# Blacklight::Hierarchy This plugin provides hierarchical facets for [Blacklight](https://github.com/projectblacklight/blacklight). ## Usage Add the plugin to your Blacklight app's Gemfile gem 'blacklight-hierarchy', :git => 'git@github.com:sul-dlss/blacklight-hierarchy.git' Index your hierarchies in colon-separated list. For example, items in a "processing" queue with a "copy" action, might be indexed as foo processing processing:copy processing:copy:waiting bar processing processing:copy processing:copy:completed That would cause the facet count to appear at all three levels - [processing](#) (2) - [copy](#) (2) - [completed](#) (1) - [waiting](#) (1) You can skip as many levels as you'd like, as long as the "leaf" values are indexed. For example, if you didn't index the "processing" part alone, it will simply be a container, not a clickable/countable facet: - processing - [copy](#) (2) - [completed](#) (1) - [waiting](#) (1) (**Note**: If you use Solr's built-in [PathHierarchyTokenizerFactory](http://wiki.apache.org/solr/AnalyzersTokenizersTokenFilters#solr.PathHierarchyTokenizerFactory), you can index the entire depth by supplying only the leaf nodes.) In your Blacklight controller configuration (usually `CatalogController`), tell Blacklight to render the facet using the hierarchy partial config.add_facet_field 'queue_status_facet', :label => 'Queue Status', :partial => 'blacklight/hierarchy/facet_hierarchy' Add the hierarchy-specific options to the controller configuration config.facet_display = { :hierarchy => { 'tag' => [nil] } } (The `[nil]` value is present in support of rotatable facet hierarchies, which I don't have time to document right now.) ## Caveats This code was ripped out of another project, and is still quite immature as a standalone project. Every effort has been made to make it as plug-and-play as possible, but it may stomp on Blacklight in unintended ways (e.g., ways that made sense in context of its former host app, but which aren't compatible with generic Blacklight). Proceed with caution, and report issues. ## TODO - WRITE TESTS - Switch internal facet management from hack-y Hash to `Blacklight::Hierarchy::FacetGroup` class (already implemented, but not plumbed up) - Add configuration support for hierarchy delimiters other than `/\s*:\s*/` (baked into `Blacklight::Hierarchy::FacetGroup`, but again, requiring additional plumbing)