require 'fastercsv' module ICU class Tournament =begin rdoc == Foreign CSV This is a format ({specification}[]) used by the ICU[] for players to submit their individual results in foreign tournaments for domestic rating. Suppose, for example, that the following data is the file <em>tournament.csv</em>: Event,"Isle of Man Masters, 2007" Start,2007-09-22 Rounds,9 Website, Player,456,Fox,Anthony 1,0,B,Taylor,Peter P.,2209,,ENG 2,=,W,Nadav,Egozi,2205,,ISR 3,=,B,Cafolla,Peter,2048,,IRL 4,1,W,Spanton,Tim R.,1982,,ENG 5,1,B,Grant,Alan,2223,,SCO 6,0,- 7,=,W,Walton,Alan J.,2223,,ENG 8,0,B,Bannink,Bernard,2271,FM,NED 9,=,W,Phillips,Roy,2271,,MAU Total,4 This file can be parsed as follows. data = open('tournament.csv') { |f| } parser = tournament = parser.parse(data) If the file is correctly specified, the return value from the <em>parse</em> method is an instance of ICU::Tournament (rather than <em>nil</em>, which indicates an error). In this example the file is valid, so: # => "Isle of Man Masters, 2007" tournament.start # => "2007-09-22" tournament.rounds # => 9 # => "" The main player (the player whose results are being reported for rating) played 9 rounds but only 8 other players (he had a bye in round 6), so the total number of players is 9. tournament.players.size # => 9 Each player has a unique number for the tournament. The main player always occurs first in this type of file, so his number is 1. player = tournament.player(1) # => "Fox, Anthony" This player has 4 points from 9 rounds but only 8 of his results are are rateable (because of the bye). player.points # => 4.0 player.results.size # => 9 player.results.find_all{ |r| r.rateable }.size # => 8 The other players all have numbers greater than 1. opponents = tournamnet.players.reject { |o| o.num == 1 } There are 8 opponents (of the main player) each with exactly one game. opponents.size # => 8 opponents.find_all{ |o| o.results.size == 1 }.size # => 8 However, none of the opponents' results are rateable because they are foreign to the domestic rating list to which the main player belongs. For example: opponent = tournament.players(2) # => "Taylor, Peter P." opponent.results[0].rateable # => false A tournament can be serialized back to CSV format (the reverse of parsing) with the _serialize_ method. csv = parser.serialize(tournament) =end class ForeignCSV attr_reader :error # Parse CSV data returning a Tournament on success or a nil on failure. # In the case of failure, an error message can be retrived via the <em>error</em> method. def parse(csv) begin parse!(csv) rescue => ex @error = ex.message nil end end # Parse CSV data returning a Tournament on success or raising an exception on error. def parse!(csv) @state, @line, @round, @sum, @error = 0, 0, nil, nil, nil @tournament ='Dummy', '2000-01-01') FasterCSV.parse(csv, :row_sep => :auto) do |r| @line += 1 # increment line number next if r.size == 0 # skip empty lines r ={|c| c.nil? ? '' : c.strip} # trim all spaces, turn nils to blanks next if r[0] == '' # skip blanks in column 1 @r = r # remember this record for later begin case @state when 0 then event when 1 then start when 2 then rounds when 3 then website when 4 then player when 5 then result when 6 then total else raise "internal error - state #{@state} does not exist" end rescue => err raise err.class, "line #{@line}: #{err.message}", err.backtrace unless err.message.match(/^line [1-9]/) raise end end unless @state == 4 exp = case @state when 0 then "the event name" when 1 then "the start date" when 2 then "the number of rounds" when 3 then "the website address" when 5 then "a result for round #{@round+1}" when 6 then "a total score" end raise "line #{@line}: premature termination - expected #{exp}" end raise "line #{@line}: no players found in file" if @tournament.players.size == 0 @tournament.validate! @tournament end # Serialise