# frozen_string_literal: true require 'nokogiri' require 'wicked_pdf' require 'fileutils' require 'uri' module PWN module Plugins # This plugin is used for interacting w/ IBM Appscan Enterprise using # the 'rest' browser type of PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser. # The IBM Appscan Spec in which this PWN module is based is located here: # http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSW2NF_9.0.0/com.ibm.ase.help.doc/topics/c_web_services.html?lang=en module IBMAppscan @@logger = PWN::Plugins::PWNLogger.create # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.login( # appscan_ip: 'required host/ip of IBM Appscan Server', # username: 'required username', # password: 'optional password (will prompt if nil)' # ) public_class_method def self.login(opts = {}) appscan_ip = opts[:appscan_ip] username = opts[:username].to_s.scrub base_appscan_api_uri = "https://#{appscan_ip}/ase/services".to_s.scrub password = if opts[:password].nil? PWN::Plugins::AuthenticationHelper.mask_password else opts[:password].to_s.scrub end @@logger.info("Logging into IBM Appscan Enterprise Server: #{appscan_ip}") browser_obj = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open(browser_type: :rest) rest_client = browser_obj[:browser]::Request response = rest_client.execute( method: :post, url: "#{base_appscan_api_uri}/login", payload: "userid=#{username}&password=#{password}", verify_ssl: false ) # Return array containing the Appscan Server host/ip & post-authenticated Appscan REST cookie appscan_ip = URI.parse(response.args[:url]).host appscan_cookie = "asc_session_id=#{response.cookies['asc_session_id']}; ASP.NET_SessionId=#{response.cookies['ASP.NET_SessionId']}" appscan_obj = {} appscan_obj[:appscan_ip] = appscan_ip appscan_obj[:cookie] = appscan_cookie appscan_obj[:raw_response] = response appscan_obj[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) appscan_obj[:build] = appscan_obj[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:version/xmlns:build' ).text appscan_obj[:dbversion] = appscan_obj[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:version/xmlns:dbversion' ).text appscan_obj[:rules_version] = appscan_obj[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:version/xmlns:rules-version' ).text appscan_obj[:username] = appscan_obj[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:version/xmlns:user-name' ).text appscan_obj[:password] = Base64.strict_encode64(password) appscan_obj[:logged_in] = true appscan_obj rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # appscan_rest_call( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # http_method: 'optional HTTP method (defaults to GET) # rest_call: 'required rest call to make per the schema', # http_body: 'optional HTTP body sent in HTTP methods that support it e.g. POST' # ) private_class_method def self.appscan_rest_call(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] http_method = if opts[:http_method].nil? :get else opts[:http_method].to_s.scrub.to_sym end rest_call = opts[:rest_call].to_s.scrub http_body = opts[:http_body].to_s.scrub appscan_ip = appscan_obj[:appscan_ip].to_s.scrub appscan_cookie = appscan_obj[:cookie] base_appscan_api_uri = "https://#{appscan_ip}/ase/services".to_s.scrub retry_count = 3 browser_obj = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open(browser_type: :rest) rest_client = browser_obj[:browser]::Request case http_method when :get response = rest_client.execute( method: :get, url: "#{base_appscan_api_uri}/#{rest_call}", headers: { cookie: appscan_cookie }, verify_ssl: false ) when :post response = rest_client.execute( method: :post, url: "#{base_appscan_api_uri}/#{rest_call}", headers: { cookie: appscan_cookie }, payload: http_body, verify_ssl: false ) else return @@logger.error("Unsupported HTTP Method #{http_method} for #{self} Plugin") end response rescue StandardError => e if (e.message == '401 Unauthorized') && retry_count.positive? && appscan_obj[:logged_in] # Try logging back in to refresh the connection @@logger.warn("Got Response: #{e}...Attempting to Re-Authenticate; Retries left #{retry_count}") n_appscan_obj = login( appscan_ip: appscan_obj[:appscan_ip], username: appscan_obj[:username], password: Base64.decode64(appscan_obj[:password]) ) appscan_cookie = n_appscan_obj[:cookie] # "copy" the new app obj over the old app obj appscan_obj.each_key do |k| appscan_obj[k] = n_appscan_obj[k] end retry_count -= 1 retry end raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.schema( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' # ) public_class_method def self.schema(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: 'schema') schema = {} schema[:raw_response] = response schema[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) schema rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.version( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' # ) public_class_method def self.version(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: 'version') version = {} version[:raw_response] = response version[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) version[:build] = version[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:version/xmlns:build' ).text version[:dbversion] = version[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:version/xmlns:dbversion' ).text version[:rules_version] = version[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:version/xmlns:rules-version' ).text version[:username] = version[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:version/xmlns:user-name' ).text version rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_folders( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' # ) public_class_method