#for the case of testing, just run this file adding in the end a call to rules with the parameters you want if defined?(respond) @testing = false else @testing = true @questions = Hash.new() def respond(message, id_user) puts message end #context: previous message #to: user that should answer def ask(question, context, to, id_user) puts "Bot: #{question}" @questions[to] = context end end # from: Full name of the person sending the message # command: command to run # processed: in case the command has been already processed on Bot class, by default false # help: # help: *These are specific commands for this bot on this Channel.* # help: They will be accessible only when the bot is listening to you just writing the command # help: or the bot is not listening to you but requested on demand, for example: # help: `!THE_COMMAND` # help: `@bot THE_COMMAND` # help: `@NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND` # help: `NAME_OF_BOT THE_COMMAND` # help: def rules(from, command, processed, id_user) if @testing puts "#{from}: #{command}" if @questions.keys.include?(from) context = @questions[from] @questions[from] = command command = context end end firstname = from.split(" ").first case command # help: `echo SOMETHING` # help: repeats SOMETHING # help: when /^echo\s(.+)/i respond $1, id_user # help: `go to sleep` # help: it will sleep the bot for 10 seconds # help: when /^go\sto\ssleep/i unless @questions.keys.include?(from) ask("do you want me to take a siesta?", command, from, id_user) else case @questions[from] when /yes/i, /yep/i, /sure/i respond "zZzzzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzz!", id_user respond "I'll be sleeping for 10 secs... just for you", id_user sleep 10 when /no/i, /nope/i, /cancel/i @questions.delete(from) respond "Thanks, I'm happy to be awake", id_user else respond "I don't understand", id_user ask("are you sure do you want me to sleep? (yes or no)", "go to sleep", from, id_user) end end else unless processed resp = %w{ what huh sorry }.sample respond "#{firstname}: #{resp}?", id_user end end end #for the case of testing just running this file, write the dialogue in here: if @testing rules "Peter Johson", "go to sleep, you look tired", false rules "Peter Johson", "yes", false end