.row .span3 %p="#{pluralize(@import.import_rows.length, 'person')} in this import file." %p This import was created at:
#{l import.created_at} %p To discard this import and start over, click "Delete" %p To pause this import and come back later, click "Back" .btn-group = icon_link_to "Back", new_import_path(:type => import.kind), 'fa-share', 'btn', '' = link_to "Delete", import_path(import), :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete this import?"}, :method => :delete, :class => "btn btn-danger" .span9 .well .row-fluid .span9 %h3 This import is pending your approval Click "Approve" to import this data into Artful.ly .span3 = link_to "Approve", approve_import_path(import), :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure you want to approve this import?"}, :class => "btn btn-success btn-large" -if @under_limit %table.table.table-bordered.table-striped %tr %th Email %th First %th Last %th Company %th Website %th - @parsed_rows.each_with_index do |row, index| %tr %td=row.email %td=row.first %td=row.last %td=row.company %td=row.website %td =icon_link_to("", "#row#{index}", ' fa-search-plus', '', '', {'data-toggle' => 'modal'}) =render :partial => "imports/shared/inspect_modal", :locals => {:row => row, :index => index, :keys => ParsedRow::PEOPLE_FIELDS.merge(ParsedRow::ADDRESS_FIELDS).keys} = will_paginate @parsed_rows -else %center .alert.alert-info Import previews are temporarily not available. %br You can still apporve your import by clicking the green "Approve" button above.