# CircleCI is not longer in use by this repository & this file is now for reference only. version: 2 aliases: - &docker-image - image: circleci/ruby:2.7-node-browsers # Print critical data and executables versions. - &print-system-info name: Print system information command: | echo "Linux release: "; cat /etc/issue echo "Current user: "; whoami echo "Current directory: "; pwd echo "Ruby version: "; ruby -v echo "Node version: "; node -v echo "Yarn version: "; yarn --version echo "Bundler version: "; bundle --version - &lint-js name: Linting of JS command: yarn start lint - &lint-ruby name: Linting of Ruby command: bundle exec rubocop - &format name: Check formatting command: yarn start format.listDifferent # Install/update Node modules for renderer package unless existing set of modules is satisfying Yarn. - &install-package-node-modules name: Install Node modules with Yarn for renderer package command: | sudo yarn global add yalc yarn install --no-progress --no-emoji yarn run eslint -v # Install/update Node modules for dummy app unless existing set of modules is satisfying Yarn. - &install-dummy-app-node-modules name: Install Node modules with Yarn for dummy app command: cd spec/dummy && yarn install --no-progress --no-emoji # Setup yarn links for react-on-rails - &install-yalc-publish name: yalc publish for react-on-rails command: yalc publish - &install-yalc-add-react-on-rails name: yalc add react-on-rails command: cd spec/dummy && yalc add react-on-rails # Install ruby gems unless existing set of gems is satisfying bundler. - &install-dummy-app-ruby-gems name: Install Ruby Gems for dummy app command: | gem install bundler:2.4.17 echo "Bundler version: "; bundle --version cd spec/dummy && bundle lock --add-platform 'x86_64-linux' && bundle check --path=vendor/bundle || bundle install --path=vendor/bundle --jobs=4 --retry=3 # Install ruby gems unless existing set of gems is satisfying bundler. - &install-package-ruby-gems name: Install Ruby Gems for package command: | gem install bundler:2.4.17 echo "Bundler version: "; bundle --version bundle lock --add-platform 'x86_64-linux' bundle check --path=vendor/bundle || bundle install --path=vendor/bundle --jobs=4 --retry=3 # Restore node_modules dir from cache using yarn.lock checksum as a key. - &restore-package-node-modules-cache name: Restore cached node_modules directory keys: - v5-package-node-modules-cache-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} # Restore spec/dummy/node_modules dir from cache using yarn.lock checksum as a key. - &restore-dummy-app-node-modules-cache name: Restore cached spec/dummy/node_modules directory keys: - v5-dummy-app-node-modules-cache-{{ checksum "spec/dummy/yarn.lock" }} # Restore vendor/bundle dir from cache using Gemfile.lock checksum as a key. - &restore-dummy-app-gem-cache name: Restore cached Ruby Gems for dummy app keys: - v5-dummy-app-gem-cache-{{ checksum "spec/dummy/Gemfile.lock" }} # Restore vendor/bundle dir from cache using react_on_rails.gemspec checksum as a key. - &restore-package-gem-cache name: Restore cached Ruby Gems for package keys: - v5-package-app-gem-cache-{{ checksum "react_on_rails.gemspec" }} # NOTE: Sometimes CI generated docker images are not updated in time to keep up with the minimum required # by chromedriver versions of Chrome. Just bump here Chrome version if chromedriver raises errors - &install-latest-chrome name: Ensure minimum required Chrome version command: | echo -e "Installed $(google-chrome --version)\n" MINIMUM_REQUIRED_CHROME_VERSION=75 INSTALLED_CHROME_MAJOR_VERSION="$(google-chrome --version | tr ' .' '\t' | cut -f3)" if [[ $INSTALLED_CHROME_MAJOR_VERSION < $MINIMUM_REQUIRED_CHROME_VERSION ]]; then wget -q -O - https://dl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add - sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list' sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable echo -e "\nInstalled $(google-chrome --version)" fi jobs: # Lint all lint-js-and-ruby: docker: *docker-image steps: - checkout - run: *print-system-info - restore_cache: *restore-package-node-modules-cache - restore_cache: *restore-package-gem-cache - run: *install-package-ruby-gems - run: *lint-ruby - run: *lint-js - run: *format prettier: docker: *docker-image parallelism: 1 steps: - checkout - restore_cache: *restore-package-node-modules-cache - run: name: prettier command: yarn start format.listDifferent # Install Node modules for Renderer package with Yarn and save them to chache. install-package-node-packages: docker: *docker-image steps: - checkout - run: *print-system-info - restore_cache: *restore-package-node-modules-cache - run: *install-package-node-modules - save_cache: name: Save root node_modules to cache key: v5-package-node-modules-cache-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }} paths: - node_modules # Install Node modules for dummy app with Yarn and save them to cache. install-dummy-app-node-packages: docker: *docker-image steps: - checkout - run: *print-system-info - restore_cache: *restore-dummy-app-node-modules-cache - run: *install-package-node-modules - run: *install-yalc-publish - run: *install-yalc-add-react-on-rails - run: *install-dummy-app-node-modules - save_cache: name: Save spec/dummy/node_modules to cache key: v5-dummy-app-node-modules-cache-{{ checksum "spec/dummy/yarn.lock" }} paths: - spec/dummy/node_modules - spec/dummy/node_modules # Install Ruby gems for package with Bundler and save them to cache. install-package-ruby-gems: docker: *docker-image steps: - checkout - run: *print-system-info - restore_cache: *restore-package-gem-cache - run: *install-package-ruby-gems - save_cache: name: Save dummy app ruby gems to cache key: v5-package-app-gem-cache-{{ checksum "react_on_rails.gemspec" }} paths: - vendor/bundle # Install Ruby gems for dummy app with Bundler and save them to cache. install-dummy-app-ruby-gems: docker: *docker-image steps: - checkout - run: *print-system-info - restore_cache: *restore-dummy-app-gem-cache - run: *install-dummy-app-ruby-gems - save_cache: name: Save dummy app ruby gems to cache key: v5-dummy-app-gem-cache-{{ checksum "spec/dummy/Gemfile.lock" }} paths: - spec/dummy/vendor/bundle # Build client and server bundles for dummy app with Webpack and save them to cache. # NOTE: keeping around this cache in case we have multiple rspec suites in the future to tests # different node renderers. build-dummy-app-webpack-test-bundles: docker: *docker-image steps: - checkout - run: *print-system-info - run: *install-package-node-modules - run: *install-yalc-publish - restore_cache: *restore-dummy-app-node-modules-cache - run: *install-yalc-add-react-on-rails - run: *install-dummy-app-node-modules - run: *install-dummy-app-ruby-gems - run: name: generate file system-based packs command: cd spec/dummy && bundle exec rake react_on_rails:generate_packs - run: name: Build test bundles for dummy app command: cd spec/dummy && yarn run build:test - save_cache: name: Save test webpack bundles to cache (for build number checksum used by rspec job) key: v5-dummy-app-webpack-bundle-{{ .Revision }} paths: - spec/dummy/public/webpack # Run JS unit tests for Renderer package. package-js-tests: docker: *docker-image steps: - checkout - run: *print-system-info - restore_cache: *restore-package-node-modules-cache - run: *install-package-node-modules - run: name: Run JS unit tests for Renderer package command: yarn test rspec-package-specs: docker: *docker-image steps: - checkout - run: *print-system-info - restore_cache: *restore-package-gem-cache - run: *install-package-ruby-gems - run: name: Run rspec tests command: | bundle exec rspec spec/react_on_rails - store_test_results: path: ~/rspec - store_artifacts: path: log/test.log main: docker: *docker-image steps: - checkout - run: *print-system-info - restore_cache: *restore-package-gem-cache - restore_cache: *restore-dummy-app-gem-cache - restore_cache: name: Restore cached webpack bundles for dummy app key: v5-dummy-app-webpack-bundle-{{ .Revision }} - restore_cache: *restore-dummy-app-node-modules-cache - restore_cache: *restore-package-node-modules-cache - run: *install-package-node-modules - run: *install-yalc-publish - run: *install-yalc-add-react-on-rails - run: *install-package-ruby-gems - run: *install-dummy-app-ruby-gems - run: *install-latest-chrome - run: name: Touch webpack bundles command: touch spec/dummy/public/webpack/test/* - run: name: Install yalc globally command: sudo yarn global add yalc - run: name: Prep for CI # TODO -- need to leverage Circle CI containers command: | bundle exec rake prepare_for_ci - run: name: Main CI # TODO -- need to leverage Circle CI containers command: | bundle exec rake run_rspec:all_dummy # The following step will run only if the main job is finished successfully. # Build hook is triggered by curl command described here https://docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/build-hooks/ # NETLIFY_HOOK is an environment variable on CircleCI to keep sensitive data outside the repo - run: name: Deploy SC website command: | if [ $CIRCLE_BRANCH = "master" ]; then curl -X POST -d '{}' ${NETLIFY_HOOK} fi when: on_success - store_test_results: path: ~/rspec - store_artifacts: path: spec/dummy/tmp/capybara - store_artifacts: path: spec/dummy/tmp/screenshots - store_artifacts: path: spec/dummy/log/test.log - store_artifacts: path: spec/dummy/yarn-error.log workflows: version: 2 build-and-test: jobs: - install-package-node-packages - install-package-ruby-gems - install-dummy-app-node-packages - install-dummy-app-ruby-gems - lint-js-and-ruby: requires: - install-package-node-packages - install-package-ruby-gems - prettier: filters: branches: ignore: master requires: - install-package-node-packages - build-dummy-app-webpack-test-bundles: requires: - install-dummy-app-node-packages - install-dummy-app-ruby-gems - package-js-tests: requires: - install-package-node-packages - rspec-package-specs: requires: - install-package-ruby-gems - build-dummy-app-webpack-test-bundles - install-dummy-app-ruby-gems - main: requires: - install-package-ruby-gems - install-dummy-app-ruby-gems - install-package-node-packages - build-dummy-app-webpack-test-bundles