def self.get_folders(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: 'folders') folders = {} folders[:raw_response] = response folders[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) folders rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_subfolders_of_folder( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # folder_id: 'required folder to retrieve' # ) public_class_method def self.get_subfolders_of_folder(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] folder_id = opts[:folder_id].to_i response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: "folders/#{folder_id}/folders") subfolders = {} subfolders[:raw_response] = response subfolders[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) subfolders rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_folder_by_id( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # folder_id: 'required folder to retrieve' # ) public_class_method def self.get_folder_by_id(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] folder_id = opts[:folder_id].to_i response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: "folders/#{folder_id}") folder = {} folder[:raw_response] = response folder[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) folder rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_folder_items( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' # ) public_class_method def self.get_folder_items(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: 'folderitems') folder_items = {} folder_items[:raw_response] = response folder_items[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) folder_items rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_folder_item_by_id( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # folder_item_id: 'required folder item to retrieve' # ) public_class_method def self.get_folder_item_by_id(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] folder_item_id = opts[:folder_item_id].to_i retry_count = 3 response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: "folderitems/#{folder_item_id}") folder_item = {} folder_item[:raw_response] = response folder_item[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) # Get Current Status of a Scan # Available states: # READY = 1; # STARTING = 2; # RUNNING = 3; # RESUMING = 6; # CANCELING = 7; # SUSPENDING = 8; # SUSPENDED = 9; # POSTPROCESSING = 10; # ENDING = 12; folder_item[:state] = folder_item[:xml_response].xpath('//xmlns:state/xmlns:name').text folder_item rescue StandardError => e @@logger.error("Error: #{e} | #{e.class}\nResponse Returned: #{folder_item[:raw_response]}") end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_a_folders_folder_items( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # folder_id: 'required folder to retrieve' # ) public_class_method def self.get_a_folders_folder_items(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] folder_id = opts[:folder_item_id].to_i response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: "folders/#{folder_id}/folderitems") a_folders_folder_items = {} a_folders_folder_items[:raw_response] = response a_folders_folder_items[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) a_folders_folder_items rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_folder_item_options( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # folder_item_id: 'required folder item to retrieve' # ) public_class_method def self.get_folder_item_options(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] folder_item_id = opts[:folder_item_id].to_i # TODO: Discover why not all options are returned # (e.g. esCOTAutoFormFillUserNameValue & esCOTAutoFormFillPasswordValue) response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: "folderitems/#{folder_item_id}/options") folder_item_options = {} folder_item_options[:raw_response] = response folder_item_options[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) folder_item_options[:options] = folder_item_options[:xml_response].xpath( '//xmlns:available-option/@href' ) folder_item_options rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_scan_templates( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' # ) public_class_method def self.get_scan_templates(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: 'templates') templates = {} templates[:raw_response] = response templates[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) templates rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.create_scan_based_on_template( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' # template_id: 'required template id returned from get_scan_templates method' # scan_name: 'required name of scan' # scan_desc: 'required description of scan' # ) public_class_method def self.create_scan_based_on_template(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] template_id = opts[:template_id].to_i scan_name = opts[:scan_name].to_s.scrub scan_desc = opts[:scan_desc].to_s.scrub response = appscan_rest_call( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, http_method: :post, rest_call: "folderitems?templateId=#{template_id}", http_body: "name=#{scan_name}&description=#{scan_desc}" ) # Return an Easy to Use Data Structure # Instead of Leaving it to the End User # To Parse Out the XML on their own. scan = {} scan[:raw_response] = response scan[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) scan[:folder_url] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/@href' ).text scan[:folder_item_id] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/xmlns:id' ).text scan[:scan_name] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/xmlns:name' ).text