module YPetri::Workspace::ParametrizedSubclassing def initialize # Parametrized subclasses of Place, Transition and Net. @Place = place_subclass = YPetri::Place ) @Transition = transition_subclass = YPetri::Transition @Net = net_subclass = YPetri::Net # Make them namespaces and inject dependencies: [ @Place, @Transition, @Net ].each do |klass| klass.namespace!.class_exec do # make'em work together define_method :Place do place_subclass end define_method :Transition do transition_subclass end define_method :Net do net_subclass end private :Place, :Transition, :Net # Redeclare private after redef??? end end super # param. subclassing achieved, proceed ahead normally end # def initialize end # module YPetri::Workspace::ParametrizedSubclassing