# EvernoteUtils A thin OOP-friendly wrapper of Evernote Ruby SDK. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'evernote_utils' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install evernote_utils ## Requirement If you don't have your Evernote API Key yet, get it from [Evernote Developers Page](http://dev.evernote.com/doc/). Note that you should send "Activation Request" to access production data. Please check [Frequently Ask Questions - Evernote Developers](http://dev.evernote.com/support/faq.php#activatekey). Then authenticate user's Evernote account via OAuth. Instruction is here: [Getting Started with the Evernote API - Evernote Developers](http://dev.evernote.com/doc/start/ruby.php) EvenoteUtils don't support authentication feature, because dominant other options are available. For instance: * [evernote_oauth](https://github.com/fourfour/evernote_oauth) * [omniauth-evernote](https://github.com/szimek/omniauth-evernote) ## Usage First, initialize ENUtils with an OAuth token credential identifier. ```ruby enutils = ENUtils::Core.new('oauth-token-credential-identifier') # If you want to work on sandbox, pass false to a 2nd argument. enutils = ENUtils::Core.new('oauth-token-credential-identifier', false) ``` OAuth token credential identifier looks something like: ``` S=s4:U=a1:E=12bfzzzzzz6:C=12bf8426ab8:P=7:A=en_oauth_test:H=3df9cf6xxxxxxxxx824c802xxxxxdbe1 ``` Then you can access Evernote resources. ```ruby enutils.notes # => ``` It returns `ENUtils::NoteList` instance. `ENUtils::NoteList` is an enumerable collection of `ENUtils::Note`. `ENUtils::Note` is just a thin wrapper of `Evernote::EDAM::Type::Note`. Here, `ENUtils#notes` accepts following options to search notes: * notebook * tag, tags * words (fulltext search api) * order (`:created, :updated, :relevance, :update_sequence_number, :title`) * asc (true/false) * offset (default 0) * limit (default 10, max 50 (due to Evernote API restriction)) ```ruby # Search notes by free words. enutils.notes(words: 'clojure install') # Search notes by notebook and tag names. result = enutils.notes(notebook: 'inbox', tag: 'mytag') result.count #=> 10 ... 'result' contains 10 notes for now. result.total_count #=> 210 ... How many results EverNote has on your account. # 10 is default search limit. You can overwrite limit by passing option 'limit'. enutils.notes(notebook: 'inbox', tag: 'mytag', limit: 50) # Sorting result whould be nice. enutils.notes(tag: 'mytag', order: :updated, asc: false) # BTW 'tags' option also available to search by multiple tags. Pass an array of tags to it. enutils.notes(tags: ['java', 'clojure']) ``` Actually, 'words' option is flexible enough to search notes by names of notebook and tag, same as official Evernote Desctop application. ```ruby # Just passing notebook/tag(s) names to 'words' option would work. enutils.notes(words: 'oauth notebook:Blog tag:ruby tag:tips') ``` `ENUtils#notebooks` and `ENUtils#tags` accept name filtering. You can use String or Regexp. ```ruby enutils.notebooks(name: 'Twitter') #=> [, ...] enutils.tags(name: /ruby/i) #=> [, ...] ``` These methods return an array of `ENUtils::Notebook` and `ENUtils::Tag`, respectively. By passing them `ENUtils::Core#notes` searches notes as described above. ```ruby # You can also use instances of ENUtils::Notebook and ENUtils::Tag when searching notes. notebook = enutils.notebooks(name: /Book/).first tag = enutils.tags(name: 'language').first enutils.notes(notebook: notebook, tag: tag, words: 'beginners\' guide') ``` ## Planning to do * update notes