspec spec/unit" cmd "bundle exec rspec spec/integration" cmd "bundle exec cucumber features" end namespace :spec do desc "Run specs for all versions of rails" task :all do (0..6).to_a.each do |v| puts "Running for Rails 3.0.#{v}" cmd "rm Gemfile.lock" if File.exists?("Gemfile.lock") cmd "/usr/bin/env RAILS=3.0.#{v} bundle install" cmd "/usr/bin/env RAILS=3.0.#{v} rake spec" end end end require 'cucumber/rake/task' namespace :cucumber do do |t| t.profile = 'default' end do |t| t.profile = 'wip' end end task :cucumber => "cucumber:all"