= Pony Express A fast and lightweight ruby mailer based on http://github.com/benprew/pony. For a more historical perspective read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pony_Express. == Installation sudo apt-get install libmimetic-dev sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev sudo gem install pony-express === Dependencies * Ruby >= 1.9.1 * rubygems >= 1.3.5 * ruby development libraries (debian: ruby1.9.1-dev) * mimetic >= 0.9.6 development libraries (debian: libmimetic-dev) * pcre3 development libraries (debian: libpcre3-dev) == Usage require "pony-express" mail = PonyExpress::Mail.new to: "burns@plant.local", from: "homer@home.local", via: "sendmail" mail.add cc: "smithers@plant.local", bcc: "carl@plant.local", replyto: "homer+work@home.local" mail.add subject: "Hello Mr.Burns", text: "Can I have more donuts ?", html: "More Dooooonuuuuts!" mail.add attachments: [ "/home/homer/donuts.png" ], headers: [{name: "X-FooBar", value: "test"}] mail.dispatch Don't want to create new mail objects ? Just pass in all options to PonyExpress.mail PonyExpress.mail to: "burns@plant.local", from: "homer@home.local", ... == Testing require "pony-express" require "pony-express/test" mail = PonyExpress::Mail.new to: "burns@plant.local", from: "homer@home.local", via: "sendmail" mail.add subject: "Hello Mr.Burns", text: "Can I have more donuts ?" mail.dispatch assert_equal 1, PonyExpress::Test.mailbox.length == TODO * Build a rainbow machine and rope in some unicorns. == Won't Do * Support for Ruby 1.8 or Rubinius or JRuby * MIME parsing. If you need a full blown mail library have a look at the mail gem. == License GNU GPLv3, so its free and comes with no guarantees. If it brings down your website or burns down your house, I will not be held responsible. Use it at your own risk. You can read all about GNU here: http://www.gnu.org and GNU GPLv3 here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt.