# frozen_string_literal: true require 'declare_schema/extensions/module' module DeclareSchema module Model class << self def mix_in(base) base.singleton_class.prepend ClassMethods unless base.singleton_class < ClassMethods # don't mix in if a base class already did it base.class_eval do # ignore the model in the migration until somebody sets # @include_in_migration via the fields declaration inheriting_cattr_reader include_in_migration: false # attr_types holds the type class for any attribute reader (i.e. getter # method) that returns rich-types inheriting_cattr_reader attr_types: HashWithIndifferentAccess.new inheriting_cattr_reader attr_order: [] # field_specs holds FieldSpec objects for every declared # field. Note that attribute readers are created (by ActiveRecord) # for all fields, so there is also an entry for the field in # attr_types. This is redundant but simplifies the implementation # and speeds things up a little. inheriting_cattr_reader field_specs: HashWithIndifferentAccess.new # index_definitions holds IndexDefinition objects for all the declared indexes. inheriting_cattr_reader index_definitions: [] inheriting_cattr_reader ignore_indexes: [] inheriting_cattr_reader constraint_specs: [] # table_options holds optional configuration for the create_table statement # supported options include :charset and :collation inheriting_cattr_reader table_options: HashWithIndifferentAccess.new # eval avoids the ruby 1.9.2 "super from singleton method ..." error eval %( def self.inherited(klass) unless klass.field_specs.has_key?(inheritance_column) fields do |f| f.field(inheritance_column, :string, limit: 255, null: true) end index(inheritance_column) end super end ) end end end module ClassMethods def index(fields, options = {}) # don't double-index fields index_fields_s = Array.wrap(fields).map(&:to_s) unless index_definitions.any? { |index_spec| index_spec.fields == index_fields_s } index_definitions << ::DeclareSchema::Model::IndexDefinition.new(self, fields, options) end end def primary_key_index(*fields) index(fields.flatten, unique: true, name: ::DeclareSchema::Model::IndexDefinition::PRIMARY_KEY_NAME) end def constraint(fkey, options = {}) fkey_s = fkey.to_s unless constraint_specs.any? { |constraint_spec| constraint_spec.foreign_key == fkey_s } constraint_specs << DeclareSchema::Model::ForeignKeyDefinition.new(self, fkey, options) end end # tell the migration generator to ignore the named index. Useful for existing indexes, or for indexes # that can't be automatically generated (for example: an prefix index in MySQL) def ignore_index(index_name) ignore_indexes << index_name.to_s end # Declare named field with a type and an arbitrary set of # arguments. The arguments are forwarded to the #field_added # callback, allowing custom metadata to be added to field # declarations. def declare_field(name, type, *args) options = args.extract_options! try(:field_added, name, type, args, options) add_serialize_for_field(name, type, options) add_formatting_for_field(name, type) add_validations_for_field(name, type, args, options) add_index_for_field(name, args, options) field_specs[name] = ::DeclareSchema::Model::FieldSpec.new(self, name, type, position: field_specs.size, **options) attr_order << name unless attr_order.include?(name) end def index_definitions_with_primary_key if index_definitions.any?(&:primary_key?) index_definitions else index_definitions + [rails_default_primary_key] end end def primary_key super || 'id' end private def rails_default_primary_key ::DeclareSchema::Model::IndexDefinition.new(self, [primary_key.to_sym], unique: true, name: DeclareSchema::Model::IndexDefinition::PRIMARY_KEY_NAME) end # Extend belongs_to so that it creates a FieldSpec for the foreign key def belongs_to(name, scope = nil, **options) column_options = {} column_options[:null] = if options.has_key?(:null) options.delete(:null) elsif options.has_key?(:optional) options[:optional] # infer :null from :optional end || false column_options[:default] = options.delete(:default) if options.has_key?(:default) column_options[:limit] = options.delete(:limit) if options.has_key?(:limit) index_options = {} index_options[:name] = options.delete(:index) if options.has_key?(:index) index_options[:unique] = options.delete(:unique) if options.has_key?(:unique) index_options[:allow_equivalent] = options.delete(:allow_equivalent) if options.has_key?(:allow_equivalent) fk_options = options.dup fk_options[:constraint_name] = options.delete(:constraint) if options.has_key?(:constraint) fk_options[:index_name] = index_options[:name] fk = options[:foreign_key]&.to_s || "#{name}_id" if !options.has_key?