en: classes: cmor/contact/engine: Contact activerecord: models: cmor/contact/contact_request: one: Contact Request other: Contact Requests attributes: cmor/contact/contact_request: id: ID accept_terms_of_service: 'Terms' name: Name email: E-Mail phone: Phone ip_address: IP Address message: Message notified_at: Notified at created_at: Created at updated_at: Updated at additional_actions: Additional Actions cmor: contact: contact_requests: new: title: "Contact Request" contact_request_mailer: notify: subject: "[%{application_name}] New contact request" title: "New contact request" flash: cmor: contact: contact_requests: create: notice: "Your contact request has been delivered." helpers: submit: contact_request: create: Submit routes: cmor_contact_engine: contact contact_requests: request simple_form: labels: contact_request: accept_terms_of_service: 'I hereby allow the site owner to use my personal data for the purpose of answering this request.' placeholders: contact_request: name: "John Doe" email: "john.doe@example.com" message: "Hi Dave..." phone: "+1-541-754-3010"