module Processing # Drawing context # module GraphicsContext # PI # PI = Math::PI # PI / 2 # HALF_PI = PI / 2 # PI / 4 # QUARTER_PI = PI / 4 # PI * 2 # TWO_PI = PI * 2 # PI * 2 # TAU = PI * 2 # Processing mode for renderMode(). # PROCESSING = :processing # p5.js mode for renderMode(). # P5JS = :p5js # RGBA format for createImage(). # RGBA = :rgba # RGB format for createImage, or RGB mode for colorMode(). # RGB = :rgb # HSB mode for colorMode(). # HSB = :hsb # Radian mode for angleMode(). # RADIANS = :radians # Degree mode for angleMode(). # DEGREES = :degrees # Mode for rectMode(), ellipseMode(), imageMode(), and shapeMode(). # CORNER = :corner # Mode for rectMode(), ellipseMode(), imageMode(), and shapeMode(). # CORNERS = :corners # Mode for rectMode(), ellipseMode(), imageMode(), shapeMode(), # and textAlign(). # CENTER = :center # Mode for rectMode() and ellipseMode(). # RADIUS = :radius # Mode for strokeCap() and strokeJoin(). # ROUND = :round # Mode for strokeCap(). # SQUARE = :butt # Mode for strokeCap(). # PROJECT = :square # Mode for strokeJoin(). # MITER = :miter # Mode for strokeCap() and strokeJoin(). # BEVEL = :square # Mode for blendMode(). # BLEND = :normal # Mode for blendMode(). # ADD = :add # Mode for blendMode(). # SUBTRACT = :subtract # Mode for blendMode(). # LIGHTEST = :lightest # Mode for blendMode(). # DARKEST = :darkest # Mode for blendMode(). # EXCLUSION = :exclusion # Mode for blendMode(). # MULTIPLY = :multiply # Mode for blendMode(). # SCREEN = :screen # Mode for blendMode(). # REPLACE = :replace # Key code or Mode for textAlign(). # LEFT = :left # Key code or Mode for textAlign(). # RIGHT = :right # Mode for textAlign(). # TOP = :top # Mode for textAlign(). # BOTTOM = :bottom # Mode for textAlign(). # BASELINE = :baseline # Mode for textureMode(). # IMAGE = :image # Mode for textureMode(). # NORMAL = :normal # Mode for textureWrap(). # CLAMP = :clamp # Mode for textureWrap(). # REPEAT = :repeat # Filter type for filter() # THRESHOLD = :threshold # Filter type for filter() # GRAY = :gray # Filter type for filter() # INVERT = :invert # Filter type for filter() # BLUR = :blur # Shape mode for createShape() # LINE = :line # Shape mode for createShape() # RECT = :rect # Shape mode for createShape() # ELLIPSE = :ellipse # Shape mode for createShape() # ARC = :arc # Shape mode for createShape() # TRIANGLE = :triangle # Shape mode for createShape() # QUAD = :quad # Shape mode for createShape() # GROUP = :group # Shape mode for beginShape() # POINTS = :points # Shape mode for beginShape() # LINES = :lines # Shape mode for beginShape() # TRIANGLES = :triangles # Shape mode for beginShape() # TRIANGLE_FAN = :triangle_fan # Shape mode for beginShape() # TRIANGLE_STRIP = :triangle_strip # Shape mode for beginShape() # QUADS = :quads # Shape mode for beginShape() # QUAD_STRIP = :quad_strip # Shape mode for beginShape() # TESS = :tess # OPEN flag for endShape() # OPEN = :open # CLOSE flag for endShape() # CLOSE = :close # Key codes. # ENTER = :enter SPACE = :space TAB = :tab DELETE = :delete BACKSPACE = :backspace ESC = :escape HOME = :home #END = :end PAGEUP = :pageup PAGEDOWN = :pagedown CLEAR = :clear SHIFT = :shift CONTROL = :control ALT = :alt WIN = :win COMMAND = :command OPTION = :option FUNCTION = :function CAPSLOCK = :capslock SECTION = :section HELP = :help F1 = :f1 F2 = :f2 F3 = :f3 F4 = :f4 F5 = :f5 F6 = :f6 F7 = :f7 F8 = :f8 F9 = :f9 F10 = :f10 F11 = :f11 F12 = :f12 F13 = :f13 F14 = :f14 F15 = :f15 F16 = :f16 F17 = :f17 F18 = :f18 F19 = :f19 F20 = :f20 F21 = :f21 F22 = :f22 F23 = :f23 F24 = :f24 UP = :up DOWN = :down COLOR_CODES = { aliceblue: '#f0f8ff', antiquewhite: '#faebd7', aqua: '#00ffff', aquamarine: '#7fffd4', azure: '#f0ffff', beige: '#f5f5dc', bisque: '#ffe4c4', black: '#000000', blanchedalmond: '#ffebcd', blue: '#0000ff', blueviolet: '#8a2be2', brown: '#a52a2a', burlywood: '#deb887', cadetblue: '#5f9ea0', chartreuse: '#7fff00', chocolate: '#d2691e', coral: '#ff7f50', cornflowerblue: '#6495ed', cornsilk: '#fff8dc', crimson: '#dc143c', cyan: '#00ffff', darkblue: '#00008b', darkcyan: '#008b8b', darkgoldenrod: '#b8860b', darkgray: '#a9a9a9', darkgreen: '#006400', darkgrey: '#a9a9a9', darkkhaki: '#bdb76b', darkmagenta: '#8b008b', darkolivegreen: '#556b2f', darkorange: '#ff8c00', darkorchid: '#9932cc', darkred: '#8b0000', darksalmon: '#e9967a', darkseagreen: '#8fbc8f', darkslateblue: '#483d8b', darkslategray: '#2f4f4f', darkslategrey: '#2f4f4f', darkturquoise: '#00ced1', darkviolet: '#9400d3', deeppink: '#ff1493', deepskyblue: '#00bfff', dimgray: '#696969', dimgrey: '#696969', dodgerblue: '#1e90ff', firebrick: '#b22222', floralwhite: '#fffaf0', forestgreen: '#228b22', fuchsia: '#ff00ff', gainsboro: '#dcdcdc', ghostwhite: '#f8f8ff', goldenrod: '#daa520', gold: '#ffd700', gray: '#808080', green: '#008000', greenyellow: '#adff2f', grey: '#808080', honeydew: '#f0fff0', hotpink: '#ff69b4', indianred: '#cd5c5c', indigo: '#4b0082', ivory: '#fffff0', khaki: '#f0e68c', lavenderblush: '#fff0f5', lavender: '#e6e6fa', lawngreen: '#7cfc00', lemonchiffon: '#fffacd', lightblue: '#add8e6', lightcoral: '#f08080', lightcyan: '#e0ffff', lightgoldenrodyellow: '#fafad2', lightgray: '#d3d3d3', lightgreen: '#90ee90', lightgrey: '#d3d3d3', lightpink: '#ffb6c1', lightsalmon: '#ffa07a', lightseagreen: '#20b2aa', lightskyblue: '#87cefa', lightslategray: '#778899', lightslategrey: '#778899', lightsteelblue: '#b0c4de', lightyellow: '#ffffe0', lime: '#00ff00', limegreen: '#32cd32', linen: '#faf0e6', magenta: '#ff00ff', maroon: '#800000', mediumaquamarine: '#66cdaa', mediumblue: '#0000cd', mediumorchid: '#ba55d3', mediumpurple: '#9370db', mediumseagreen: '#3cb371', mediumslateblue: '#7b68ee', mediumspringgreen: '#00fa9a', mediumturquoise: '#48d1cc', mediumvioletred: '#c71585', midnightblue: '#191970', mintcream: '#f5fffa', mistyrose: '#ffe4e1', moccasin: '#ffe4b5', navajowhite: '#ffdead', navy: '#000080', oldlace: '#fdf5e6', olive: '#808000', olivedrab: '#6b8e23', orange: '#ffa500', orangered: '#ff4500', orchid: '#da70d6', palegoldenrod: '#eee8aa', palegreen: '#98fb98', paleturquoise: '#afeeee', palevioletred: '#db7093', papayawhip: '#ffefd5', peachpuff: '#ffdab9', peru: '#cd853f', pink: '#ffc0cb', plum: '#dda0dd', powderblue: '#b0e0e6', purple: '#800080', rebeccapurple: '#663399', red: '#ff0000', rosybrown: '#bc8f8f', royalblue: '#4169e1', saddlebrown: '#8b4513', salmon: '#fa8072', sandybrown: '#f4a460', seagreen: '#2e8b57', seashell: '#fff5ee', sienna: '#a0522d', silver: '#c0c0c0', skyblue: '#87ceeb', slateblue: '#6a5acd', slategray: '#708090', slategrey: '#708090', snow: '#fffafa', springgreen: '#00ff7f', steelblue: '#4682b4', tan: '#d2b48c', teal: '#008080', thistle: '#d8bfd8', tomato: '#ff6347', turquoise: '#40e0d0', violet: '#ee82ee', wheat: '#f5deb3', white: '#ffffff', whitesmoke: '#f5f5f5', yellow: '#ffff00', yellowgreen: '#9acd32', none: '#00000000', } # @private DEG2RAD__ = Math::PI / 180.0 # @private RAD2DEG__ = 180.0 / Math::PI # @private FONT_SIZE_DEFAULT__ = 12 # @private FONT_SIZE_MAX__ = 256 # @private def init__(image, painter) @drawing__ = false @renderMode__ = nil @p5jsMode__ = false @colorMode__ = nil @hsbColor__ = false @colorMaxes__ = [1.0] * 4 @angleMode__ = nil @toRad__ = 1.0 @toDeg__ = 1.0 @fromRad__ = 1.0 @fromDeg__ = 1.0 @rectMode__ = nil @ellipseMode__ = nil @imageMode__ = nil @shapeMode__ = nil @blendMode__ = nil @curveDetail__ = nil @curveTightness__ = nil @bezierDetail__ = nil @textAlignH__ = nil @textAlignV__ = nil @textFont__ = nil @tint__ = nil @filter__ = nil @pixels__ = nil @random__ = nil @nextGaussian__ = nil @noiseSeed__ = nil @noiseOctaves__ = nil @noiseFallOff__ = nil @matrixStack__ = [] @styleStack__ = [] updateCanvas__ image, painter renderMode PROCESSING colorMode RGB, 255 angleMode RADIANS rectMode CORNER ellipseMode CENTER imageMode CORNER shapeMode CORNER blendMode BLEND strokeCap ROUND strokeJoin MITER textAlign LEFT textFont createFont(nil, nil) textureMode IMAGE textureWrap CLAMP fill 255 stroke 0 strokeWeight 1 noTint curveDetail 20 curveTightness 0 bezierDetail 20 randomSeed Random.new_seed noiseSeed Random.new_seed noiseDetail 4, 0.5 end # @private def updateCanvas__(image, painter) @image__, @painter__ = image, painter @painter__.miter_limit = 10 @painter__.stroke_outset = 0.5 end # @private def beginDraw__() raise "call