# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim module Proposals # The data store for a Proposal in the Decidim::Proposals component. class Proposal < Proposals::ApplicationRecord include Decidim::Resourceable include Decidim::Coauthorable include Decidim::HasComponent include Decidim::ScopableResource include Decidim::HasReference include Decidim::HasCategory include Decidim::Reportable include Decidim::HasAttachments include Decidim::Followable include Decidim::Proposals::CommentableProposal include Decidim::Searchable include Decidim::Traceable include Decidim::Loggable include Decidim::Fingerprintable include Decidim::DataPortability include Decidim::Proposals::ParticipatoryTextSection include Decidim::Amendable include Decidim::NewsletterParticipant include Decidim::Randomable include Decidim::Endorsable include Decidim::Proposals::Valuatable include Decidim::TranslatableResource include Decidim::TranslatableAttributes translatable_fields :title, :body POSSIBLE_STATES = %w(not_answered evaluating accepted rejected withdrawn).freeze fingerprint fields: [:title, :body] amendable( fields: [:title, :body], form: "Decidim::Proposals::ProposalForm" ) component_manifest_name "proposals" has_many :votes, -> { final }, foreign_key: "decidim_proposal_id", class_name: "Decidim::Proposals::ProposalVote", dependent: :destroy, counter_cache: "proposal_votes_count" has_many :notes, foreign_key: "decidim_proposal_id", class_name: "ProposalNote", dependent: :destroy, counter_cache: "proposal_notes_count" validates :title, :body, presence: true geocoded_by :address scope :answered, -> { where.not(answered_at: nil) } scope :not_answered, -> { where(answered_at: nil) } scope :state_not_published, -> { where(state_published_at: nil) } scope :state_published, -> { where.not(state_published_at: nil).where.not(state: nil) } scope :accepted, -> { state_published.where(state: "accepted") } scope :rejected, -> { state_published.where(state: "rejected") } scope :evaluating, -> { state_published.where(state: "evaluating") } scope :withdrawn, -> { where(state: "withdrawn") } scope :except_rejected, -> { where.not(state: "rejected").or(state_not_published) } scope :except_withdrawn, -> { where.not(state: "withdrawn").or(where(state: nil)) } scope :drafts, -> { where(published_at: nil) } scope :except_drafts, -> { where.not(published_at: nil) } scope :published, -> { where.not(published_at: nil) } scope :order_by_most_recent, -> { order(created_at: :desc) } scope :sort_by_valuation_assignments_count_asc, lambda { order(Arel.sql("#{sort_by_valuation_assignments_count_nulls_last_query} ASC NULLS FIRST").to_s) } scope :sort_by_valuation_assignments_count_desc, lambda { order(Arel.sql("#{sort_by_valuation_assignments_count_nulls_last_query} DESC NULLS LAST").to_s) } def self.with_valuation_assigned_to(user, space) valuator_roles = space.user_roles(:valuator).where(user: user) includes(:valuation_assignments) .where(decidim_proposals_valuation_assignments: { valuator_role_id: valuator_roles }) end acts_as_list scope: :decidim_component_id searchable_fields({ scope_id: :decidim_scope_id, participatory_space: { component: :participatory_space }, D: :body, A: :title, datetime: :published_at }, index_on_create: ->(proposal) { proposal.official? }, index_on_update: ->(proposal) { proposal.visible? }) def self.log_presenter_class_for(_log) Decidim::Proposals::AdminLog::ProposalPresenter end # Returns a collection scoped by an author. # Overrides this method in DataPortability to support Coauthorable. def self.user_collection(author) return unless author.is_a?