//= require jcrop/js/jquery.Jcrop //= require admin/media/plugin //= require admin/media/picker //= require_self spud.admin.media = new function(){ var self = this; var cropimage; var cropcontainer; var croptarget; var cropscale; var maxcropscale; var cropscaleincrement; var originalWidth; var originalHeight; var cropartbox; var jcrop; this.edit = function(){ cropimage = $('#spud_media_cropper_image'); self.initializeEditor(); }; this.initializeEditor = function(){ // cache some selectors cropcontainer = $('#spud_media_cropper_jcrop_container'); cropartbox = $('#spud_media_cropper'); // get the original dimensions before scaling the image down originalWidth = cropimage.width(); originalHeight = cropimage.height(); // the max width is 900px (at least until the UI can handle more than that) if(originalWidth > 900){ maxcropscale = Math.floor(900 / originalWidth * 100); } else{ maxcropscale = 100; } cropscaleincrement = Math.ceil(3.0 * (maxcropscale / 100)); // scale down the original if necessary cropscale = parseInt($('#spud_media_crop_s').val(), 10); if(cropscale > maxcropscale){ $('#spud_media_crop_s').val(maxcropscale); cropscale = maxcropscale; } // if this is a new image, width and hight will be null. set some starter values. if(!$('#spud_media_crop_w').val()){ $('#spud_media_crop_w').val(originalWidth * (maxcropscale / 100)); $('#spud_media_crop_h').val(originalHeight * (maxcropscale / 100)); } // update height of artbox to match height of scaled image cropartbox.height(originalHeight * (maxcropscale / 100)); self.resizeAndCenter(cropscale); $('body').on('change', '#spud_media_crop_s', self.changedMediaCropScale); $('body').on('click', '#spud_media_cropper_resize_up, #spud_media_cropper_resize_down', self.incrementMediaCropScale); $('body').on('change', '#spud_media_crop_x, #spud_media_crop_y, #spud_media_crop_w, #spud_media_crop_h', self.changedMediaCropDimensions); $('body').on('keypress', 'form input[type=text]', self.preventSubmitOnEnterKey); }; this.resizeAndCenter = function(percent){ // destroy the jcrop object if it exists already if(jcrop){ jcrop.destroy(); } // initialize jcrop. snap to pre-existing selection if one exists. var _width = Math.min(900, (originalWidth * (percent / 100))); var _height = originalHeight * (_width / originalWidth); cropimage.Jcrop({ boxWidth:_width, boxHeight:_height, onChange:self.updateCropCoordinates, onSelect:self.updateCropCoordinates, setSelect:self.getSelectFields() }, function(){ jcrop = this; } ); // using the outer container, center the jcrop object in the artboard var _left = (900 - _width) / 2; var _top = (cropartbox.height() - _height) / 6; cropcontainer.css({ left:_left, top:_top }); }; this.updateCropCoordinates = function(c){ $('#spud_media_crop_x').val(Math.floor(c.x * (cropscale / 100))); $('#spud_media_crop_y').val(Math.floor(c.y * (cropscale / 100))); $('#spud_media_crop_w').val(Math.floor(c.w * (cropscale / 100))); $('#spud_media_crop_h').val(Math.floor(c.h * (cropscale / 100))); }; this.changedMediaCropScale = function(e){ var val = $(this).val(); var percent = parseInt(val, 10); if(!percent || percent > maxcropscale){ $(this).val(maxcropscale); } else{ $(this).val(percent); cropscale = percent; self.resizeAndCenter(percent); } }; this.incrementMediaCropScale = function(e){ var id = $(this).attr('id'); if(id == 'spud_media_cropper_resize_up'){ cropscale = Math.min(maxcropscale, cropscale+cropscaleincrement); } else{ cropscale = Math.max(0, cropscale-cropscaleincrement); } $('#spud_media_crop_s').val(cropscale); self.resizeAndCenter(cropscale); return false; }; this.changedMediaCropDimensions = function(e){ var selection = self.getSelectFields(); if(selection){ jcrop.setSelect(selection); } }; this.getSelectFields = function(){ var x = parseInt($('#spud_media_crop_x').val(), 10); var y = parseInt($('#spud_media_crop_y').val(), 10); var w = parseInt($('#spud_media_crop_w').val(), 10); var h = parseInt($('#spud_media_crop_h').val(), 10); var x2 = x + w; var y2 = y + h; if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(w) || isNaN(x2) || isNaN(y2)){ return false; } else{ return [x * (100 / cropscale), y * (100 / cropscale), x2 * (100 / cropscale), y2 * (100 / cropscale)]; } }; this.preventSubmitOnEnterKey = function(e){ if(e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); // need to prevent the form submit, but still fire the value change events if($(this).attr('id') == 'spud_media_crop_s'){ self.changedMediaCropScale.apply(this, [e]); } else{ self.changedMediaCropDimensions(e); } return false; } }; /* parseIntOrDefault * @params * val {required} = value to be parsed * defVal {required} = default return value if parsing fails * radix {optional} = base */ this.parseIntOrDefault = function(params) { var radix = params.radix || 10; var val = params.val; var result = parseInt(val, radix); if(isNaN(result)) { result = 0; if(params.hasOwnProperty('defVal')) { result = params.defVal; } } return result; }; };