= epitools Useful miscellaneous improvements for base Ruby objects, plus some extra data structures and handy wrappers. (Think of it as a light-weight version of ActiveSupport. All modules are loaded on demand with `autoload`.) Enhanced base classes: {Enumerable}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Enumerable], {Hash}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Hash], {String}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/String], {Array}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Array], {Object}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Object], {Integer}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Integer], etc. Extras: * {Path}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Path] (a better Pathname) * {TypedStruct}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/TypedStruct] (like Struct, but setters always coerce input to a certain type, eg: boolean, integer, etc.) * {WM}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/WM] (control/query desktop windows in X. Note: `wmctrl` must be installed) * {Sys}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Sys] (system tools -- determine operating system, list processes, view network statistics, etc.) * {Colored}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Colored] (enhanced version of defunkt's colored -- adds ANSI colouring methods to String, eg: #red, #green, #light_blue, etc.) * {Term}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Term] (a toolbox for making terminal-based scripts -- get terminal size, create tables, etc.) * {Iter}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Iter] (a "stable iterator" -- lets you write algorithms that modify the array as you're iterating; good for clustering.) * {Browser}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Browser] (a fake browser, with a cache, cookies, download progress bars, plus the rest of the mechanize/nokogiri API you know and love) * {Rash}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Rash] (a hash which can have Regexps as keys, so that many input keys can map to a single value.) * {Progressbar}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/Progressbar] (better than the progressbar gem) * {MimeMagic}[http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/MimeMagic] (a port of the Unix `file` utility for automatically recognizing files based on their contents; faster than running `file` on every file if you have to process large batches of files. This is originally from the mimemagic gem by {Daniel Mendler}[https://github.com/minad], and has been slightly modified and enhanced.) == Installing gem install epitools == Usage This is basically a collection of enhancements to the ruby base types (Hash, Array, Enumerable, etc.). To learn how it works, read the specs in spec/*.rb, or check out the rdoc: http://rdoc.info/github/epitron/epitools/master/frames == Copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2012 epitron == License Licensed under the WTFPL2. (See LICENSE for details.)