module ActiveRecord class Base # # First time called, configures \cache_it for this ActiveRecord model. # Subsequent calls returns a delegate to access class methods. # # Examples: # # class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base # cache_it :first, :last # end # # class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base # cache_it do |c| # c.index :first, :last # c.index :email # c.counters :points # end # end # def self.cache_it(*index) if self.class_variable_defined? :@@cache_it raise ArgumentError, "cannot reconfigure" if index.present? or block_given? else raise ArgumentError, "use block or args" if index.present? and block_given? config = self config.index *index if config and index.present? yield config if config and block_given? self.class_exec do # Returns delegate to access instance methods def cache_it @cache_it ||= self end end delegate = self, config self.class_variable_set "@@cache_it", delegate end self.class_variable_get "@@cache_it" end end end # # Cache for ActiveRecord objects, backed by ActiveSupport::CacheStore of your choice. # # ==Usage # # # migration # create_table :users do |t| # t.string :first # t.string :last # t.string :email # t.integer :age # t.integer :points # end # # class User < ActiveRecord::Base # cache_it do |c| # c.index :first, :last # c.index :email # c.counters :points # end # end # # user = User.cache_it.find(:first => "Joe", :last => "Schmoe") # user = User.cache_it.find(:email => "") # user.age = 30 # user.cache_it_write # module CacheIt class InstanceDelegate def initialize(base) @base = base end def write expires_in = @base.class.cache_it.config.expires_in val = {:attributes => @base.attributes} keys.each {|key| Rails.cache.write(key, val, :expires_in => expires_in)} stale_keys.each {|key| Rails.cache.delete(key)} init_counters end def increment(counter, amount = 1) counter = counter.to_s unless @base.class.cache_it.config.counters.include? counter raise ArgumentError, "#{counter} is not a counter" end primary_key = @base.class.primary_key if key = @base.class.cache_it.key({primary_key => @base[primary_key]}, :counter => counter) @base[counter] = Rails.cache.increment(key, amount, :raw => true) end end def delete keys(attributes_before_changes).each {|key| Rails.cache.delete(key)} end def init_counters primary_key = @base.class.primary_key do |counter| counter_key = @base.class.cache_it.key({primary_key => @base[primary_key]}, :counter => counter) @base[counter] = Rails.cache.fetch(counter_key, :raw => true) { @base[counter] } end end private def attributes_before_changes result = @base.attributes.each do |k,v| result[k] = @base.changes.include?(k) ? @base.changes[k].first : v end return result end def keys(attrs = @base.attributes) do |index| @base.class.cache_it.key {|attr| index.include? attr} end end def stale_keys keys(attributes_before_changes) - keys(@base.attributes) end end class ClassDelegate def initialize(base, config) @base = base @config = config @base.after_save { cache_it.write } @base.after_destroy { cache_it.delete } end def key(attrs, options = {}) attrs = attrs.stringify_keys index = attrs.keys.sort raise ArgumentError, "index not available" unless @config.indexes.include? index if options[:counter] raise ArgumentError, "not a counter" unless @config.counters.include? options[:counter] end key = ["CacheIt.v1",] key.push options[:counter] if options[:counter] key.push{|name| [name, attrs[name]]}.to_json return key.join(":") end def find(attrs, options = {}) unless obj = read(attrs, options) obj = @base.where(attrs).first obj.cache_it.write if obj end return obj end def read(attrs, options = {}) key = key(attrs) obj = nil if val = attributes = val[:attributes] obj = obj.send :attributes=, attributes, false obj.instance_variable_set("@new_record", false) if obj.cache_it.init_counters unless options[:skip_counters] end return obj end def config @config end end class Config def initialize(model) @model = model @indexes ||= [[@model.primary_key]] @counters ||= [] end def index(*index) return nil unless index.present? index = {|n|n.to_s}.sort unless index.all? {|n| @model.column_names.include? n} raise ArgumentError, "index must be list of column names" end @indexes.push index unless @indexes.include? index validate return nil end def indexes @indexes end def counters(*counters) return @counters unless counters.present? counters = {|n|n.to_s} unless counters.all? {|n| @model.columns_hash[n].try(:type) == :integer} raise ArgumentError, "counters must be column names for integer attributes" end counters.each do |name| @counters.push name unless @counters.include? name end validate return nil end def expires_in(expires_in = nil, &block) unless expires_in or block_given? @expires_in.respond_to?(:call) ? : @expires_in else raise ArgumentError, "use block or args" if expires_in and block_given? @expires_in = expires_in || block return nil end end private def validate if @indexes.flatten.any? {|name| @counters.include? name} raise "cannot use column for both index and counter" end end end end