namespace :radiant do namespace :extensions do namespace :<%= file_name %> do desc "Runs the migration of the <%= extension_name %> extension" task :migrate => :environment do require 'radiant/extension_migrator' if ENV["VERSION"] <%= class_name %>.migrator.migrate(ENV["VERSION"].to_i) Rake::Task['db:schema:dump'].invoke else <%= class_name %>.migrator.migrate Rake::Task['db:schema:dump'].invoke end end desc "Copies public assets of the <%= extension_name %> to the instance public/ directory." task :update => :environment do is_svn_or_dir = proc {|path| path =~ /\.svn/ || } puts "Copying assets from <%= class_name %>" Dir[<%= class_name %>.root + "/public/**/*"].reject(&is_svn_or_dir).each do |file| path = file.sub(<%= class_name %>.root, '') directory = File.dirname(path) mkdir_p RAILS_ROOT + directory, :verbose => false cp file, RAILS_ROOT + path, :verbose => false end end desc "Syncs all available translations for this ext to the English ext master" task :sync => :environment do # The main translation root, basically where English is kept language_root = <%= class_name %>.root + "/config/locales" words = TranslationSupport.get_translation_keys(language_root) Dir["#{language_root}/*.yml"].each do |filename| next if filename.match('_available_tags') basename = File.basename(filename, '.yml') puts "Syncing #{basename}" (comments, other) = TranslationSupport.read_file(filename, basename) words.each { |k,v| other[k] ||= words[k] } # Initializing hash variable as empty if it does not exist other.delete_if { |k,v| !words[k] } # Remove if not defined in en.yml TranslationSupport.write_file(filename, basename, comments, other) end end end end end