scan[:scan_desc] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/xmlns:description' ).text scan[:parent_folder_url] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/xmlns:parent/@href' ).text scan[:parent_folder_id] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/xmlns:parent/xmlns:id' ).text scan[:contact] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/xmlns:contact' ).text scan[:state_id] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/xmlns:state/xmlns:id' ).text scan[:state_name] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/xmlns:state/xmlns:name' ).text scan[:action_id] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/xmlns:action/xmlns:id' ).text scan[:action_name] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/xmlns:action/xmlns:name' ).text scan[:options_url] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:content-scan-job/xmlns:options/@href' ).text scan[:report_pack_url] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:report-pack/@href' ).text scan[:report_pack_id] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:report-pack/xmlns:id' ).text scan[:reports_url] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:report-pack/xmlns:reports/@href' ).text scan[:reports_count] = scan[:xml_response].xpath( '/xmlns:folder-items/xmlns:report-pack/xmlns:reports/xmlns:count' ).text.to_i scan rescue StandardError => e @@logger.error("Error #{e}:\nREST response returned:\n#{response}") end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.configure_scan_options( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # folder_item_id: 'required folder item id', # option: 'required option to change within the scan (folder item)', # value: 'required option value(s)' # ) public_class_method def self.configure_scan_options(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] folder_item_id = opts[:folder_item_id].to_i option = opts[:option].to_s.scrub value = opts[:value] case option.to_sym when :epcsCOTListOfStartingUrls post_body = '' value.to_s.scrub.split(',').each_with_index do |url, index| post_body << '&' unless index.zero? post_body << "value=#{URI.encode_www_form(url.strip.chomp)}" end when :ebCOTHttpAuthentication post_body = if value == false 'value=0' # Don't require authentication else 'value=1' # Require authentication end when :esCOTHttpUser, :esCOTHttpPassword, :elCOTScanLimit post_body = "value=#{value.to_s.scrub}" when :help available_options = '' get_folder_item_options( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, folder_item_id: folder_item_id )[:options].each { |url| available_options << "#{File.basename(url)}\n" } return @@logger.info("Valid Options are:\n\n#{available_options}") else available_options = '' get_folder_item_options( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, folder_item_id: folder_item_id )[:options].each { |url| available_options << "#{File.basename(url)}\n" } return @@logger.error("Invalid option '#{option}' parameter passed.\nValid Options are:\n\n#{available_options}") end # Always Overwrite Existing Option Values response = appscan_rest_call( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, http_method: :post, rest_call: "folderitems/#{folder_item_id}/options/#{option}?put=1", http_body: post_body.to_s ) scan_config = {} scan_config[:raw_response] = response scan_config[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) scan_config[:options] = scan_config[:xml_response].xpath('//xmlns:option/@value') scan_config rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.folder_item_scan_action( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # folder_item_id: 'required folder item id', # action: 'required action for scan to follow. Available actions are: :run, :suspend, :cancel, & :end', # poll_interval: 'optional setting to determine length in seconds to poll for scan state (defaults to 60)' # ) public_class_method def self.folder_item_scan_action(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] folder_item_id = opts[:folder_item_id].to_i action = opts[:action].to_s.scrub.to_sym poll_interval = if opts[:poll_interval].nil? 60 else opts[:poll_interval].to_i end case action when :run # Make sure scan is in a Ready state this_folder_item = PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_folder_item_by_id( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, folder_item_id: folder_item_id ) state = this_folder_item[:state] return @@logger.error("Scan isn't in a Ready state. Current state: #{state}, abort.") if state != 'Ready' @@logger.info("Kicking Off Scan for Folder Item: #{folder_item_id}") response = appscan_rest_call( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, http_method: :post, rest_call: "folderitems/#{folder_item_id}", http_body: 'action=2' ) # Obtain Status to Monitor Scan Completion state = nil until state == 'Ready' sleep poll_interval this_folder_item = PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_folder_item_by_id( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, folder_item_id: folder_item_id ) state = this_folder_item[:state] @@logger.info("Current Scan State: #{state}...") end @@logger.info("Scan Completed @ #{Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}") when :suspend response = appscan_rest_call( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, http_method: :post, rest_call: "folderitems/#{folder_item_id}", http_body: 'action=3' ) when :cancel response = appscan_rest_call( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, http_method: :post, rest_call: "folderitems/#{folder_item_id}", http_body: 'action=4' ) when :end response = appscan_rest_call( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, http_method: :post, rest_call: "folderitems/#{folder_item_id}", http_body: 'action=5' ) else return @@logger.error("Invalid action. Valid actions are:\n:run\n:suspend\n:cancel\n:end\n") end scan_action = {} scan_action[:raw_response] = response scan_action[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) scan_action rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_report_collection( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # report_folder_item_id: 'required report folder item id' # ) public_class_method def self.get_report_collection(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] report_folder_item_id = opts[:report_folder_item_id].to_i @@logger.info("Retrieving Report Collection ID: #{report_folder_item_id} - Available Report Pack Collection:") response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: "folderitems/#{report_folder_item_id}/reports") report_collection = {} report_collection[:raw_response] = response report_collection[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) # Output full report pack collection report_collection[:xml_response].xpath('//xmlns:report').each do |r| @@logger.info(" - #{r.xpath('xmlns:name').text}") end report_collection rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_single_report( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # report_id: 'required report id' # ) public_class_method def self.get_single_report(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] report_id = opts[:report_id].to_i response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: "reports/#{report_id}") report = {} report[:raw_response] = response report[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) @@logger.info("Retrieved Report ID/Name: #{report_id}/#{report[:xml_response].xpath('//xmlns:report/xmlns:name').text}") report rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_single_report_data( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # report_id: 'required report id' # ) public_class_method def self.get_single_report_data(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] report_id = opts[:report_id].to_i response = appscan_rest_call( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: "reports/#{report_id}/data?mode=all" ) report_data = {} report_data[:raw_response] = response report_data[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) @@logger.info("Retrieved Report Data for Report ID: #{report_id}") report_data rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_single_report_schema( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # report_id: 'required report id' # ) public_class_method def self.get_single_report_schema(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] report_id = opts[:report_id].to_i response = appscan_rest_call( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: "reports/#{report_id}/data?metadata=schema" ) report_schema = {} report_schema[:raw_response] = response report_schema[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) @@logger.info("Retrieved Report Schema for Report ID: #{report_id}") report_schema rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_issue_collection( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', # report_id: 'required report id' # ) public_class_method def self.get_issue_collection(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] report_id = opts[:report_id].to_i response = appscan_rest_call( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: "reports/#{report_id}/issues?mode=all" ) issue_collection = {} issue_collection[:raw_response] = response issue_collection[:xml_response] = Nokogiri::XML(response) @@logger.info("Retrieved Issue Collection for Report ID: #{report_id}") issue_collection rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.get_report_data # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' # report_link: 'required report link to start report generation # output_name: 'required name to save generated report' private_class_method def self.get_report_data(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] report_link = opts[:report_link] output_name = opts[:output_name] # First Get request uri = URI.parse(report_link) browser_obj = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open(browser_type: :rest) rb = browser_obj[:browser] res = rb.get(report_link, 'Cookie' => appscan_obj[:cookie], :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) location = "https://#{uri.host}#{res.headers['location']}" puts "Location: #{location}" # Generate the report on the server side res = rb.get(location, 'Cookie' => appscan_obj[:cookie], :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) # Now get the file f = File.open(output_name, 'wb') location['Export'] = 'Stream' begin rb.get(location, 'Cookie' => appscan_obj[:cookie], :verify_ssl => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) do |resp| resp.read_body do |seg| f.write(seg) end end ensure f.close end rescue StandardError => e @@logger.error("Could not get report data: #{e}") end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.generate_scan_report # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' # scan_name: 'required name of scan for which to generate a report' # output_path: 'required path to save generated report' public_class_method def self.generate_scan_report(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] scan_name = opts[:scan_name] output_path = opts[:output_path] appscan_ip = appscan_obj[:appscan_ip].to_s.scrub login_uri = "https://#{appscan_ip}:9443/ase/pages/Login.jsp" base_appscan_uri = "https://#{appscan_ip}/ase/FolderExplorer.aspx" logout_uri = "https://#{appscan_ip}/ase/LogOut.aspx" # verify the output path actually exists return @@logger.error("Output directory does not exist: #{output_path}") unless File.directory?