# Vendored files and directories are excluded from language # statistics. # # Lines in this file are Regexps that are matched against the file # pathname. # # Please add additional test coverage to # `test/test_file_blob.rb#test_vendored` if you make any changes. ## Vendor Conventions ## # Caches - (^|/)cache/ # Dependencies - ^[Dd]ependencies/ # Distributions - (^|/)dist/ # C deps - ^deps/ - (^|/)configure$ - (^|/)config\.guess$ - (^|/)config\.sub$ # stuff autogenerated by autoconf - still C deps - (^|/)aclocal\.m4 - (^|/)libtool\.m4 - (^|/)ltoptions\.m4 - (^|/)ltsugar\.m4 - (^|/)ltversion\.m4 - (^|/)lt~obsolete\.m4 # .NET Core Install Scripts - (^|/)dotnet-install\.(ps1|sh)$ # Linters - (^|/)cpplint\.py # Node dependencies - (^|/)node_modules/ # Yarn 2 - (^|/)\.yarn/releases/ - (^|/)\.yarn/plugins/ - (^|/)\.yarn/sdks/ - (^|/)\.yarn/versions/ - (^|/)\.yarn/unplugged/ # esy.sh dependencies - (^|/)_esy$ # Bower Components - (^|/)bower_components/ # Erlang bundles - ^rebar$ - (^|/)erlang\.mk # Go dependencies - (^|/)Godeps/_workspace/ # Go fixtures - (^|/)testdata/ # GNU indent profiles - (^|/)\.indent\.pro # Minified JavaScript and CSS - (\.|-)min\.(js|css)$ # Stylesheets imported from packages - ([^\s]*)import\.(css|less|scss|styl)$ # Bootstrap css and js - (^|/)bootstrap([^.]*)\.(js|css|less|scss|styl)$ - (^|/)custom\.bootstrap([^\s]*)(js|css|less|scss|styl)$ # Font Awesome - (^|/)font-?awesome\.(css|less|scss|styl)$ - (^|/)font-?awesome/.*\.(css|less|scss|styl)$ # Foundation css - (^|/)foundation\.(css|less|scss|styl)$ # Normalize.css - (^|/)normalize\.(css|less|scss|styl)$ # Skeleton.css - (^|/)skeleton\.(css|less|scss|styl)$ # Bourbon css - (^|/)[Bb]ourbon/.*\.(css|less|scss|styl)$ # Animate.css - (^|/)animate\.(css|less|scss|styl)$ # Materialize.css - (^|/)materialize\.(css|less|scss|styl|js)$ # Select2 - (^|/)select2/.*\.(css|scss|js)$ # Bulma css - (^|/)bulma\.(css|sass|scss)$ # Vendored dependencies - (3rd|[Tt]hird)[-_]?[Pp]arty/ - (^|/)vendors?/ - (^|/)extern(al)?/ - (^|/)[Vv]+endor/ # Debian packaging - ^debian/ # Haxelib projects often contain a neko bytecode file named run.n - (^|/)run\.n$ # Bootstrap Datepicker - (^|/)bootstrap-datepicker/ ## Commonly Bundled JavaScript frameworks ## # jQuery - (^|/)jquery([^.]*)\.js$ - (^|/)jquery\-\d\.\d+(\.\d+)?\.js$ # jQuery UI - (^|/)jquery\-ui(\-\d\.\d+(\.\d+)?)?(\.\w+)?\.(js|css)$ - (^|/)jquery\.(ui|effects)\.([^.]*)\.(js|css)$ # jQuery Gantt - (^|/)jquery\.fn\.gantt\.js # jQuery fancyBox - (^|/)jquery\.fancybox\.(js|css) # Fuel UX - (^|/)fuelux\.js # jQuery File Upload - (^|/)jquery\.fileupload(-\w+)?\.js$ # jQuery dataTables - (^|/)jquery\.dataTables\.js # bootboxjs - (^|/)bootbox\.js # pdf-worker - (^|/)pdf\.worker\.js # Slick - (^|/)slick\.\w+.js$ # Leaflet plugins - (^|/)Leaflet\.Coordinates-\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.src\.js$ - (^|/)leaflet\.draw-src\.js - (^|/)leaflet\.draw\.css - (^|/)Control\.FullScreen\.css - (^|/)Control\.FullScreen\.js - (^|/)leaflet\.spin\.js - (^|/)wicket-leaflet\.js # Sublime Text workspace files - (^|/)\.sublime-project - (^|/)\.sublime-workspace # VS Code workspace files - (^|/)\.vscode/ # Prototype - (^|/)prototype(.