a tournament back into CSV format. def serialize(t) return nil unless t.class == ICU::Tournament; FasterCSV.generate do |csv| csv << ["Event",] csv << ["Start", t.start] csv << ["Rounds", t.rounds] csv << ["Website",] t.players.each do |p| next unless csv << [] csv << ["Player",, p.last_name, p.first_name] (1..t.rounds).each do |n| data = [] data << n r = p.find_result(n) data << case r.score; when 'W' then '1'; when 'L' then '0'; else '='; end if r.rateable data << r.colour o = t.player(r.opponent) data << o.last_name data << o.first_name data << o.rating data << o.title data << o.fed else data << '-' end csv << data end csv << ["Total", p.points] end end end private def event abort "the 'Event' keyword", 0 unless @r[0].match(/^(Event|Tournament)$/i) abort "the event name", 1 unless @r.size > 1 && @r[1] != '' = @r[1] @state = 1 end def start abort "the 'Start' keyword", 0 unless @r[0].match(/^(Start(\s+Date)?|Date)$/i) abort "the start date", 1 unless @r.size > 1 && @r[1] != '' @tournament.start = @r[1] @state = 2 end def rounds abort "the 'Rounds' keyword", 0 unless @r[0].match(/(Number of )?Rounds$/) abort "the number of rounds", 1 unless @r.size > 1 && @r[1].match(/^[1-9]\d*/) @tournament.rounds = @r[1] @state = 3 end def website abort "the 'Website' keyword", 0 unless @r[0].match(/^(Web(\s?site)?|Site)$/i) abort "the event website", 1 unless @r.size > 1 && @r[1] != '' = @r[1] @state = 4 end def player abort "the 'Player' keyword", 0 unless @r[0].match(/^Player$/i) abort "a player's ICU number", 1 unless @r.size > 1 && @r[1].match(/^[1-9]/i) abort "a player's last name", 2 unless @r.size > 2 && @r[2].match(/[a-z]/i) abort "a player's first name", 3 unless @r.size > 3 && @r[3].match(/[a-z]/i) @player =[3], @r[2], @tournament.players.size + 1, :id => @r[1]) old_player = @tournament.find_player(@player) if old_player raise "two players with the same name (#{}) have conflicting details" unless old_player.eql?(@player) raise "same player (#{}) has more than one set of results" if old_player.merge(@player) @player = old_player else @tournament.add_player(@player) end @round = 0 @state = 5 end def result @round+= 1 abort "round number #{round}", 0 unless @r[0].to_i == @round abort "a colour (W/B) or dash (for a bye)", 2 unless @r.size > 2 && @r[2].match(/^(W|B|-)/i) result =, @player.num, @r[1]) if @r[2] == '-' @tournament.add_result(result) else result.colour = @r[2] opponent =[4], @r[3], @tournament.players.size + 1, :rating => @r[5], :title => @r[6], :fed => @r[7]) raise "opponent must have a rating and federation" unless opponent.rating && opponent.fed old_player = @tournament.find_player(opponent) if old_player raise "two players with the same name (#{}) have conflicting details" unless old_player.eql?(opponent) result.opponent = old_player.num if old_player.merge(opponent) old_result = @player.find_result(@round) raise "missing result for player (#{}) in round #{@round}" unless old_result raise "mismatched results for player (#{}) in round #{@round}" unless result == old_result old_result.rateable = true else old_result = old_player.find_result(@round) raise "a player (#{}) has more than one game in the same round (#{@round})" if old_result @tournament.add_result(result, false) end else @tournament.add_player(opponent) result.opponent = opponent.num @tournament.add_result(result, false) end end @state = 6 if @round == @tournament.rounds end def total points = @player.points abort "the 'Total' keyword", 0 unless @r[0].match(/^Total$/i) abort "the player's (#{@player.object_id}, #{@player.results.size}) total points to be #{points}", 1 unless @r[1].to_f == points @state = 4 end def abort(expected, cell) got = @r[cell] error = "line #{@line}" error << ", cell #{cell+1}" error << ": expected #{expected}" error << " but got #{got == '' ? 'a blank cell' : "'#{got}'"}" raise error end end end end