(output_path) browser_obj = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open( browser_type: :headless, proxy: '' ) h_browser = browser_obj[:browser] # log into the system h_browser.goto login_uri.to_s.to_s.scrub h_browser.text_field(name: 'j_username').when_present.set(appscan_obj[:username]) h_browser.text_field(name: 'j_password').when_present.set(Base64.decode64(appscan_obj[:password])) h_browser.button(name: 'login').when_present.click # head over to the reports page and click on the report link h_browser.goto base_appscan_uri.to_s.to_s.scrub h_browser.link(:text, 'ASE').when_present.click # Search for the report link with a matching name and click it clicked = false h_browser.links.each do |link| next unless (link.text == scan_name.to_s) && link.href =~ /^https:.+XReports.+/ link.when_present.click clicked = true break end return @@logger.error("Could not find matching scan name for name #{scan_name}") unless clicked output_path = "#{output_path}/#{scan_name.gsub(/[^\w.-]/, '_')}/" FileUtils.rm_rf output_path if File.directory?(output_path) FileUtils.mkpath output_path # Download the top level report report_link = "#{h_browser.url}&exportformat=pdf&exportdelivery=download" output_name = "#{output_path}Top_Level.pdf" get_report_data( appscan_obj: appscan_obj, report_link: report_link, output_name: output_name ) rescue StandardError => e @@logger.error("Error retrieving report for '#{scan_name}': #{e}") ensure # make sure we always logout h_browser.goto logout_uri.to_s.to_s.scrub h_browser.close end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::IBMAppscan.logout( # appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' # ) public_class_method def self.logout(opts = {}) appscan_obj = opts[:appscan_obj] @@logger.info('Logging out...') response = appscan_rest_call(appscan_obj: appscan_obj, rest_call: 'logout') if response == '' appscan_obj[:logged_in] = false 'logout successful' else response end rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Author(s):: 0day Inc. public_class_method def self.authors "AUTHOR(S): 0day Inc. " end # Display Usage for this Module public_class_method def self.help puts "USAGE: appscan_obj = #{self}.login( appscan_ip: 'required host/ip of Nexpose Console (server)', username: 'required username', password: 'optional password (will prompt if nil)' ) schema = #{self}.schema( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' ) version = #{self}.version( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' ) folders = #{self}.get_folders( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' ) subfolders = #{self}.get_subfolders_of_folder( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', folder_id: 'required folder to retrieve' ) folder = #{self}.get_folder_by_id( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', folder_id: 'required folder to retrieve' ) folder_items = #{self}.get_folder_items( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' ) folder_item = #{self}.get_folder_item_by_id( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', folder_item_id: 'required folder item to retrieve' ) a_folders_folder_items = #{self}.get_a_folders_folder_items( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', folder_id: 'required folder to retrieve' ) folder_item_options = #{self}.get_folder_item_options( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', folder_item_id: 'required folder item to retrieve' ) scan = #{self}.create_scan_based_on_template( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' template_id: 'required template id returned from get_scan_templates method' scan_name: 'required name of scan' scan_desc: 'required description of scan' ) templates = #{self}.get_scan_templates( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' ) scan_config = #{self}.configure_scan_options( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', folder_item_id: 'required folder item id', option: 'required option to change within the scan (folder item). Pass :help for a list of options.', value: 'required option value(s)' ) scan_action = #{self}.folder_item_scan_action( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', folder_item_id: 'required folder item id', action: 'required action for scan to follow. Available actions are: :run, :suspend, :cancel, & :end', poll_interval: 'optional setting to determine length in seconds to poll for scan state (defaults to 60)' ) report_collection = #{self}.get_report_collection( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', report_folder_item_id: 'required report folder item id' ) report = #{self}.get_single_report( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', report_id: 'required report id' ) report_data = #{self}.get_single_report_data( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', report_id: 'required report id' ) report_schema = #{self}.get_single_report_schema( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', report_id: 'required report id' ) issue_collection = #{self}.get_issue_collection( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method', report_id: 'required report id' ) #{self}.generate_scan_report( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login', scan_name: 'required name of scan for which to generate a report', output_path: 'required path to save generated report' ) #{self}.logout( appscan_obj: 'required appscan_obj returned from login method' ) #{self}.authors " end end end end