# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Doorkeeper::RedirectUriValidator do subject do FactoryBot.create(:application) end it "is valid when the uri is a uri" do subject.redirect_uri = "https://example.com/callback" expect(subject).to be_valid end # Most mobile and desktop operating systems allow apps to register a custom URL # scheme that will launch the app when a URL with that scheme is visited from # the system browser. # # @see https://www.oauth.com/oauth2-servers/redirect-uris/redirect-uris-native-apps/ it "is valid when the uri is custom native URI" do subject.redirect_uri = "myapp:/callback" expect(subject).to be_valid end it "is valid when the uri has a query parameter" do subject.redirect_uri = "https://example.com/abcd?xyz=123" expect(subject).to be_valid end it "accepts nonstandard oob redirect uri" do subject.redirect_uri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" expect(subject).to be_valid end it "accepts nonstandard oob:auto redirect uri" do subject.redirect_uri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob:auto" expect(subject).to be_valid end it "is invalid when the uri is not a uri" do subject.redirect_uri = "]" expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors[:redirect_uri].first).to eq(I18n.t("activerecord.errors.models.doorkeeper/application.attributes.redirect_uri.invalid_uri")) end it "is invalid when the uri is relative" do subject.redirect_uri = "/abcd" expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors[:redirect_uri].first).to eq(I18n.t("activerecord.errors.models.doorkeeper/application.attributes.redirect_uri.relative_uri")) end it "is invalid when the uri has a fragment" do subject.redirect_uri = "https://example.com/abcd#xyz" expect(subject).not_to be_valid expect(subject.errors[:redirect_uri].first).to eq(I18n.t("activerecord.errors.models.doorkeeper/application.attributes.redirect_uri.fragment_present")) end it "is invalid when scheme resolves to localhost (needs an explict scheme)" do subject.redirect_uri = "localhost:80" expect(subject).to be_invalid expect(subject.errors[:redirect_uri].first).to eq(I18n.t("activerecord.errors.models.doorkeeper/application.attributes.redirect_uri.unspecified_scheme")) end it "is invalid if an ip address" do subject.redirect_uri = "" expect(subject).to be_invalid end it "accepts an ip address based URI if a scheme is specified" do subject.redirect_uri = "" expect(subject).to be_valid end context "force secured uri" do it "accepts an valid uri" do subject.redirect_uri = "https://example.com/callback" expect(subject).to be_valid end it "accepts custom scheme redirect uri (as per rfc8252 section 7.1)" do subject.redirect_uri = "com.example.app:/oauth/callback" expect(subject).to be_valid end it "accepts custom scheme redirect uri (as per rfc8252 section 7.1) #2" do subject.redirect_uri = "com.example.app:/test" expect(subject).to be_valid end it "accepts custom scheme redirect uri (common misconfiguration we have decided to allow)" do subject.redirect_uri = "com.example.app://oauth/callback" expect(subject).to be_valid end it "accepts custom scheme redirect uri (common misconfiguration we have decided to allow) #2" do subject.redirect_uri = "com.example.app://test" expect(subject).to be_valid end it "accepts a non secured protocol when disabled" do subject.redirect_uri = "http://example.com/callback" allow(Doorkeeper.configuration).to receive( :force_ssl_in_redirect_uri, ).and_return(false) expect(subject).to be_valid end it "accepts a non secured protocol when conditional option defined" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM force_ssl_in_redirect_uri { |uri| uri.host != "localhost" } end application = FactoryBot.build(:application, redirect_uri: "http://localhost/callback") expect(application).to be_valid application = FactoryBot.build(:application, redirect_uri: "https://test.com/callback") expect(application).to be_valid application = FactoryBot.build(:application, redirect_uri: "http://localhost2/callback") expect(application).not_to be_valid application = FactoryBot.build(:application, redirect_uri: "https://test.com/callback") expect(application).to be_valid end it "forbids redirect uri if required" do subject.redirect_uri = "javascript://document.cookie" Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM forbid_redirect_uri { |uri| uri.scheme == "javascript" } end expect(subject).to be_invalid expect(subject.errors[:redirect_uri].first).to eq("is forbidden by the server.") subject.redirect_uri = "https://localhost/callback" expect(subject).to be_valid end it "invalidates the uri when the uri does not use a secure protocol" do subject.redirect_uri = "http://example.com/callback" expect(subject).not_to be_valid error = subject.errors[:redirect_uri].first expect(error).to eq(I18n.t("activerecord.errors.models.doorkeeper/application.attributes.redirect_uri.secured_uri")) end end context "multiple redirect uri" do it "invalidates the second uri when the first uri is native uri" do subject.redirect_uri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob\nexample.com/callback" expect(subject).to be_invalid end end context "blank redirect URI" do it "forbids blank redirect uri by default" do subject.redirect_uri = "" expect(subject).to be_invalid expect(subject.errors[:redirect_uri]).not_to be_blank end it "forbids blank redirect uri by custom condition" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM allow_blank_redirect_uri do |_grant_flows, application| application.name == "admin app" end end subject.name = "test app" subject.redirect_uri = "" expect(subject).to be_invalid expect(subject.errors[:redirect_uri]).not_to be_blank subject.name = "admin app" expect(subject).to be_valid end end end