beginDraw() before drawing" if @drawing__ @matrixStack__.clear @styleStack__.clear @drawing__ = true setupMatrix__ end # @private def setupMatrix__() w, h = width.to_f, height.to_f x, y = w / 2.0, h / 2.0 fov, z = nil if @p5jsMode__ z = 800 fov = degrees Math.atan(y / z) * 2.0 else fov = 60 z = y / Math.tan(radians(fov) / 2.0) end @painter__.matrix = Rays::Matrix.perspective(fov, w / h, z / 10.0, z * 10.0) * Rays::Matrix.look_at(x, y, z, x, y, 0) end # @private def endDraw__() raise unless @drawing__ @drawing__ = false end # Returns the width of the graphics object. # # @return [Numeric] width # # @see # @see # def width() getInternal__.width end # Returns the height of the graphics object. # # @return [Numeric] height # # @see # @see # def height() getInternal__.height end # Returns the width of the graphics object in pixels. # # @return [Numeric] width # # @see # def pixelWidth() width * pixelDensity end # Returns the height of the graphics object in pixels. # # @return [Numeric] height # # @see # def pixelHeight() height * pixelDensity end # Returns the pixel density of the graphics object. # # @return [Numeric] pixel density # # @see # @see # def pixelDensity() @painter__.pixel_density end # Sets render mode. # # @param mode [PROCESSING, P5JS] compatible to Processing or p5.js # # @return [PROCESSING, P5JS] current mode # def renderMode(mode = nil) if mode @renderMode__ = mode @p5jsMode__ = mode == P5JS end @renderMode__ end # Sets color mode and max color values. # # @overload colorMode(mode) # @overload colorMode(mode, max) # @overload colorMode(mode, max1, max2, max3) # @overload colorMode(mode, max1, max2, max3, maxA) # # @param mode [RGB, HSB] RGB or HSB # @param max [Numeric] max values for all color values # @param max1 [Numeric] max value for red or hue # @param max2 [Numeric] max value for green or saturation # @param max3 [Numeric] max value for blue or brightness # @param maxA [Numeric] max value for alpha # # @return [RGB, HSB] current mode # # @see # @see # def colorMode(mode = nil, *maxes) if mode != nil mode = mode.downcase.to_sym raise ArgumentError, "invalid color mode: #{mode}" unless [RGB, HSB].include?(mode) raise ArgumentError unless [0, 1, 3, 4].include?(maxes.size) @colorMode__ = mode @hsbColor__ = mode == HSB case maxes.size when 1 then @colorMaxes__ = [maxes.first.to_f] * 4 when 3, 4 then @colorMaxes__[0...maxes.size] = &:to_f end end @colorMode__ end # Creates color value. # # @overload color(gray) # @overload color(gray, alpha) # @overload color(v1, v2, v3) # @overload color(v1, v2, v3, alpha) # # @param gray [Numeric] the value for gray # @param alpha [Numeric] the value for alpha # @param v1 [Numeric] the value for red or hue # @param v2 [Numeric] the value for green or saturation # @param v3 [Numeric] the value for blue or brightness # # @return [Integer] the rgba color value # # @see # @see # def color(*args) toRGBA__(*args) .map {|n| (n * 255).to_i.clamp 0, 255} .then {|r, g, b, a| Image.toColor__ r, g, b, a} end # @private private def color2raw__(color) ((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0, ((color >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0, ( color & 0xff) / 255.0, ((color >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0) end # Returns the red value of the color. # # @param color [Numeric] color value # # @return [Numeric] the red value # # @see # @see # def red(color) ((color >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0 * @colorMaxes__[0] end # Returns the green value of the color. # # @param color [Numeric] color value # # @return [Numeric] the green value # # @see # @see # def green(color) ((color >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0 * @colorMaxes__[1] end # Returns the blue value of the color. # # @param color [Numeric] color value # # @return [Numeric] the blue value # # @see # @see # def blue(color) (color & 0xff) / 255.0 * @colorMaxes__[2] end # Returns the red value of the color. # # @param color [Numeric] color value # # @return [Numeric] the red value # # @see # @see # def alpha(color) ((color >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0 * @colorMaxes__[3] end # Returns the hue value of the color. # # @param color [Numeric] color value # # @return [Numeric] the hue value # # @see # @see # def hue(color) h, = color2raw__(color).to_hsv h * (@hsbColor__ ? @colorMaxes__[0] : 1) end # Returns the saturation value of the color. # # @param color [Numeric] color value # # @return [Numeric] the saturation value # # @see # @see # def saturation(color) _, s, = color2raw__(color).to_hsv s * (@hsbColor__ ? @colorMaxes__[1] : 1) end # Returns the brightness value of the color. # # @param color [Numeric] color value # # @return [Numeric] the brightness value # # @see # @see # def brightness(color) _, _, b = color2raw__(color).to_hsv b * (@hsbColor__ ? @colorMaxes__[2] : 1) end # @private private def toRGBA__(*args) toRawColor__(*args).to_a end # @private def toRawColor__(*args) a, b, c, d = args return parseColor__(a, b || alphaMax__) if a.is_a?(String) || a.is_a?(Symbol) rgba = case args.size when 1, 2 then [a, a, a, b || alphaMax__] when 3, 4 then [a, b, c, d || alphaMax__] else raise ArgumentError end rgba = {|n, i| n / @colorMaxes__[i]} @hsbColor__ ? Rays::Color.hsv(*rgba) :*rgba) end # @private private def parseColor__(str, alpha) str = COLOR_CODES[str.downcase.to_sym] || str if str !~ /^\s*#\d+/ r, g, b, a = case str when /^\s*##{'([0-9a-f]{2})' * 3}([0-9a-f]{2})?\s*$/i $~[1..4].map {|n| n.to_i(16) / 255.0 if n} when /^\s*##{'([0-9a-f]{1})' * 3}([0-9a-f]{1})?\s*$/i $~[1..4].map {|n| n.to_i(16) / 15.0 if n} else raise ArgumentError, "invalid color code: '#{str}'" end, g, b, a || (alpha / alphaMax__)) end # @private private def alphaMax__() @colorMaxes__[3] end # Sets angle mode. # # @param mode [RADIANS, DEGREES] RADIANS or DEGREES # # @return [RADIANS, DEGREES] current mode # # @see # def angleMode(mode = nil) if mode != nil @angleMode__ = mode @toRad__, @toDeg__, @fromRad__, @fromDeg__ = case mode.downcase.to_sym when RADIANS then [1.0, RAD2DEG__, 1.0, DEG2RAD__] when DEGREES then [DEG2RAD__, 1.0, RAD2DEG__, 1.0] else raise ArgumentError, "invalid angle mode: #{mode}" end end @angleMode__ end # @private def toRadians__(angle) angle * @toRad__ end # @private def toDegrees__(angle) angle * @toDeg__ end # @private def fromRadians__(radians) radians * @fromRad__ end # @private def fromDegrees__(degrees) degrees * @fromDeg__ end # Sets rect mode. Default is CORNER. # # CORNER -> rect(left, top, width, height) # CORNERS -> rect(left, top, right, bottom) # CENTER -> rect(centerX, centerY, width, height) # RADIUS -> rect(centerX, centerY, radiusH, radiusV) # # @param mode [CORNER, CORNERS, CENTER, RADIUS] # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def rectMode(mode) @rectMode__ = mode end # Sets ellipse mode. Default is CENTER. # # CORNER -> ellipse(left, top, width, height) # CORNERS -> ellipse(left, top, right, bottom) # CENTER -> ellipse(centerX, centerY, width, height) # RADIUS -> ellipse(centerX, centerY, radiusH, radiusV) # # @param mode [CORNER, CORNERS, CENTER, RADIUS] # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def ellipseMode(mode) @ellipseMode__ = mode end # Sets image mode. Default is CORNER. # # CORNER -> image(img, left, top, width, height) # CORNERS -> image(img, left, top, right, bottom) # CENTER -> image(img, centerX, centerY, width, height) # # @param mode [CORNER, CORNERS, CENTER] # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def imageMode(mode) @imageMode__ = mode end # Sets shape mode. Default is CORNER. # # CORNER -> shape(shp, left, top, width, height) # CORNERS -> shape(shp, left, top, right, bottom) # CENTER -> shape(shp, centerX, centerY, width, height) # # @param mode [CORNER, CORNERS, CENTER] # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # def shapeMode(mode) @shapeMode__ = mode end # @private private def toXYWH__(mode, a, b, c, d) case mode when CORNER then [a, b, c, d] when CORNERS then [a, b, c - a, d - b] when CENTER then [a - c / 2.0, b - d / 2.0, c, d] when RADIUS then [a - c, b - d, c * 2, d * 2] else raise ArgumentError # ToDo: refine error message end end # Sets blend mode. Default is BLEND. # # @param mode [BLEND, ADD, SUBTRACT, LIGHTEST, DARKEST, EXCLUSION, MULTIPLY, SCREEN, REPLACE] # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def blendMode(mode = nil) if mode != nil @blendMode__ = mode @painter__.blend_mode = mode end @blendMode__ end # Sets fill color. # # @overload fill(rgb) # @overload fill(rgb, alpha) # @overload fill(gray) # @overload fill(gray, alpha) # @overload fill(r, g, b) # @overload fill(r, g, b, alpha) # # @param rgb [String] color code like '#00AAFF' # @param gray [Integer] gray value (0..255) # @param r [Integer] red value (0..255) # @param g [Integer] green value (0..255) # @param b [Integer] blue value (0..255) # @param alpha [Integer] alpha value (0..255) # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def fill(*args) @painter__.fill(*toRGBA__(*args)) nil end # Disables filling. