class PageModelMigration < Migration def self.up(site) site.records.create_model :pages do |pages| # core page attributes add_field :permalink, :string, validations: {required: {}}, index: true, searchable: false, display: false add_field :path, :string, validations: {required: {}}, index: true, searchable: false, display: false add_field :created_at, :time, display: false add_field :title, :string, validations: {required: {}} add_field :content, :html # options section add_field :show_in_menus, :boolean, default: true, section: 'Options' add_field :description, :text, section: 'Options', searchable: false add_field :keywords, :text, section: 'Options', searchable: false add_field :custom_meta_tags, :text, section: 'Options', searchable: false add_one :new_child_page, model: :page, section: 'Options', show_blank: true, blank_text: 'None' # layout add_field :page_layout, :string, section: 'Options', default: nil, searchable: false add_one :page_layout_record, model: :layout, display: false add_field :edit_layout, :string, searchable: false, section: 'Options' add_one :edit_layout_record, model: :layout, display: false add_field :name, :alias, of: :title pages.default_child_model = pages.allowed_children = [pages] pages.allowed_parents = [pages] pages.record_class_name = 'Page' end # glob pages are normal pages, but match paths with components at the end # of the page's path, e.g /git/HEAD would match the glob page /git site.pages.create_model :glob_pages do |glob_pages| end # default root page page = page.title = "Home" end def self.down(site) site.pages.destroy end end