.block#block-tables .content %h2.title= "Role #{h @role.name}" .inner = partial("navigation", :active => "show") .content .inner .left %h3 Description = @role.description .left %h3 Run List %table.table %tr %th.first Position %th Name %th.last Type - if @role.run_list.empty? %tr %td{:colspan => 2} This role does not include any roles or recipes. - else -@role.run_list.each_with_index do |run_list_item, i| %tr %td.position= i %td= run_list_item.name %td= run_list_item.type .left.accordion %h3.head= link_to("Recipes", "#") - full_recipe_list, default_attrs, override_attrs = @role.run_list.expand() %div %span.description.form.help This is the list of recipes, fully expanded, as they will be applied to the node in question. %table#recipes.table %tr %th.first Position %th.last Name - if @role.run_list.empty? %tr %td{:colspan => 2} This node has no recipes applied. - else - full_recipe_list.each_index do |i| %tr %td.position= i %td= full_recipe_list[i] .left %h3 Default Attributes = build_tree('defattrs', @role.default_attributes) .left %h3 Override Attributes = build_tree('overattrs', @role.override_attributes)