describe "TableViewCells" do tests TableViewController describe "Style tests on cell[0]" do before do path = NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndex(0).indexPathByAddingIndex(0) @cell = controller.view.cellForRowAtIndexPath(path) @padding = @cell.padding end it "should have styled padding (backgroundColor.should)" do @padding.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.greenColor end it "should have styled padding (center.x.should)" do == (@padding.superview.bounds.size.width / 2).round end it "should have styled padding (center.y.should)" do == (@padding.superview.bounds.size.height / 2).round end it "should have styled padding (frame.size.width.should)" do @padding.frame.size.width.should < @padding.superview.bounds.size.width end it "should have styled padding (frame.size.height.should)" do @padding.frame.size.height.should < @padding.superview.bounds.size.height end it "should have styled title (text)" do @cell.title_label.text.should =~ /^title/ end it "should have styled title (frame.origin.x)" do @cell.title_label.frame.origin.x.should == 0 end it "should have styled title (frame.origin.y)" do @cell.title_label.frame.origin.y.should == 0 end it "should have styled title (frame.size.height)" do @cell.title_label.frame.size.height.should == 20 end it "should have styled title (frame.size.width)" do @cell.title_label.frame.size.width.should == @padding.frame.size.width end it "should have styled title (textColor)" do @cell.title_label.textColor.should == UIColor.blueColor end it "should have styled details (text)" do @cell.details_label.text.should =~ /^details/ end it "should have styled details (frame.origin.x)" do @cell.details_label.frame.origin.x.should == 0 end it "should have styled details (frame.origin.y)" do @cell.details_label.frame.origin.y.should == CGRectGetMaxY(@cell.title_label.frame) + 5 end it "should have styled details (frame.size.height)" do @cell.details_label.frame.size.height.should == 17 end it "should have styled details (frame.size.width)" do @cell.details_label.frame.size.width.should == @padding.frame.size.width end it "should have styled other (text)" do @cell.other_label.text.should =~ /^other/ end it "should have styled other (frame.origin.x)" do @cell.other_label.frame.origin.x.should == 0 end it "should have styled other (frame.origin.y)" do @cell.other_label.frame.origin.y.should == CGRectGetMaxY(@cell.details_label.frame) + 5 end it "should have styled other (frame.size.height)" do @cell.other_label.frame.size.height.should == 17 end it "should have styled other (frame.size.width)" do @cell.other_label.frame.size.width.should == @padding.frame.size.width end end describe "Style tests on cell[9]" do before do path = NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndex(0).indexPathByAddingIndex(9) controller.view.scrollToRowAtIndexPath(path, atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom, animated:false) @cell = controller.view.cellForRowAtIndexPath(path) @padding = @cell.padding end it "should be a reused cell" do @cell.is_reused.should == true end it "should have styled padding (backgroundColor)" do @padding.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.greenColor end it "should have styled padding (center.x)" do == (@padding.superview.bounds.size.width / 2).round end it "should have styled padding (center.y)" do == (@padding.superview.bounds.size.height / 2).round end it "should have styled padding (frame.size.width)" do @padding.frame.size.width.should < @padding.superview.bounds.size.width end it "should have styled padding (frame.size.height)" do @padding.frame.size.height.should < @padding.superview.bounds.size.height end it "should have styled title (text)" do @cell.title_label.text.should =~ /^title/ end it "should have styled title (frame.origin.x)" do @cell.title_label.frame.origin.x.should == 0 end it "should have styled title (frame.origin.y)" do @cell.title_label.frame.origin.y.should == 0 end it "should have styled title (frame.size.height)" do @cell.title_label.frame.size.height.should == 20 end it "should have styled title (frame.size.width)" do @cell.title_label.frame.size.width.should == @padding.frame.size.width end it "should have styled title (textColor)" do @cell.title_label.textColor.should == UIColor.blueColor end it "should have styled details (text)" do @cell.details_label.text.should =~ /^details/ end it "should have styled details (frame.origin.x)" do @cell.details_label.frame.origin.x.should == 0 end it "should have styled details (frame.origin.y)" do @cell.details_label.frame.origin.y.should == CGRectGetMaxY(@cell.title_label.frame) + 5 end it "should have styled details (frame.size.height)" do @cell.details_label.frame.size.height.should == 17 end it "should have styled details (frame.size.width)" do @cell.details_label.frame.size.width.should == @padding.frame.size.width end it "should have styled other (text)" do @cell.other_label.text.should =~ /^other/ end it "should have styled other (frame.origin.x)" do @cell.other_label.frame.origin.x.should == 0 end it "should have styled other (frame.origin.y)" do @cell.other_label.frame.origin.y.should == CGRectGetMaxY(@cell.details_label.frame) + 5 end it "should have styled other (frame.size.height)" do @cell.other_label.frame.size.height.should == 17 end it "should have styled other (frame.size.width)" do @cell.other_label.frame.size.width.should == @padding.frame.size.width end end end