require 'spec_helper' describe Spree::Order, type: :model do let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items) } context "#next!" do context "when current state is confirm" do before do order.state = "confirm"! end context "when payment processing succeeds" do let!(:payment) do create(:payment, state: 'checkout', order: order) end it "should finalize order when transitioning to complete state" do order.complete! expect(order).to be_complete expect(order).to be_completed end context "when credit card processing fails" do let!(:payment) do create(:payment, :failing, state: 'checkout', order: order) end it "should not complete the order" do expect(order.complete).to be false expect(order.state).to eq("confirm") end end end end context "when current state is address" do before do order.ensure_updated_shipments! expect(order.all_adjustments).to be_empty expect(order.state).to eq "address" end it "adjusts tax rates when transitioning to delivery" do expect(Spree::Tax::OrderAdjuster).to receive(:new).once.with(order).and_call_original! end end end context "#can_cancel?" do let(:order) { create(:completed_order_with_totals) } states = [:pending, :backorder, :ready] states.each do |shipment_state| it "should be true if shipment_state is #{shipment_state}" do expect(order).to be_completed order.shipment_state = shipment_state expect(order).to be_can_cancel end end (Spree::Shipment.state_machine.states.keys - states).each do |shipment_state| it "should be false if shipment_state is #{shipment_state}" do expect(order).to be_completed order.shipment_state = shipment_state expect(order).not_to be_can_cancel end end end context "#cancel" do let!(:order) { create(:completed_order_with_totals) } let!(:shipment) { order.shipments.first } it "is setup correctly" do expect(order).to be_completed expect(order).to be_complete expect(order).to be_allow_cancel end it "should send a cancel email" do order.cancel! mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last expect(mail.subject).to include "Cancellation" end context "resets payment state" do let!(:payment) { create(:payment, order: order, amount:, state: "completed") } context "without shipped items" do it "should set payment state to 'void'" do expect { order.cancel! }.to change{ order.reload.payment_state }.to("void") end end context "with shipped items" do before do order.shipments[0].ship! end it "should not alter the payment state" do expect(order).to_not be_allow_cancel expect(order.cancel).to be false expect(order.payment_state).to eql "paid" end end it "should automatically refund all payments" do expect(order).to be_allow_cancel expect { order.cancel! }.to change{ payment.reload.state }.to("void") end end end end