(:optional) options[:optional] = column_options[:null] # infer :optional from :null end fk_options[:dependent] = options.delete(:far_end_dependent) if options.has_key?(:far_end_dependent) if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 super else super(name, scope, options.except(:optional)) end refl = reflections[name.to_s] or raise "Couldn't find reflection #{name} in #{reflections.keys}" fkey = refl.foreign_key or raise "Couldn't find foreign_key for #{name} in #{refl.inspect}" declare_field(fkey.to_sym, :integer, column_options) if refl.options[:polymorphic] foreign_type = options[:foreign_type] || "#{name}_type" declare_polymorphic_type_field(foreign_type, column_options) index([foreign_type, fkey], index_options) if index_options[:name] != false else index(fkey, index_options) if index_options[:name] != false constraint(fkey, fk_options) if fk_options[:constraint_name] != false end end # Declares the "foo_type" field that accompanies the "foo_id" # field for a polymorphic belongs_to def declare_polymorphic_type_field(foreign_type, column_options) declare_field(foreign_type, :string, column_options.merge(limit: 255)) # FIXME: Before declare_schema was extracted, this used to now do: # never_show(type_col) # That needs doing somewhere end # Declare a rich-type for any attribute (i.e. getter method). This # does not effect the attribute in any way - it just records the # metadata. def declare_attr_type(name, type, options = {}) attr_types[name] = klass = DeclareSchema.to_class(type) klass.try(:declared, self, name, options) end # Add field validations according to arguments in the # field declaration def add_validations_for_field(name, type, args, options) validates_presence_of name if :required.in?(args) validates_uniqueness_of name, allow_nil: !:required.in?(args) if :unique.in?(args) if (validates_options = options[:validates]) validates name, validates_options end # Support for custom validations if (type_class = DeclareSchema.to_class(type)) if type_class.public_method_defined?("validate") validate do |record| v = record.send(name)&.validate record.errors.add(name, v) if v.is_a?(String) end end end end def add_serialize_for_field(name, type, options) if (serialize_class = options.delete(:serialize)) type == :string || type == :text or raise ArgumentError, "serialize field type must be :string or :text" serialize_args = Array((serialize_class unless serialize_class == true)) serialize(name, *serialize_args) if options.has_key?(:default) options[:default] = serialized_default(name, serialize_class == true ? Object : serialize_class, options[:default]) end end end def serialized_default(attr_name, class_name_or_coder, default) # copied from https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/7d6cb950e7c0e31c2faaed08c81743439156c9f5/activerecord/lib/active_record/attribute_methods/serialization.rb#L70-L76 coder = if class_name_or_coder == ::JSON ActiveRecord::Coders::JSON elsif [:load, :dump].all? { |x| class_name_or_coder.respond_to?(x) } class_name_or_coder elsif Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 ActiveRecord::Coders::YAMLColumn.new(attr_name, class_name_or_coder) else ActiveRecord::Coders::YAMLColumn.new(class_name_or_coder) end if default == coder.load(nil) nil # handle Array default: [] or Hash default: {} else coder.dump(default) end end def add_formatting_for_field(name, type) if (type_class = DeclareSchema.to_class(type)) if "format".in?(type_class.instance_methods) before_validation do |record| record.send("#{name}=", record.send(name)&.format) end end end end def add_index_for_field(name, args, options) if (to_name = options.delete(:index)) index_opts = { unique: args.include?(:unique) || options.delete(:unique) } # support index: true declaration index_opts[:name] = to_name unless to_name == true index(name, index_opts) end end # Returns the type (a class) for a given field or association. If # the association is a collection (has_many or habtm) return the # AssociationReflection instead public \ def attr_type(name) if attr_types.nil? && self != self.name.constantize raise "attr_types called on a stale class object (#{self.name}). Avoid storing persistent references to classes" end attr_types[name] || if (refl = reflections[name.to_s]) if refl.macro.in?([:has_one, :belongs_to]) && !refl.options[:polymorphic] refl.klass else refl end end || if (col = column(name.to_s)) DeclareSchema::PLAIN_TYPES[col.type] || col.klass end end # Return the entry from #columns for the named column def column(name) defined?(@table_exists) or @table_exists = table_exists? if @table_exists columns_hash[name.to_s] end end end end end