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def noFill() @painter__.fill nil nil end # Sets stroke color. # # @overload stroke(rgb) # @overload stroke(rgb, alpha) # @overload stroke(gray) # @overload stroke(gray, alpha) # @overload stroke(r, g, b) # @overload stroke(r, g, b, alpha) # # @param rgb [String] color code like '#00AAFF' # @param gray [Integer] gray value (0..255) # @param r [Integer] red value (0..255) # @param g [Integer] green value (0..255) # @param b [Integer] blue value (0..255) # @param alpha [Integer] alpha value (0..255) # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def stroke(*args) @painter__.stroke(*toRGBA__(*args)) nil end # Disables drawing stroke. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def noStroke() @painter__.stroke nil nil end # Sets stroke weight. # # @param weight [Numeric] width of stroke # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def strokeWeight(weight) @painter__.stroke_width weight nil end # Sets stroke cap mode. # The default cap if ROUND. # # @param cap [ROUND, SQUARE, PROJECT] # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def strokeCap(cap) @painter__.stroke_cap cap nil end # Sets stroke join mode. # The default join is MITER. # # @param join [MITER, BEVEL, ROUND] # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def strokeJoin(join) @painter__.stroke_join join nil end # Sets the resolution at which curves display. # The default value is 20 while the minimum value is 3. # # @param detail [Numeric] resolution of the curves # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def curveDetail(detail) detail = 3 if detail < 3 @curveDetail__ = detail nil end # Sets the quality of curve forms. # # @param tightness [Numeric] determines how the curve fits to the vertex points # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def curveTightness(tightness) @curveTightness__ = tightness nil end # Sets the resolution at which Bezier's curve is displayed. # The default value is 20. # # @param detail [Numeric] resolution of the curves # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def bezierDetail(detail) detail = 1 if detail < 1 @bezierDetail__ = detail nil end # Sets fill color for drawing images. # # @overload tint(rgb) # @overload tint(rgb, alpha) # @overload tint(gray) # @overload tint(gray, alpha) # @overload tint(r, g, b) # @overload tint(r, g, b, alpha) # # @param rgb [String] color code like '#00AAFF' # @param gray [Integer] gray value (0..255) # @param r [Integer] red value (0..255) # @param g [Integer] green value (0..255) # @param b [Integer] blue value (0..255) # @param alpha [Integer] alpha value (0..255) # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def tint(*args) @tint__ = args nil end # Resets tint color. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def noTint() @tint__ = nil end # @private def getTint__() @tint__ ? toRGBA__(*@tint__) : 1 end # Limits the drawable rectangle. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by rectMode(). # # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the drawable area, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the drawable area, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the drawable area, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the drawable area, by default # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def clip(a, b, c, d) x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @imageMode__, a, b, c, d @painter__.clip x, y, w, h nil end # Disables clipping. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # def noClip() @painter__.no_clip nil end # Sets text font. # (Passing a font name as the first parameter is deprecated) # # @overload textFont() # @overload textFont(font) # @overload textFont(name) [DEPRECATED] # @overload textFont(font, size) # @overload textFont(name, size) [DEPRECATED] # # @param font [Font] font # @param name [String] font name # @param size [Numeric] font size (max 256) # # @return [Font] current font # # @see # @see # def textFont(font = nil, size = nil) if font != nil || size != nil size = FONT_SIZE_MAX__ if size && size > FONT_SIZE_MAX__ if font.nil? || font.kind_of?(String) font = createFont font, size elsif size font.setSize__ size end @painter__.font = font.getInternal__ @textFont__ = font end @textFont__ end # Sets text size. # # @param size [Numeric] font size (max 256) # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def textSize(size) textFont @textFont__, size nil end # Returns the width of the text. # # @param str [String] text string # # @return [Numeric] width of the text # # @see # @see # def textWidth(str) @painter__.font.width str end # Returns ascent of the current font at its current size. # # @return [Numeric] ascent # # @see # @see # def textAscent() @painter__.font.ascent end # Returns descent of the current font at its current size. # # @return [Numeric] descent # # @see # @see # def textDescent() @painter__.font.descent end # Sets the alignment for drawing text. # # @param horizontal [LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT] horizontal alignment # @param vertical [TOP, BOTTOM, CENTER, BASELINE] vertical alignment # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def textAlign(horizontal, vertical = BASELINE) @textAlignH__ = horizontal @textAlignV__ = vertical nil end # Sets the spacing between lines of text in units of pixels. # # @overload textLeading() # @overload textLeading(leading) # # @param leading [Numeric] the size in pixels for spacing between lines # # @return [Numeric] current spacing # # @see # @see # def textLeading(leading = nil) @painter__.line_height = leading if leading @painter__.line_height end # Sets texture. # # @param image [Image] texture image # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def texture(image) @painter__.texture image&.getInternal__ nil end # @private def drawWithTexture__(&block) if @painter__.texture @painter__.push fill: getTint__, &block else end end # Sets the coordinate space for texture mapping. # # @param mode [IMAGE, NORMAL] image coordinate, or normalized coordinate # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def textureMode(mode) @painter__.texcoord_mode = mode nil end # Sets the texture wrapping mode. # # @param wrap [CLAMP, REPEAT] how texutres behave when go outside of the range # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def textureWrap(wrap) @painter__.texcoord_wrap = wrap nil end # Sets shader. # # @param shader [Shader] a shader to apply # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def shader(shader) @painter__.shader shader&.getInternal__ nil end # Resets shader. