@import "para/lib/compass/support"; @import "para/lib/compass/utilities/general/hacks"; $gradient-support-threshold: $graceful-usage-threshold !default; $svg-gradient-shim-threshold: $graceful-usage-threshold !default; $border-image-support-threshold: $graceful-usage-threshold !default; $owg-threshold: $graceful-usage-threshold !default; // Compass assumes you will use the official gradient syntax, // unless otherwise instructed. $use-legacy-gradient-syntax: false !default; // Create a linear gradient using standard official or legacy syntax. // This function must be included in one of the following // image module mixins to work properly. @function linear-gradient($angle, $details...) { $legacy-syntax: $use-legacy-gradient-syntax; @if type-of($angle) != 'number' { $angle: compact($angle); $legacy-syntax: if(index($angle, 'to'), false, true); } @if $legacy-syntax { @return _linear-gradient_legacy($angle, $details...); } @else { @return _linear-gradient($angle, $details...); } } // These browsers support svg but not gradients // so we can shim the gradient with an inline svg file. $browsers-supporting-svg-but-not-gradients: (ie: "9", opera: "9.5-9.6"); // These browsers require the old webkit gradient syntax $browsers-supporting-old-webkit-gradients: (android: ("2.1", "3")); @mixin each-gradient-prefix($values) { @if prefixed(-svg, $values) { @include for-legacy-browsers($browsers-supporting-svg-but-not-gradients, $svg-gradient-shim-threshold) { @include with-prefix(-svg) { @content; } } } @if prefixed(-owg, $values) { @include for-legacy-browsers($browsers-supporting-old-webkit-gradients, $owg-threshold) { @include with-prefix(-owg) { @content; } } } @include with-each-prefix(css-gradients, $gradient-support-threshold) { @if $current-prefix { @if prefixed($current-prefix, $values) { @content; } @else if $debug-browser-support { /* There is not a value that needs to be prefixed with #{$current-prefix} in: #{$values} */ } } @else { @content; } } } @mixin image-property($property, $values...) { @include each-gradient-prefix($values) { @if $current-prefix { #{$property}: prefix($current-prefix, $values); } @else { #{$property}: $values; } @content; } } // Background property support for vendor prefixing within values. @mixin background($backgrounds...) { @include image-property(background, $backgrounds...); } // Set any number of background layers, along with a fallback. // The final argument will be output separately, first, as a css2 fallback. @mixin background-with-css2-fallback($backgrounds...) { @if length($backgrounds) > 1 or prefixed(-css2, $backgrounds) { background: -css2(nth($backgrounds, -1)); } @include background($backgrounds...); } // Background image property support for vendor prefixing within values. @mixin background-image($images...) { @include image-property(background-image, $images...) { @if $current-prefix == -svg { background-size: 100%; } } } // Emit a IE-Specific filters that renders a simple linear gradient. // For use in IE 6 - 8. Best practice would have you apply this via a // conditional IE stylesheet, but if you must, you should place this before // any background-image properties that you have specified. // // For the `$orientation` parameter, you can pass `vertical` or `horizontal`. @mixin filter-gradient( $start-color, $end-color, $orientation: vertical ) { @include for-legacy-browsers((ie: "8"), $gradient-support-threshold) { @include has-layout; $gradient-type: if($orientation == vertical, 0, 1); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(gradientType=#{$gradient-type}, startColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($start-color)}', endColorstr='#{ie-hex-str($end-color)}'); } } // Border image property support for vendor prefixing properties and values. @mixin border-image($value) { @include with-each-prefix(border-image, $border-image-support-threshold) { $border-prefix: $current-prefix; @include each-gradient-prefix($value) { @if $current-prefix and prefixed($current-prefix, $value) { $legacy-value: reject($value, fill); @include prefix-prop(border-image, prefix($current-prefix, $legacy-value), $prefix: $border-prefix); } @else { @include prefix-prop(border-image, $value, $prefix: $border-prefix); } } } } // List style image property support for vendor prefixing within values. @mixin list-style-image($image) { @include image-property(list-style-image, $image); } // List style property support for vendor prefixing within values. @mixin list-style($value) { @include image-property(list-style, $value); } // content property support for vendor prefixing within values. @mixin content($value) { @include image-property(content, $value); }