Revision history for html-autotag-ruby 0.0.8 - implemented fill param - "defactored" HTML Encoding into this module - refactored out default {} for attrs (HTML::AutoAttr handles them) - require HTML::AutoTag v1.0.6 0.0.7 - fix Ruby dependecy 0.0.6 - implemented empty param - implemented encodes param - implemented row padding and truncation 0.0.5 - moved docs to README (trying to render for site) - just a note -- having a very hard time learning how to document ruby 0.0.4 - added docs location to gemspec 0.0.3 - added docs (hopefully in the right place) 0.0.2 - no real changes, just ensuring that all new files are published 0.0.1 - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.