if defined?(ActionController::Renderers) && ActionController::Renderers.respond_to?(:add) ActionController::Renderers.add :csv do |obj, options| filename = options[:filename] || 'data' send_data obj.to_comma, :type => Mime::CSV, :disposition => "attachment; filename=#{filename}.csv" end else module RenderAsCSV def self.included(base) base.alias_method_chain :render, :csv end def render_with_csv(options = nil, extra_options = {}, &block) return render_without_csv(options, extra_options, &block) unless options.is_a?(Hash) and options[:csv].present? content = options.delete(:csv) style = options.delete(:style) || :default filename = options.delete(:filename) headers.merge!( 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary', 'Content-Type' => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8' ) filename_header_value = "attachment" filename_header_value += "; filename=\"#{filename}\"" if filename.present? headers.merge!('Content-Disposition' => filename_header_value) @performed_render = false render_stream :status => 200, :content => Array(content), :style => style end protected def render_stream(options) status = options[:status] content = options[:content] style = options[:style] # If Rails 2.x if defined? Rails and (Rails.version.split('.').map(&:to_i) <=> [2,3,5]) < 0 render :status => status, :text => Proc.new { |response, output| output.write FasterCSV.generate_line(content.first.to_comma_headers(style)) content.each { |line| output.write FasterCSV.generate_line(line.to_comma(style)) } } else # If Rails 3.x self.status = status self.response_body = proc { |response, output| output.write FasterCSV.generate_line(content.first.to_comma_headers(style)) content.each { |line| output.write FasterCSV.generate_line(line.to_comma(style)) } } end end end #credit : http://ramblingsonrails.com/download-a-large-amount-of-data-in-csv-from-rails end