(Decidim::User) joins(:coauthorships) .where(decidim_coauthorships: { coauthorable_type: name }) .where("decidim_coauthorships.decidim_author_id = ? AND decidim_coauthorships.decidim_author_type = ? ", author.id, author.class.base_class.name) end def self.retrieve_proposals_for(component) Decidim::Proposals::Proposal.where(component: component).joins(:coauthorships) .includes(:votes, :endorsements) .where(decidim_coauthorships: { decidim_author_type: "Decidim::UserBaseEntity" }) .not_hidden .published .except_withdrawn end def self.newsletter_participant_ids(component) proposals = retrieve_proposals_for(component).uniq coauthors_recipients_ids = proposals.map { |p| p.notifiable_identities.pluck(:id) }.flatten.compact.uniq participants_has_voted_ids = Decidim::Proposals::ProposalVote.joins(:proposal).where(proposal: proposals).joins(:author).map(&:decidim_author_id).flatten.compact.uniq endorsements_participants_ids = Decidim::Endorsement.where(resource: proposals) .where(decidim_author_type: "Decidim::UserBaseEntity") .pluck(:decidim_author_id).to_a.compact.uniq commentators_ids = Decidim::Comments::Comment.user_commentators_ids_in(proposals) (endorsements_participants_ids + participants_has_voted_ids + coauthors_recipients_ids + commentators_ids).flatten.compact.uniq end # Public: Updates the vote count of this proposal. # # Returns nothing. # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations def update_votes_count update_columns(proposal_votes_count: votes.count) end # rubocop:enable Rails/SkipsModelValidations # Public: Check if the user has voted the proposal. # # Returns Boolean. def voted_by?(user) ProposalVote.where(proposal: self, author: user).any? end # Public: Checks if the proposal has been published or not. # # Returns Boolean. def published? published_at.present? end # Public: Returns the published state of the proposal. # # Returns Boolean. def state return amendment.state if emendation? return nil unless published_state? || withdrawn? super end # This is only used to define the setter, as the getter will be overriden below. alias_attribute :internal_state, :state # Public: Returns the internal state of the proposal. # # Returns Boolean. def internal_state return amendment.state if emendation? self[:state] end # Public: Checks if the organization has published the state for the proposal. # # Returns Boolean. def published_state? emendation? || state_published_at.present? end # Public: Checks if the organization has given an answer for the proposal. # # Returns Boolean. def answered? answered_at.present? end # Public: Checks if the author has withdrawn the proposal. # # Returns Boolean. def withdrawn? internal_state == "withdrawn" end # Public: Checks if the organization has accepted a proposal. # # Returns Boolean. def accepted? state == "accepted" end # Public: Checks if the organization has rejected a proposal. # # Returns Boolean. def rejected? state == "rejected" end # Public: Checks if the organization has marked the proposal as evaluating it. # # Returns Boolean. def evaluating? state == "evaluating" end # Public: Overrides the `reported_content_url` Reportable concern method. def reported_content_url ResourceLocatorPresenter.new(self).url end # Returns the presenter for this author, to be used in the views. # Required by ResourceRenderer. def presenter Decidim::Proposals::ProposalPresenter.new(self) end # Public: Overrides the `reported_attributes` Reportable concern method. def reported_attributes [:title, :body] end # Public: Overrides the `reported_searchable_content_extras` Reportable concern method. def reported_searchable_content_extras [authors.map(&:name).join("\n")] end # Public: Whether the proposal is official or not. def official? authors.first.is_a?(Decidim::Organization) end # Public: Whether the proposal is created in a meeting or not. def official_meeting? authors.first.class.name == "Decidim::Meetings::Meeting" end # Public: The maximum amount of votes allowed for this proposal. # # Returns an Integer with the maximum amount of votes, nil otherwise. def maximum_votes maximum_votes = component.settings.threshold_per_proposal return nil if maximum_votes.zero? maximum_votes end # Public: The maximum amount of votes allowed for this proposal. 