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def resetShader() @painter__.no_shader nil end # Applies an image filter to screen. # # overload filter(shader) # overload filter(type) # overload filter(type, param) # # @param shader [Shader] a shader to apply # @param type [THRESHOLD, GRAY, INVERT, BLUR] filter type # @param param [Numeric] a parameter for each filter # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def filter(*args) @filter__ = Shader.createFilter__(*args) nil end # Clears screen. # # @overload background(str) # @overload background(str, alpha) # @overload background(gray) # @overload background(gray, alpha) # @overload background(r, g, b) # @overload background(r, g, b, alpha) # # @param str [String] color code like '#00AAFF' # @param gray [Integer] gray value (0..255) # @param r [Integer] red value (0..255) # @param g [Integer] green value (0..255) # @param b [Integer] blue value (0..255) # @param alpha [Integer] alpha value (0..255) # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def background(*args) assertDrawing__ rgba = toRGBA__(*args) if rgba[3] == 1 @painter__.background(*rgba) else @painter__.push fill: rgba, stroke: :none do |_| @painter__.rect 0, 0, width, height end end nil end def clear() assertDrawing__ @painter__.background 0, 0 nil end # Draws a point. # # @param x [Numeric] horizontal position # @param y [Numeric] vertical position # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def point(x, y) assertDrawing__ @painter__.point x, y nil end alias drawPoint point # Draws a line. # # @param x1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] vertical position of first point # @param x2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] vertical position of second point # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def line(x1, y1, x2, y2) assertDrawing__ @painter__.line x1, y1, x2, y2 nil end alias drawLine line # Draws a rectangle. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by rectMode(). # # @overload rect(a, b, c, d) # @overload rect(a, b, c, d, r) # @overload rect(a, b, c, d, tl, tr, br, bl) # # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the shape, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the shape, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the shape, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the shape, by default # @param r [Numeric] radius for all corners # @param tl [Numeric] radius for top-left corner # @param tr [Numeric] radius for top-right corner # @param br [Numeric] radius for bottom-right corner # @param bl [Numeric] radius for bottom-left corner # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def rect(a, b, c, d, *args) assertDrawing__ x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @rectMode__, a, b, c, d case args.size when 0 then @painter__.rect x, y, w, h when 1 then @painter__.rect x, y, w, h, round: args[0] when 4 then @painter__.rect x, y, w, h, lt: args[0], rt: args[1], rb: args[2], lb: args[3] else raise ArgumentError # ToDo: refine error message end nil end alias drawRect rect # Draws an ellipse. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by ellipseMode(). # # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the shape, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the shape, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the shape, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the shape, by default # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def ellipse(a, b, c, d) assertDrawing__ x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @ellipseMode__, a, b, c, d @painter__.ellipse x, y, w, h nil end alias drawEllipse ellipse # Draws a circle. # # @param x [Numeric] horizontal position of the shape # @param y [Numeric] vertical position of the shape # @param extent [Numeric] width and height of the shape # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def circle(x, y, extent) ellipse x, y, extent, extent end alias drawCircle circle # Draws an arc. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by ellipseMode(). # # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the shape, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the shape, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the shape, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the shape, by default # @param start [Numeric] angle to start the arc # @param stop [Numeric] angle to stop the arc # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def arc(a, b, c, d, start, stop) assertDrawing__ x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @ellipseMode__, a, b, c, d from, to = toDegrees__(-start), toDegrees__(-stop) @painter__.ellipse x, y, w, h, from: from, to: to nil end alias drawArc arc # Draws a square. # # @param x [Numeric] horizontal position of the shape # @param y [Numeric] vertical position of the shape # @param extent [Numeric] width and height of the shape # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def square(x, y, extent) rect x, y, extent, extent end alias drawSquare square # Draws a triangle. # # @param x1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] vertical position of first point # @param x2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] vertical position of second point # @param x3 [Numeric] horizontal position of third point # @param y3 [Numeric] vertical position of third point # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) assertDrawing__ @painter__.line x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, loop: true nil end alias drawTriangle triangle # Draws a quad. # # @param x1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] vertical position of first point # @param x2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] vertical position of second point # @param x3 [Numeric] horizontal position of third point # @param y3 [Numeric] vertical position of third point # @param x4 [Numeric] horizontal position of fourth point # @param y4 [Numeric] vertical position of fourth point # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def quad(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) assertDrawing__ @painter__.line x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, loop: true nil end alias drawQuad quad # Draws a Catmull-Rom spline curve. # # @param cx1 [Numeric] horizontal position of beginning control point # @param cy1 [Numeric] vertical position of beginning control point # @param x1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] vertical position of first point # @param x2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] vertical position of second point # @param cx2 [Numeric] horizontal position of ending control point # @param cy2 [Numeric] vertical position of ending control point # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def curve(cx1, cy1, x1, y1, x2, y2, cx2, cy2) assertDrawing__ @painter__.nsegment = @curveDetail__ @painter__.curve cx1, cy1, x1, y1, x2, y2, cx2, cy2 @painter__.nsegment = 0 nil end alias drawCurve curve # Draws a Bezier spline curve. # # @param x1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] vertical position of first point # @param cx1 [Numeric] horizontal position of first control point # @param cy1 [Numeric] vertical position of first control point # @param cx2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second control point # @param cy2 [Numeric] vertical position of second control point # @param x2 [Numeric] horizontal position of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] vertical position of second point # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def bezier(x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2) assertDrawing__ @painter__.nsegment = @bezierDetail__ @painter__.bezier x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2 @painter__.nsegment = 0 nil end alias drawBezier bezier # Draws a text. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by rectMode(). # # @overload text(str) # @overload text(str, x, y) # @overload text(str, a, b, c, d) # # @param str [String] text to draw # @param x [Numeric] horizontal position of the text # @param y [Numeric] vertical position of the text # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the text, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the text, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the text, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the text, by default # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def text(str, x, y, x2 = nil, y2 = nil) assertDrawing__ if x2 raise ArgumentError, "missing y2 parameter" unless y2 x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @rectMode__, x, y, x2, y2 case @textAlignH__ when RIGHT then x += w - @painter__.font.width(str) when CENTER then x += (w - @painter__.font.width(str)) / 2 end case @textAlignV__ when BOTTOM then y += h - @painter__.font.height when CENTER then y += (h - @painter__.font.height) / 2 else end else y -= @painter__.font.ascent end @painter__.text str, x, y nil end alias drawText text # Draws an image. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by imageMode(). # # @overload image(img, a, b) # @overload image(img, a, b, c, d) # # @param img [Image] image to draw # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the image, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the image, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the image, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the image, by default # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def image(img, a, b, c = nil, d = nil) assertDrawing__ x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @imageMode__, a, b, c || img.width, d || img.height img.drawImage__ @painter__, x, y, w, h, fill: getTint__, stroke: :none nil end alias drawImage image # Draws a shape. # # The parameters a, b, c, and d are determined by shapeMode(). # # @overload shape(img, a, b) # @overload shape(img, a, b, c, d) # # @param shp [Shape] shape to draw # @param a [Numeric] horizontal position of the shape, by default # @param b [Numeric] vertical position of the shape, by default # @param c [Numeric] width of the shape, by default # @param d [Numeric] height of the shape, by default # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # def shape(shp, a = 0, b = 0, c = nil, d = nil) assertDrawing__ return nil unless shp.isVisible drawWithTexture__ do |_| if c || d || @shapeMode__ != CORNER x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @shapeMode__, a, b, c || shp.width, d || shp.height shp.draw__ @painter__, x, y, w, h else shp.draw__ @painter__, a, b end end nil end alias drawShape shape # Begins drawing complex shapes. # # @param type [POINTS, LINES, TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_FAN, TRIANGLE_STRIP, QUADS, QUAD_STRIP, TESS] # # @return [nil] nil # # @example # # Draws polygon # beginShape # vertex 10, 10 # vertex 10, 50 # vertex 50, 50 # vertex 90, 10 # endShape CLOSE # # # Draws triangles # beginShape TRIANGLES # vertex 10, 10 # vertex 10, 50 # vertex 50, 50 # endShape # # @see # def beginShape(type = nil) raise "beginShape() cannot be called twice" if @drawingShape__ @drawingShape__ = createShape @drawingShape__.beginShape type end # Ends drawing complex shapes. # # @overload endShape() # @overload endShape(CLOSE) # # @param mode [CLOSE] Use CLOSE to create looped polygon # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # def endShape(mode = nil) s = @drawingShape__ or raise "endShape() must be called after beginShape()" s.endShape mode shape s @drawingShape__ = nil nil end # Begins drawing a hole inside shape. # # @return [nil] nil # # @example # beginShape # vertex 10, 10 # vertex 10, 50 # vertex 50, 50 # vertex 90, 10 # beginContour # vertex 20, 20 # vertex 30, 20 # vertex 30, 30 # vertex 20, 30 # endContour # endShape CLOSE # # @see # @see # def beginContour() (@drawingShape__ or raise "beginContour() must be called after beginShape()") .beginContour end # Ends drawing a hole. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def endContour() (@drawingShape__ or raise "endContour() must be called after beginShape()") .endContour end # Append vertex for shape polygon. # # @overload vertex(x, y) # @overload vertex(x, y, u, v) # # @param x [Numeric] x position of vertex # @param y [Numeric] y position of vertex # @param u [Numeric] u texture coordinate of vertex # @param v [Numeric] v texture coordinate of vertex # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def vertex(x, y, u = nil, v = nil) (@drawingShape__ or raise "vertex() must be called after beginShape()") .vertex x, y, u, v end # Append curve vertex for shape polygon. # # @param x [Numeric] x position of vertex # @param y [Numeric] y position of vertex # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def curveVertex(x, y) (@drawingShape__ or raise "curveVertex() must be called after beginShape()") .curveVertex x, y end # Append bezier vertex for shape polygon. # # @param x [Numeric] x position of vertex # @param y [Numeric] y position of vertex # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def bezierVertex(x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) (@drawingShape__ or raise "bezierVertex() must be called after beginShape()") .bezierVertex x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 end # Append quadratic vertex for shape polygon. # # @param x [Numeric] x position of vertex # @param y [Numeric] y position of vertex # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def quadraticVertex(cx, cy, x3, y3) (@drawingShape__ or raise "quadraticVertex() must be called after beginShape()") .quadraticVertex cx, cy, x3, y3 end # Copies image. # # @overload copy(sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) # @overload copy(img, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) # # @param img [Image] image for copy source # @param sx [Numrtic] x position of source region # @param sy [Numrtic] y position of source region # @param sw [Numrtic] width of source region # @param sh [Numrtic] height of source region # @param dx [Numrtic] x position of destination region # @param dy [Numrtic] y position of destination region # @param dw [Numrtic] width of destination region # @param dh [Numrtic] height of destination region # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def copy(img = nil, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh) blend img, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, BLEND end # Blends image. # # @overload blend(sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, mode) # @overload blend(img, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, mode) # # @param img [Image] image for blend source # @param sx [Numrtic] x position of source region # @param sy [Numrtic] y position of source region # @param sw [Numrtic] width of source region # @param sh [Numrtic] height of source region # @param dx [Numrtic] x position of destination region # @param dy [Numrtic] y position of destination region # @param dw [Numrtic] width of destination region # @param dh [Numrtic] height of destination region # @param mode [BLEND, ADD, SUBTRACT, LIGHTEST, DARKEST, EXCLUSION, MULTIPLY, SCREEN, REPLACE] blend mode # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def blend(img = nil, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, mode) assertDrawing__ (img || self).drawImage__( @painter__, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, fill: getTint__, stroke: :none, blend_mode: mode) end # Loads all pixels to the 'pixels' array. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def loadPixels() @pixels__ = getInternal__.pixels end # Update the image pixels with the 'pixels' array. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def updatePixels(&block) return if !block && !@pixels__ if block loadPixels pixels end getInternal__.tap do |img| img.pixels = @pixels__ img.paint {} # update texture and set modifiied end @pixels__ = nil end # An array of all pixels. # Call loadPixels() before accessing the array. # # @return [Array] color array # # @see # @see # def pixels() @pixels__ end # Saves screen image to file. # # @param filename [String] file name to save image # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def save(filename) filename nil end # Applies translation matrix to current transformation matrix. # # @overload translate(x, y) # @overload translate(x, y, z) # # @param x [Numeric] left/right translation # @param y [Numeric] up/down translation # @param z [Numeric] forward/backward translation # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def translate(x, y, z = 0) assertDrawing__ @painter__.translate x, y, z nil end # Applies scale matrix to current transformation matrix. # # @overload scale(s) # @overload scale(x, y) # @overload scale(x, y, z) # # @param s [Numeric] horizontal and vertical scale # @param x [Numeric] horizontal scale # @param y [Numeric] vertical scale # @param z [Numeric] depth scale # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def scale(x, y = nil, z = 1) assertDrawing__ @painter__.scale x, (y || x), z nil end # Applies rotation matrix to current transformation matrix. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle for rotation # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def rotate(angle) assertDrawing__ @painter__.rotate toDegrees__ angle nil end # Applies rotation around the x-axis. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle for rotation # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def rotateX(angle) assertDrawing__ @painter__.rotate toDegrees__(angle), 1, 0, 0 nil end # Applies rotation around the y-axis. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle for rotation # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def rotateY(angle) assertDrawing__ @painter__.rotate toDegrees__(angle), 0, 1, 0 nil end # Applies rotation around the z-axis. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle for rotation # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def rotateZ(angle) assertDrawing__ @painter__.rotate toDegrees__(angle), 0, 0, 1 nil end # Applies shear around the x-axis. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle for shearing # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def shearX(angle) t = Math.tan toRadians__(angle) @painter__.matrix *= 1, t, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) nil end # Applies shear around the y-axis. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle for shearing # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def shearY(angle) t = Math.tan toRadians__(angle) @painter__.matrix *= 1, 0, 0, 0, t, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) nil end # Pushes the current transformation matrix to stack. # # @return [Object] result of the expression at the end of the block # # @see # def pushMatrix(&block) assertDrawing__ @matrixStack__.push @painter__.matrix if block ensure popMatrix if block end # Pops the current transformation matrix from stack. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # def popMatrix() assertDrawing__ raise "matrix stack underflow" if @matrixStack__.empty? @painter__.matrix = @matrixStack__.pop nil end # Reset current transformation matrix with 2x3, or 4x4 matrix. # # @overload applyMatrix(array) # @overload applyMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) # @overload applyMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p) # # @param array [Array] 6 or 16 numbers which define the matrix # @param a [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param b [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param c [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param d [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param e [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param f [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param g [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param h [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param i [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param j [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param k [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param l [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param m [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param n [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param o [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # @param p [Numeric] number which defines the matrix # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def applyMatrix(*args) assertDrawing__ args = args.first if args.first.kind_of?(Array) if args.size == 6 a, b, c, d, e, f = args args = [ a, b, 0, 0, c, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, e, f, 0, 1 ] end raise ArgumentError unless args.size == 16 m =*args) m.transpose! if @p5jsMode__ @painter__.matrix *= m nil end # Reset current transformation matrix with identity matrix. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def resetMatrix() assertDrawing__ @painter__.matrix = 1 nil end # Prints matrix elements to console. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # def printMatrix() m = @painter__.matrix m.transpose! if @p5jsMode__ print "%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f\n" % m.to_a nil end # Save current style values to the style stack. # # @return [Object] result of the expression at the end of the block # # @see # def pushStyle(&block) assertDrawing__ @styleStack__.push [ @painter__.fill, @painter__.stroke, @painter__.stroke_width, @painter__.stroke_cap, @painter__.stroke_join, @painter__.miter_limit, @painter__.line_height!, @painter__.clip, @painter__.blend_mode, @painter__.font, @painter__.texture, @painter__.texcoord_mode, @painter__.texcoord_wrap, @painter__.shader, @colorMode__, @hsbColor__, @colorMaxes__, @angleMode__, @toRad__, @toDeg__, @fromRad__, @fromDeg__, @rectMode__, @ellipseMode__, @imageMode__, @shapeMode__, @blendMode__, @curveDetail__, @curveTightness__, @bezierDetail__, @textAlignH__, @textAlignV__, @textFont__, @tint__, ] if block ensure popStyle if block end # Restore style values from the style stack. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # def popStyle() assertDrawing__ raise "style stack underflow" if @styleStack__.empty? @painter__.fill, @painter__.stroke, @painter__.stroke_width, @painter__.stroke_cap, @painter__.stroke_join, @painter__.miter_limit, @painter__.line_height, @painter__.clip, @painter__.blend_mode, @painter__.font, @painter__.texture, @painter__.texcoord_mode, @painter__.texcoord_wrap, @painter__.shader, @colorMode__, @hsbColor__, @colorMaxes__, @angleMode__, @toRad__, @toDeg__, @fromRad__, @fromDeg__, @rectMode__, @ellipseMode__, @imageMode__, @shapeMode__, @blendMode__, @curveDetail__, @curveTightness__, @bezierDetail__, @textAlignH__, @textAlignV__, @textFont__, @tint__ = @styleStack__.pop @textFont__.setSize__ @painter__.font.size nil end # Save current styles and transformations to stack. # # @return [Object] result of the expression at the end of the block # # @see # @see # def push(&block) pushMatrix pushStyle if block ensure pop if block end # Restore styles and transformations from stack. # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def pop() popMatrix popStyle end # @private def getPainter__() @painter__ end # @private def getInternal__() @image__ end # @private def drawImage__(painter, *args, image__: getInternal__, **states) shader = painter.shader || @filter__&.getInternal__ painter.push shader: shader, **states do |_| painter.image image__, *args end end # @private private def assertDrawing__() raise "call beginDraw() before drawing" unless @drawing__ end # # Utilities # # Returns the absolute number of the value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] absolute number # # @see # @see # def abs(value) value.abs end # Returns the closest integer number greater than or equal to the value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] rounded up number # # @see # @see # def ceil(value) value.ceil end # Returns the closest integer number less than or equal to the value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] rounded down number # # @see # @see # def floor(value) value.floor end # Returns the closest integer number. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] rounded number # # @see # @see # def round(value) value.round end # Returns the natural logarithm (the base-e logarithm) of a number. # # @param value [Numeric] number (> 0.0) # # @return [Numeric] result number # # @see # @see # def log(n) Math.log n end # Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] result number # # @see # @see # def exp(n) Math.exp n end # Returns value raised to the power of exponent. # # @param value [Numeric] base number # @param exponent [Numeric] exponent number # # @return [Numeric] value ** exponent # # @see # @see # def pow(value, exponent) value ** exponent end # Returns squared value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] squared value # # @see # @see # def sq(value) value * value end # Returns squared value. # # @param value [Numeric] number # # @return [Numeric] squared value # # @see # @see # def sqrt(value) Math.sqrt value end # Returns the magnitude (or length) of a vector. # # @overload mag(x, y) # @overload mag(x, y, z) # # @param x [Numeric] x of point # @param y [Numeric] y of point # @param z [Numeric] z of point # # @return [Numeric] magnitude # # @see # @see # def mag(*args) x, y, z = *args case args.size when 2 then Math.sqrt x * x + y * y when 3 then Math.sqrt x * x + y * y + z * z else raise ArgumentError end end # Returns distance between 2 points. # # @overload dist(x1, y1, x2, y2) # @overload dist(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) # # @param x1 [Numeric] x of first point # @param y1 [Numeric] y of first point # @param z1 [Numeric] z