Hobo's Miscellaneous Model Extensions {.document-title} This chapter of the Hobo Manual describes Hobo's model extensions, with the exception of [HoboFields](../hobofields) and [Permissions](../permissions), [Accessible Associations](../multi_model_forms) and [Scopes](../scopes) each of which have their own chapters in this manual. This chapter should describe everything else that Hobo provides to your models. Contents {.contents-heading} - contents {:toc} >> require 'rubygems' >> require 'active_support' >> require 'active_record' >> require 'action_pack' >> require 'action_view' >> require 'action_controller' >> mysql_adapter = defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) ? 'jdbcmysql' : 'mysql' >> mysql_user = 'root'; mysql_password = '' >> mysql_login = "-u #{mysql_user} --password='#{mysql_password}'" >> mysql_database = "hobofields_doctest" >> system "mysqladmin #{mysql_login} --force drop #{mysql_database} 2> /dev/null" >> system("mysqladmin #{mysql_login} create #{mysql_database}") or raise "could not create database" >> ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => mysql_adapter, :database => mysql_database, :host => "localhost", :username => mysql_user, :password => mysql_password) >> $:.unshift File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), '../../hobofields/lib') >> $:.unshift File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), '../../hobosupport/lib') >> $:.unshift File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), '../../hobo/lib') >> require 'will_paginate' >> require 'will_paginate/finder' >> require 'hobosupport' >> require 'hobofields' >> require 'hobo' >> Hobo::Model.enable >> HoboFields.enable >> def migrate(renames={}) up, down = HoboFields::MigrationGenerator.run(renames) puts up ActiveRecord::Migration.class_eval(up) ActiveRecord::Base.send(:subclasses).each { |model| model.reset_column_information } [up, down] end {.hidden} # Special Attributes Rails provides one "special" attribute to your model: `primary_key` >> class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base; end >> Foo.primary_key => "id" `primary_key` references one of the columns in your table. Rails provides a default, but you can change it. In the same fashion, Hobo provides several special attributes that generally correspond to columns in your database table. In Hobo, these attributes are specified by passing options to their declaration: >> class User < ActiveRecord::Base; end >> class Post < ActiveRecord::Base hobo_model fields do title :string, :name => true, :index => true content :text, :primary_content => true end belongs_to :poster, :class_name => "User", :creator => true set_search_columns :title, :content never_show :poster end >> migrate In the above example, `name`, `creator` and `primary_content` specify attributes that have meaning to Hobo. `set_search_columns` and `never_show` also allow you to tag columns for Hobo. ## name Many models have a column in their table that names the object. A good example would be the title column in a blog object. fields do title :string, :name => true, :index => true end >> Post.name_attribute => :title Rapid makes extensive use of this column, both directly and indirectly. The `<name>` tag uses it, `<table-plus>` uses it as the default sort column, to give two examples of direct uses. Indirectly it is used much more often via the default `to_s` function that Hobo::Model provides. >> post = Post.new(:title => "Hello") >> post.to_s => "Hello" Hobo::Model also provides a default `to_param` function to provide human readable URL's: >> post.id = 17 >> post.to_param => "17-hello" You are of course welcome to provide your own `to_s` and `to_param` functions, but in most cases the Hobo::Model definitions do well. Hobo::Model also provides a default finder, `named`: >> post.save! >> Post.named("Hello").title => "Hello" If you are going to be using this finder, it is recommended that you also provide an index for your name column: fields do title :string, :name => true, :index => true end Sometimes a single column does not do a good job of naming the object. In this case, you can provide your own name method instead: >> class Person < ActiveRecord::Base hobo_model fields do first_name :string last_name :string end def name first_name + ' ' + last_name end end >> migrate >> person = Person.new(:first_name => "John", :last_name => "Brown") >> person.to_s => "John Brown" If you use a composite name, you do lose a couple of features that require direct database access: the `named` finder, and the ability to use it as a sort column without loading the entire table. If you do not provide a name for your model, Hobo will use the `title` attribute or function instead. ## primary\_content `primary_content` works very similarly to `name`, except that it provides the "description" of the row. This is not used in very many places. Currently it is only used in the generated `<card>` and `<show-page>` for your views, but it may be used in more places in the future. fields do content :text, :primary_content => true end If you do not explicitly set `primary_content`, Hobo::Model will look for a method or attribute named `description`, `body`, `content`, or `profile` and use that. >> class Person < ActiveRecord::Base def profile "Boring" end end >> Person.primary_content_attribute => "profile" ## login This field is only used in User models. This attribute specifies the field that uniquely identifies a user. Unsurprisingly, it's primary use is for the `login` field on the signup form, but it is used elsewhere. >> class User < ActiveRecord::Base hobo_user_model fields do email_address :string, :login => true, :unique => true end end >> User.login_attribute => :email_address ## creator If you specify the `creator` option on one of your fields, Hobo will set it to contain the current user when creating the object. Normally this is specified on a belongs\_to: >> class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :poster, :class_name => "User", :creator => true end >> Post.creator_attribute => :poster However, it may also be added as an option to a string field, in which case the `login_attribute` is saved to the field: >> class Foo2 < ActiveRecord::Base hobo_model fields do creator_login :string, :creator => true end end >> Foo2.creator_attribute => :creator_login Creator may also be specified via `attr_accessor` if you wish it to be set without being saved to the database: >> class Foo3 < ActiveRecord::Base hobo_model attr_accessor :created_by, :creator => true end >> Foo3.creator_attribute => :created_by ## set\_search\_columns Using the `set_search_columns` class function, you may specify which columns are searched by the rapid tags that provide searching capabilities. >> class Post < ActiveRecord::Base set_search_columns :title, :content end >> Post.search_columns => ["title", "content"] If you do not provide the search columns, Hobo defaults to `%w(name title body description content profile)`. ## never\_show `never_show` columns are not displayed in any views that Rapid creates. >> class Post < ActiveRecord::Base never_show :poster end >> Post.never_show?(:poster) => true # typed\_id >> post.typed_id => "post:17" `typed_id` is a method added to Hobo models that uniquely identifies the model in your database. This is very useful when coupled with `Hobo::Model.find_by_typed_id`: >> Hobo::Model.find_by_typed_id("post:17") => #<Post id: 17, title: "Hello", content: nil, poster_id: nil> This is the mechanism that is used to store the current user in the session. It is also used throughout Rapid. # set\_default\_order set_default_order :name set_default_order "name DESC" This sets the :order option on the finder for the class. Note that Rails 2.3 has [default\_scope](http://ryandaigle.com/articles/2008/11/18/what-s-new-in-edge-rails-default-scoping). This may be used instead of `set_default_order`, although currently there are many bugs open against `default_scope` in Rails. See [ticket #395]( https://hobo.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8324/tickets/395-remove-default_order-once-were-on-rails-23) for more information on this issue. # reverse\_reflection This is the mechanism that Hobo uses to find a matching association on the other model. >> class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :poster, :class_name => "User", :creator => true end >> class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :posts, :foreign_key => "poster_id" end >> migrate >> Post.reverse_reflection(:poster).name => :posts # view\_hints This provides a shortcut to the corresponding [ViewHints](../viewhints) object. >> Post.view_hints => PostHints