0 means infinite. # # Returns true if reached, false otherwise. def maximum_votes_reached? return false unless maximum_votes votes.count >= maximum_votes end # Public: Can accumulate more votres than maximum for this proposal. # # Returns true if can accumulate, false otherwise def can_accumulate_supports_beyond_threshold component.settings.can_accumulate_supports_beyond_threshold end # Checks whether the user can edit the given proposal. # # user - the user to check for authorship def editable_by?(user) return true if draft? && created_by?(user) !published_state? && within_edit_time_limit? && !copied_from_other_component? && created_by?(user) end # Checks whether the user can withdraw the given proposal. # # user - the user to check for withdrawability. def withdrawable_by?(user) user && !withdrawn? && authored_by?(user) && !copied_from_other_component? end # Public: Whether the proposal is a draft or not. def draft? published_at.nil? end # Defines the base query so that ransack can actually sort by this value def self.sort_by_valuation_assignments_count_nulls_last_query <<-SQL.squish ( SELECT COUNT(decidim_proposals_valuation_assignments.id) FROM decidim_proposals_valuation_assignments WHERE decidim_proposals_valuation_assignments.decidim_proposal_id = decidim_proposals_proposals.id GROUP BY decidim_proposals_valuation_assignments.decidim_proposal_id ) SQL end # method to filter by assigned valuator role ID def self.valuator_role_ids_has(value) query = <<-SQL.squish :value = any( (SELECT decidim_proposals_valuation_assignments.valuator_role_id FROM decidim_proposals_valuation_assignments WHERE decidim_proposals_valuation_assignments.decidim_proposal_id = decidim_proposals_proposals.id ) ) SQL where(query, value: value) end def self.ransackable_scopes(_auth = nil) [:valuator_role_ids_has] end ransacker :state_published do Arel.sql("CASE WHEN EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM decidim_amendments WHERE decidim_amendments.decidim_emendation_type = 'Decidim::Proposals::Proposal' AND decidim_amendments.decidim_emendation_id = decidim_proposals_proposals.id ) THEN 0 WHEN state_published_at IS NULL AND answered_at IS NOT NULL THEN 2 WHEN state_published_at IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ") end def self.sort_by_translated_title_asc field = Arel::Nodes::InfixOperation.new("->>", arel_table[:title], Arel::Nodes.build_quoted(I18n.locale)) order(Arel::Nodes::InfixOperation.new("", field, Arel.sql("ASC"))) end def self.sort_by_translated_title_desc field = Arel::Nodes::InfixOperation.new("->>", arel_table[:title], Arel::Nodes.build_quoted(I18n.locale)) order(Arel::Nodes::InfixOperation.new("", field, Arel.sql("DESC"))) end ransacker :title do Arel.sql(%{cast("decidim_proposals_proposals"."title" as text)}) end ransacker :id_string do Arel.sql(%{cast("decidim_proposals_proposals"."id" as text)}) end ransacker :is_emendation do |_parent| query = <<-SQL.squish ( SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM decidim_amendments WHERE decidim_amendments.decidim_emendation_type = 'Decidim::Proposals::Proposal' AND decidim_amendments.decidim_emendation_id = decidim_proposals_proposals.id ) ) SQL Arel.sql(query) end def self.export_serializer Decidim::Proposals::ProposalSerializer end def self.data_portability_images(user) user_collection(user).map { |p| p.attachments.collect(&:file) } end # Public: Overrides the `allow_resource_permissions?` Resourceable concern method. def allow_resource_permissions? component.settings.resources_permissions_enabled end # Checks whether the proposal is inside the time window to be editable or not once published. def within_edit_time_limit? return true if draft? return true if component.settings.proposal_edit_time == "infinite" limit = updated_at + component.settings.proposal_edit_before_minutes.minutes Time.current < limit end def process_amendment_state_change! return unless %w(accepted rejected evaluating withdrawn).member?(amendment.state) PaperTrail.request(enabled: false) do update!( state: amendment.state, state_published_at: Time.current ) end end private def copied_from_other_component? linked_resources(:proposals, "copied_from_component").any? end end end end