of first point # @param x2 [Numeric] x of second point # @param y2 [Numeric] y of second point # @param z2 [Numeric] z of second point # # @return [Numeric] distance between 2 points # # @see # @see # def dist(*args) case args.size when 4 x1, y1, x2, y2 = *args xx, yy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1 Math.sqrt xx * xx + yy * yy when 3 x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 = *args xx, yy, zz = x2 - x1, y2 - y1, z2 - z1 Math.sqrt xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz else raise ArgumentError end end # Normalize the value from range start..stop into 0..1. # # @param value [Numeric] number to be normalized # @param start [Numeric] lower bound of the range # @param stop [Numeric] upper bound of the range # # @return [Numeric] normalized value between 0..1 # # @see # @see # def norm(value, start, stop) (value.to_f - start.to_f) / (stop.to_f - start.to_f) end # Returns the interpolated number between range start..stop. # # @param start [Numeric] lower bound of the range # @param stop [Numeric] upper bound of the range # @param amount [Numeric] amount to interpolate # # @return [Numeric] interporated number # # @see # @see # def lerp(start, stop, amount) start + (stop - start) * amount end # Returns the interpolated color between color1 and color2. # # @param color1 [Integer] the 1st color for interpolation # @param color2 [Integer] the 2nd color for interpolation # @param amount [Numeric] amount to interpolate # # @return [Integer] interporated color # # @see # @see # def lerpColor(color1, color2, amount) color( lerp(red( color1), red( color2), amount), lerp(green(color1), green(color2), amount), lerp(blue( color1), blue( color2), amount), lerp(alpha(color1), alpha(color2), amount)) end # Maps a number from range start1..stop1 to range start2..stop2. # # @param value [Numeric] number to be mapped # @param start1 [Numeric] lower bound of the range1 # @param stop1 [Numeric] upper bound of the range1 # @param start2 [Numeric] lower bound of the range2 # @param stop2 [Numeric] upper bound of the range2 # # @return [Numeric] mapped number # # @see # @see # def map(value, start1, stop1, start2, stop2) lerp start2, stop2, norm(value, start1, stop1) end # Returns minimum value. # # @overload min(a, b) # @overload min(a, b, c) # @overload min(array) # # @param a [Numeric] value to compare # @param b [Numeric] value to compare # @param c [Numeric] value to compare # @param array [Numeric] values to compare # # @return [Numeric] minimum value # # @see # @see # def min(*args) args.flatten.min end # Returns maximum value. # # @overload max(a, b) # @overload max(a, b, c) # @overload max(array) # # @param a [Numeric] value to compare # @param b [Numeric] value to compare # @param c [Numeric] value to compare # @param array [Numeric] values to compare # # @return [Numeric] maximum value # # @see # @see # def max(*args) args.flatten.max end # Constrains the number between min..max. # # @param value [Numeric] number to be constrained # @param min [Numeric] lower bound of the range # @param max [Numeric] upper bound of the range # # @return [Numeric] constrained number # # @see # @see # def constrain(value, min, max) value < min ? min : (value > max ? max : value) end # Converts degree to radian. # # @param degree [Numeric] degree to convert # # @return [Numeric] radian # # @see # @see # def radians(degree) degree * DEG2RAD__ end # Converts radian to degree. # # @param radian [Numeric] radian to convert # # @return [Numeric] degree # # @see # @see # def degrees(radian) radian * RAD2DEG__ end # Returns the sine of an angle. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle in radians # # @return [Numeric] the sine # # @see # @see # def sin(angle) Math.sin angle end # Returns the cosine of an angle. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle in radians # # @return [Numeric] the cosine # # @see # @see # def cos(angle) Math.cos angle end # Returns the ratio of the sine and cosine of an angle. # # @param angle [Numeric] angle in radians # # @return [Numeric] the tangent # # @see # @see # def tan(angle) Math.tan angle end # Returns the inverse of sin(). # # @param value [Numeric] value for calculation # # @return [Numeric] the arc sine # # @see # @see # def asin(value) Math.asin value end # Returns the inverse of cos(). # # @param value [Numeric] value for calculation # # @return [Numeric] the arc cosine # # @see # @see # def acos(value) Math.acos value end # Returns the inverse of tan(). # # @param value [Numeric] value for valculation # # @return [Numeric] the arc tangent # # @see # @see # def atan(value) Math.atan value end # Returns the angle from a specified point. # # @param y [Numeric] y of the point # @param x [Numeric] x of the point # # @return [Numeric] the angle in radians # # @see # @see # def atan2(y, x) Math.atan2 y, x end # Evaluates the curve at point t for points a, b, c, d. # # @param a [Numeric] coordinate of first control point # @param b [Numeric] coordinate of first point on the curve # @param c [Numeric] coordinate of second point on the curve # @param d [Numeric] coordinate of second control point # @param t [Numeric] value between 0.0 and 1.0 # # @return [Numeric] interpolated value # # @see # @see # def curvePoint(a, b, c, d, t) s = @curveTightness__ t3 = t * t * t t2 = t * t f1 = ( s - 1.0) / 2.0 * t3 + ( 1.0 - s) * t2 + (s - 1.0) / 2.0 * t f2 = ( s + 3.0) / 2.0 * t3 + (-5.0 - s) / 2.0 * t2 + 1.0 f3 = (-3.0 - s) / 2.0 * t3 + ( s + 2.0) * t2 + (1.0 - s) / 2.0 * t f4 = ( 1.0 - s) / 2.0 * t3 + ( s - 1.0) / 2.0 * t2 a * f1 + b * f2 + c * f3 + d * f4 end # Calculates the tangent of a point on a curve. # # @param a [Numeric] coordinate of first control point # @param b [Numeric] coordinate of first point on the curve # @param c [Numeric] coordinate of second point on the curve # @param d [Numeric] coordinate of second control point # @param t [Numeric] value between 0.0 and 1.0 # # @return [Numeric] tangent value # # @see # @see # def curveTangent(a, b, c, d, t) s = @curveTightness__ tt3 = t * t * 3.0 t2 = t * 2.0 f1 = ( s - 1.0) / 2.0 * tt3 + ( 1.0 - s) * t2 + (s - 1.0) / 2.0 f2 = ( s + 3.0) / 2.0 * tt3 + (-5.0 - s) / 2.0 * t2 f3 = (-3.0 - s) / 2.0 * tt3 + ( s + 2.0) * t2 + (1.0 - s) / 2.0 f4 = ( 1.0 - s) / 2.0 * tt3 + ( s - 1.0) / 2.0 * t2 a * f1 + b * f2 + c * f3 + d * f4 end # Evaluates the Bezier at point t for points a, b, c, d. # # @param a [Numeric] coordinate of first point on the curve # @param b [Numeric] coordinate of first control point # @param c [Numeric] coordinate of second control point # @param d [Numeric] coordinate of second point on the curve # @param t [Numeric] value between 0.0 and 1.0 # # @return [Numeric] interpolated value # # @see # @see # def bezierPoint(a, b, c, d, t) tt = 1.0 - t tt ** 3.0 * a + tt ** 2.0 * b * 3.0 * t + t ** 2.0 * c * 3.0 * tt + t ** 3.0 * d end # Calculates the tangent of a point on a Bezier curve. # # @param a [Numeric] coordinate of first point on the curve # @param b [Numeric] coordinate of first control point # @param c [Numeric] coordinate of second control point # @param d [Numeric] coordinate of second point on the curve # @param t [Numeric] value between 0.0 and 1.0 # # @return [Numeric] tangent value # # @see # @see # def bezierTangent(a, b, c, d, t) tt = 1.0 - t 3.0 * d * t ** 2.0 - 3.0 * c * t ** 2.0 + 6.0 * c * tt * t - 6.0 * b * tt * t + 3.0 * b * tt ** 2.0 - 3.0 * a * tt ** 2.0 end # Returns the perlin noise value. # # @overload noise(x) # @overload noise(x, y) # @overload noise(x, y, z) # # @param x [Numeric] horizontal point in noise space # @param y [Numeric] vertical point in noise space # @param z [Numeric] depth point in noise space # # @return [Numeric] noise value (0.0..1.0) # # @see # @see # def noise(x, y = 0, z = 0) seed, falloff = @noiseSeed__, @noiseFallOff__ amp = 0.5 @noiseOctaves__.times.reduce(0) do |sum| value = (Rays.perlin(x, y, z, seed) / 2.0 + 0.5) * amp x *= 2 y *= 2 z *= 2 amp *= falloff sum + value end end # Sets the seed value for noise() # # @param seed [Numeric] seed value # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def noiseSeed(seed) @noiseSeed__ = 0.0..1.0 end # Adjusts the character and level of detail produced by the Perlin noise function. # # @param lod [Numeric] number of octaves to be used by the noise # @param falloff [Numeric] falloff factor for each octave # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def noiseDetail(lod, falloff = nil) @noiseOctaves__ = lod if lod && lod > 0 @noiseFallOff__ = falloff if falloff && falloff > 0 end # Returns a random number in range low...high # # @overload random(high) # @overload random(low, high) # @overload random(choices) # # @param low [Numeric] lower limit # @param high [Numeric] upper limit # @param choices [Array] array to choose from # # @return [Float] random number # # @see # @see # def random(*args) if args.first.kind_of? Array a = args.first a.empty? ? nil : a[@random__.rand a.size] else high, low = args.reverse @random__.rand (low || 0).to_f...