*)\.js$ - (^|/)effects\.js$ - (^|/)controls\.js$ - (^|/)dragdrop\.js$ # Typescript definition files - (.*?)\.d\.ts$ # MooTools - (^|/)mootools([^.]*)\d+\.\d+.\d+([^.]*)\.js$ # Dojo - (^|/)dojo\.js$ # MochiKit - (^|/)MochiKit\.js$ # YUI - (^|/)yahoo-([^.]*)\.js$ - (^|/)yui([^.]*)\.js$ # WYS editors - (^|/)ckeditor\.js$ - (^|/)tiny_mce([^.]*)\.js$ - (^|/)tiny_mce/(langs|plugins|themes|utils) # Ace Editor - (^|/)ace-builds/ # Fontello CSS files - (^|/)fontello(.*?)\.css$ # MathJax - (^|/)MathJax/ # Chart.js - (^|/)Chart\.js$ # CodeMirror - (^|/)[Cc]ode[Mm]irror/(\d+\.\d+/)?(lib|mode|theme|addon|keymap|demo) # SyntaxHighlighter - http://alexgorbatchev.com/ - (^|/)shBrush([^.]*)\.js$ - (^|/)shCore\.js$ - (^|/)shLegacy\.js$ # AngularJS - (^|/)angular([^.]*)\.js$ # D3.js - (^|\/)d3(\.v\d+)?([^.]*)\.js$ # React - (^|/)react(-[^.]*)?\.js$ # flow-typed - (^|/)flow-typed/.*\.js$ # Modernizr - (^|/)modernizr\-\d\.\d+(\.\d+)?\.js$ - (^|/)modernizr\.custom\.\d+\.js$ # Knockout - (^|/)knockout-(\d+\.){3}(debug\.)?js$ ## Python ## # Sphinx - (^|/)docs?/_?(build|themes?|templates?|static)/ # django - (^|/)admin_media/ - (^|/)env/ # Fabric - (^|/)fabfile\.py$ # WAF - (^|/)waf$ # .osx - (^|/)\.osx$ ## Obj-C ## # Xcode ### these can be part of a directory name - \.xctemplate/ - \.imageset/ # Carthage - (^|/)Carthage/ # Sparkle - (^|/)Sparkle/ # Crashlytics - (^|/)Crashlytics\.framework/ # Fabric - (^|/)Fabric\.framework/ # BuddyBuild - (^|/)BuddyBuildSDK\.framework/ # Realm - (^|/)Realm\.framework # RealmSwift - (^|/)RealmSwift\.framework # git config files - (^|/)\.gitattributes$ - (^|/)\.gitignore$ - (^|/)\.gitmodules$ ## Groovy ## # Gradle - (^|/)gradlew$ - (^|/)gradlew\.bat$ - (^|/)gradle/wrapper/ ## Java ## # Maven - (^|/)mvnw$ - (^|/)mvnw\.cmd$ - (^|/)\.mvn/wrapper/ ## .NET ## # Visual Studio IntelliSense - -vsdoc\.js$ - \.intellisense\.js$ # jQuery validation plugin (MS bundles this with asp.net mvc) - (^|/)jquery([^.]*)\.validate(\.unobtrusive)?\.js$ - (^|/)jquery([^.]*)\.unobtrusive\-ajax\.js$ # Microsoft Ajax - (^|/)[Mm]icrosoft([Mm]vc)?([Aa]jax|[Vv]alidation)(\.debug)?\.js$ # NuGet - (^|/)[Pp]ackages\/.+\.\d+\/ # ExtJS - (^|/)extjs/.*?\.js$ - (^|/)extjs/.*?\.xml$ - (^|/)extjs/.*?\.txt$ - (^|/)extjs/.*?\.html$ - (^|/)extjs/.*?\.properties$ - (^|/)extjs/\.sencha/ - (^|/)extjs/docs/ - (^|/)extjs/builds/ - (^|/)extjs/cmd/ - (^|/)extjs/examples/ - (^|/)extjs/locale/ - (^|/)extjs/packages/ - (^|/)extjs/plugins/ - (^|/)extjs/resources/ - (^|/)extjs/src/ - (^|/)extjs/welcome/ # Html5shiv - (^|/)html5shiv\.js$ # Test fixtures - (^|/)[Tt]ests?/fixtures/ - (^|/)[Ss]pecs?/fixtures/ # PhoneGap/Cordova - (^|/)cordova([^.]*)\.js$ - (^|/)cordova\-\d\.\d(\.\d)?\.js$ # Foundation js - (^|/)foundation(\..*)?\.js$ # Vagrant - (^|/)Vagrantfile$ # .DS_Stores - (^|/)\.[Dd][Ss]_[Ss]tore$ # R packages - (^|/)vignettes/ - (^|/)inst/extdata/ # Octicons - (^|/)octicons\.css - (^|/)sprockets-octicons\.scss # Typesafe Activator - (^|/)activator$ - (^|/)activator\.bat$ # ProGuard - (^|/)proguard\.pro$ - (^|/)proguard-rules\.pro$ # PuPHPet - (^|/)puphpet/ # Android Google APIs - (^|/)\.google_apis/ # Jenkins Pipeline - (^|/)Jenkinsfile$