/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ module.paths.unshift(__dirname + "/../src/nodejs_supportlib"); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var os = require('os'); var fs = require('fs'); var http = require('http'); var util = require('util'); var nodeClusterErrCount = 0; var meteorClusterErrCount = 0; function badPackageError(packageName) { return "You required the " + packageName + ", which is incompatible with Passenger, a non-functional shim was returned and your app may still work. However, please remove the related code as soon as possible."; } // Logs failure to install shim + extended debug info, but with strict spamming protection. function errorMockingRequire(packageName, error, args, count) { if (count > 2) { return; // spam protect against repeated warnings } var msg = "Failed to install shim to guard against the " + packageName + ". Due to: " + error.message + ". Your can safely ignore this warning if you are not using " + packageName; msg += "\n\tNode version: " + process.version + "\tArguments: " + args.length; for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (i > 9) { // limit the amount of array elements we log break; } msg += "\n\t[" + i + "] " + util.inspect(args[i]).substr(0, 200); // limit the characters per array element }; console.error(msg); } //Mock out Node Cluster Module var Module = require('module'); var originalRequire = Module.prototype.require; Module.prototype.require = function() { try { if (arguments['0'] == 'cluster') { console.trace(badPackageError("Node Cluster module")); return { disconnect : function(){return false;}, fork : function(){return false;}, setupMaster : function(){return false;}, isWorker : true, isMaster : false, schedulingPolicy : false, settings : false, worker : false, workers : false, }; } } catch (e) { nodeClusterErrCount++; errorMockingRequire("Node Cluster module", e, arguments, nodeClusterErrCount); } return originalRequire.apply(this, arguments); }; //Mock out Meteor Cluster Module var vm = require('vm'); var orig_func = vm.runInThisContext; vm.runInThisContext = function() { try { if (arguments.length > 1) { var scriptPath = arguments['1']; if (typeof scriptPath == 'object') { scriptPath = scriptPath['filename']; } if (scriptPath.indexOf('meteorhacks_cluster') != -1) { console.trace(badPackageError("Meteorhacks cluster package")); return (function() { Package['meteorhacks:cluster'] = { Cluster: { _publicServices : {}, _registeredServices : {}, _discoveryBackends : { mongodb: {} }, connect : function(){return false;}, allowPublicAccess : function(){return false;}, discoverConnection : function(){return false;}, register : function(){return false;}, _isPublicService : function(){return false;}, registerDiscoveryBackend : function(){return false;}, _blockCallAgain : function(){return false;} } }; }); } } } catch (e) { meteorClusterErrCount++; errorMockingRequire("Meteorhacks Cluster package", e, arguments, meteorClusterErrCount); } return orig_func.apply(this, arguments); }; var LineReader = require('phusion_passenger/line_reader').LineReader; var ustLog = require('phusion_passenger/ustrouter_connector'); var instrumentModulePaths = [ 'phusion_passenger/log_express', 'phusion_passenger/log_mongodb']; var instrumentedModules = []; module.isApplicationLoader = true; // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/compoundjs/4txxkNtROQg global.PhusionPassenger = exports.PhusionPassenger = new EventEmitter(); var stdinReader = new LineReader(process.stdin); beginHandshake(); readInitializationHeader(); function beginHandshake() { process.stdout.write("!> I have control 1.0\n"); } function readInitializationHeader() { stdinReader.readLine(function(line) { if (line != "You have control 1.0\n") { console.error('Invalid initialization header'); process.exit(1); } else { readOptions(); } }); } function readOptions() { var options = {}; function readNextOption() { stdinReader.readLine(function(line) { if (line == "\n") { setupEnvironment(options); } else if (line == "") { console.error("End of stream encountered while reading initialization options"); process.exit(1); } else { var matches = line.replace(/\n/, '').match(/(.*?) *: *(.*)/); options[matches[1]] = matches[2]; readNextOption(); } }); } readNextOption(); } function passengerToWinstonLogLevel(passengerLogLevel) { switch (passengerLogLevel) { case "1": return "error"; case "2": return "warn"; case "3": // notice case "4": // info return "info"; case "5": // debug return "verbose"; case "6": // debug2 return "debug"; case "7": // debug3 return "silly"; case "0": // crit default: break; } return "none"; } function setupEnvironment(options) { PhusionPassenger.options = options; PhusionPassenger.configure = configure; PhusionPassenger._appInstalled = false; var logLevel = passengerToWinstonLogLevel(PhusionPassenger.options.log_level); var winston = require("vendor-copy/winston"); var logger = new (winston.Logger)({ transports: [ new (winston.transports.Console)({ level: logLevel, debugStdout: true }) ] }); process.title = 'Passenger NodeApp: ' + options.app_root; http.Server.prototype.originalListen = http.Server.prototype.listen; http.Server.prototype.listen = installServer; ustLog.init(logger, PhusionPassenger.options.ust_router_address, PhusionPassenger.options.ust_router_username, PhusionPassenger.options.ust_router_password, PhusionPassenger.options.union_station_key, PhusionPassenger.options.app_group_name); if (ustLog.isEnabled()) { // must be first so other modules can use the cls context require('vendor-copy/continuation-local-storage').createNamespace('passenger-request-ctx'); global.phusion_passenger_ustReporter = require('phusion_passenger/ustreporter'); global.phusion_passenger_ustReporter.init(logger, options.app_root, ustLog); instrumentModulePaths.forEach(function(modulePath) { var module = require(modulePath); instrumentedModules.push(module); module.initPreLoad(logger, options.app_root, ustLog); }); } stdinReader.close(); stdinReader = undefined; process.stdin.on('end', shutdown); process.stdin.resume(); loadApplication(); if (ustLog.isEnabled()) { instrumentedModules.forEach(function(module) { module.initPostLoad(); }); } } /** * PhusionPassenger.configure(options) * * Configures Phusion Passenger's behavior inside this Node application. * * Options: * autoInstall (boolean, default true) * Whether to install the first HttpServer object for which listen() is called, * as the Phusion Passenger request handler. */ function configure(_options) { var options = { autoInstall: true }; for (var key in _options) { options[key] = _options[key]; } if (!options.autoInstall) { http.Server.prototype.listen = listenAndMaybeInstall; } } function loadApplication() { var appRoot = PhusionPassenger.options.app_root || process.cwd(); var startupFile = PhusionPassenger.options.startup_file || (appRoot + '/' + 'app.js'); require(startupFile); } function extractCallback(args) { if (args.length > 1 && typeof(args[args.length - 1]) == 'function') { return args[args.length - 1]; } } function generateServerSocketPath() { var options = PhusionPassenger.options; var socketDir, socketPrefix, socketSuffix; if (options.socket_dir) { socketDir = options.socket_dir; socketPrefix = "node"; } else { socketDir = os.tmpdir().replace(/\/$/, ''); socketPrefix = "PsgNodeApp"; } socketSuffix = ((Math.random() * 0xFFFFFFFF) & 0xFFFFFFF); var result = socketDir + "/" + socketPrefix + "." + socketSuffix.toString(36); var UNIX_PATH_MAX = options.UNIX_PATH_MAX || 100; return result.substr(0, UNIX_PATH_MAX); } function addListenerAtBeginning(emitter, event, callback) { var listeners = emitter.listeners(event); var i; emitter.removeAllListeners(event); emitter.on(event, callback); for (i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { emitter.on(event, listeners[i]); } } function doListen(server, listenTries, callback) { function errorHandler(error) { if (error.errno == 'EADDRINUSE') { if (listenTries == 100) { server.emit('error', new Error( 'Phusion Passenger could not find suitable socket address to bind on')); } else { // Try again with another socket path. listenTries++; doListen(server, listenTries, callback); } } else { server.emit('error', error); } } var socketPath = PhusionPassenger.options.socket_path = generateServerSocketPath(); server.once('error', errorHandler); server.originalListen(socketPath, function() { server.removeListener('error', errorHandler); doneListening(server, callback); process.nextTick(finalizeStartup); }); } function doneListening(server, callback) { if (callback) { server.once('listening', callback); } server.emit('listening'); } function installServer() { var server = this; if (!PhusionPassenger._appInstalled) { PhusionPassenger._appInstalled = true; PhusionPassenger._server = server; // Ensure that req.connection.remoteAddress and remotePort return something // instead of undefined. Apps like Etherpad expect it. // See https://github.com/phusion/passenger/issues/1224 addListenerAtBeginning(server, 'request', function(req) { req.connection.__defineGetter__('remoteAddress', function() { return ''; }); req.connection.__defineGetter__('remotePort', function() { return 0; }); }); var listenTries = 0; doListen(server, listenTries, extractCallback(arguments)); return server; } else { throw new Error("http.Server.listen() was called more than once, which " + "is not allowed because Phusion Passenger is in auto-install mode. " + "This means that the first http.Server object for which listen() is called, " + "is automatically installed as the Phusion Passenger request handler. " + "If you want to create and listen on multiple http.Server object then " + "you should disable auto-install mode. Please read " + "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20645231/phusion-passenger-error-http-server-listen-was-called-more-than-once/20645549"); } } function listenAndMaybeInstall(port) { if (port === 'passenger' || port == '/passenger') { if (!PhusionPassenger._appInstalled) { return installServer.apply(this, arguments); } else { throw new Error("You may only call listen('passenger') once. Please read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20645231/phusion-passenger-error-http-server-listen-was-called-more-than-once/20645549"); } } else { return this.originalListen.apply(this, arguments); } } function finalizeStartup() { process.stdout.write("!> Ready\n"); process.stdout.write("!> socket: main;unix:" + PhusionPassenger._server.address() + ";http_session;0\n"); process.stdout.write("!> \n"); } function shutdown() { if (PhusionPassenger.shutting_down) { return; } PhusionPassenger.shutting_down = true; try { fs.unlinkSync(PhusionPassenger.options.socket_path); } catch (e) { // Ignore error. } if (PhusionPassenger.listeners('exit').length > 0) { PhusionPassenger.emit('exit'); } else if (process.listeners('message').length > 0) { process.emit('message', 'shutdown'); } else { process.exit(0); } }