(high || 1).to_f end end # Sets the seed value for random() # # @param seed [Numeric] seed value # # @return [nil] nil # # @see # @see # def randomSeed(seed) @random__ = seed @nextGaussian__ = nil end # Returns a random number fitting a Gaussian, or normal, distribution. # # @param mean [Numeric] mean # @param sd [Numeric] standard deviation # # @return [Float] random number # # @see # @see # def randomGaussian(mean = 0, sd = 1) value = if @nextGaussian__ x, @nextGaussian__ = @nextGaussian__, nil x else a, b, w = 0, 0, 1 until w < 1 a = random(2) - 1 b = random(2) - 1 w = a ** 2 + b ** 2 end w = Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(w) / w) @randomGaussian__ = a * w b * w end value * sd + mean end # Creates a new vector object. # # @overload createVector() # @overload createVector(x, y) # @overload createVector(x, y, z) # # @param x [Numeric] x of new vector # @param y [Numeric] y of new vector # @param z [Numeric] z of new vector # # @return [Vector] new vector # # @see # def createVector(*args)*args, context: self) end # Creates a new font object. # # @param name [String] font name # @param size [Numeric] font size (max 256) # # @return [Font] new font # # @see # def createFont(name, size) size = FONT_SIZE_MAX__ if size && size > FONT_SIZE_MAX__, size || FONT_SIZE_DEFAULT__) end # Creates a new image object. # # @overload createImage(w, h) # @overload createImage(w, h, format) # # @param w [Numeric] width of new image # @param h [Numeric] height of new image # @param format [RGB, RGBA] image format # # @return [Image] new image # # @see # @see # def createImage(w, h, format = RGBA) colorspace = {RGB => Rays::RGB, RGBA => Rays::RGBA}[format] raise ArgumentError, "Unknown image format" unless colorspace, h, colorspace).paint {background 0, 0} end # Creates a new shape object. # # @overload createShape() # @overload createShape(LINE, x1, y1, x2, y2) # @overload createShape(RECT, a, b, c, d) # @overload createShape(ELLIPSE, a, b, c, d) # @overload createShape(ARC, a, b, c, d, start, stop) # @overload createShape(TRIANGLE, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) # @overload createShape(QUAD, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) # @overload createShape(GROUP) # # @param kind [LINE, RECT, ELLIPSE, ARC, TRIANGLE, QUAD, GROUP] # # @return [Shape] new shape # # @see # def createShape(kind = nil, *args) case kind when LINE then createLineShape__( *args) when RECT then createRectShape__( *args) when ELLIPSE then createEllipseShape__( *args) when ARC then createArcShape__( *args) when TRIANGLE then createTriangleShape__(*args) when QUAD then createQuadShape__( *args) when GROUP then nil, [], context: self when nil then context: self else raise ArgumentError, "Unknown shape kind '#{kind}'" end end # @private def createLineShape__(x1, y1, x2, y2) Rays::Polygon.line(x1, y1, x2, y2), context: self end # @private def createRectShape__(a, b, c, d, *args, mode: @rectMode__) x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ mode, a, b, c, d Rays::Polygon.rect(x, y, w, h, *args), context: self end # @private def createEllipseShape__(a, b, c, d, mode: @ellipseMode__) x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ mode, a, b, c, d Rays::Polygon.ellipse(x, y, w, h), context: self end # @private private def createArcShape__(a, b, c, d, start, stop) x, y, w, h = toXYWH__ @ellipseMode__, a, b, c, d from, to = toDegrees__(-start), toDegrees__(-stop) Rays::Polygon.ellipse(x, y, w, h, from: from, to: to), context: self end # @private private def createTriangleShape__(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3), y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, loop: true), context: self end # @private private def createQuadShape__(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) Rays::Polygon.quads(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4), context: self end # Creates a new off-screen graphics context object. # # @param width [Numeric] width of graphics image # @param height [Numeric] height of graphics image # @param pixelDensity [Numeric] pixel density of graphics image # # @return [Graphics] graphics object # # @see # @see # def createGraphics(width, height, pixelDensity = 1) width, height, pixelDensity end # Creates a shader object. # # Passing nil for a vertex shader parameter causes the following default vertex shader to be used. # ``` # attribute vec3 position; # attribute vec3 texCoord; # attribute vec4 color; # varying vec4 vertPosition; # varying vec4 vertTexCoord; # varying vec4 vertColor; # uniform mat4 transform; # uniform mat4 texMatrix; # void main () # { # vec4 pos__ = vec4(position, 1.0); # vertPosition = pos__; # vertTexCoord = texMatrix * vec4(texCoord, 1.0); # vertColor = color; # gl_Position = transform * pos__; # } # ``` # # @overload createShader(vertPath, fragPath) # @overload createShader(vertSource, fragSource) # # @param vertPath [String] vertex shader file path # @param fragPath [String] fragment shader file path # @param vertSource [String] vertex shader source # @param fragSource [String] fragment shader source # # @return [Shader] shader object # # @see # def createShader(vert, frag) vert = if vert && File.exist?(vert) frag = if frag && File.exist?(frag) vert, frag end # Creates a camera object as a video input device. # # @return [Capture] camera object # def createCapture(*args)*args) end # Loads font from file. # # @param filename [String] file name to load font file # # @return [Font] loaded font object # # @see # @see # def loadFont(filename) ext = File.extname filename raise "unsupported font type -- '#{ext}'" unless ext =~ /^\.?(ttf|otf)$/i filename = httpGet__ filename, ext if filename =~ %r|^https?://| Rays::Font.load filename end # Loads image. # # @param filename [String] file name to load image # @param extension [String] type of image to load (ex. 'png') # # @return [Image] loaded image object # # @see # @see # def loadImage(filename, extension = nil) ext = extension || File.extname(filename) raise "unsupported image type -- '#{ext}'" unless ext =~ /^\.?(png|jpg|gif)$/i filename = httpGet__ filename, ext if filename =~ %r|^https?://| Rays::Image.load filename end # Loads image on a new thread. # When the image is loading, its width and height will be 0. # If an error occurs while loading the image, its width and height wil be -1. # # @param filename [String] file name to load image # @param extension [String] type of image to load (ex. 'png') # # @return [Image] loading image object # # @see # def requestImage(filename, extension = nil) img = nil filename, extension do |fn, ext| loaded = loadImage(fn, ext) or raise img.setInternal__ loaded.getInternal__ rescue img.setInternal__ nil, true end img end def loadShape(filename) filename end # Loads shader file. # # @overload loadShader(fragPath) # @overload loadShader(fragPath, vertPath) # # @param fragPath [String] fragment shader file path # @param vertPath [String] vertex shader file path # # @return [Shader] loaded shader object # # @see # @see # def loadShader(fragPath, vertPath = nil) createShader vertPath, fragPath end # @private private def httpGet__(uri, ext) tmpdir = tmpdir__ path = tmpdir + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(uri) path = path.sub_ext ext unless path.file? Net::HTTP.get_response URI.parse(uri) do |res| res.value # raise an error unless successful tmpdir.mkdir unless'wb') {|file| res.read_body {|body| file.write body}} end end path.to_s end # @private private def tmpdir__() Pathname(Dir.tmpdir) + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( end end# GraphicsContext end# Processing